Sunday, October 23, 2016

Wiinning the Culture War Progressively

LIBERALISM IS WINNING the culture war, like we knew it would. Gay marriage is legal, transgenders are out of the closet, we will soon have a woman president, political correctness is in, church attendance is down. Hence the anger of white male America, no longer a majority. Nearly half of all millennials are non white, and forty percent are non religious. Most importantly, the millennials are overwhelmingly liberal, and there are seventy five million of them, more than any other age group. As they age, they will make America more liberal, not more conservative. Liberalism wins, because progress and change grudgingly win out over tradition. Tradition by definition is backward looking, resistant to change. But change is always necessary. Not all traditions are good. Slavery, racism, racial segregation, violence, war, all are traditional, all are harmful evil. Progress requires eliminating harmful traditions. Traditionally, the Christian church condemns homosexuality. Homosexuals are gaining strength, the christian church is shrinking, in Europe and America. This is a manifestation of liberalism winning the culture war, by gradually eliminating an evil tradition such as the condemnation of homosexuality. The American right wing Jesus guns and money ultra conservative crowd is very angry about all this change, all this liberal progress in America, and art striking back viciously in one final death rattle of anger and agony. Hence, Trump. Meanwhile, the inexorable tide of liberal progress washes away evil, outdated conservative values, traditions, and institutions. No, we the American people are most certainly not going to elect as our president someone who wants to make America the way it used to be and who believes that climate change is a hoax. Instead, we are going to elect a forward looking progressive who vows to fight and defeat climate change, and to make America better. someone who believes that America is great, because America is good....I'm Hillary Clinton and I approve this commercial lol, just kidding

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