Friday, October 14, 2016

Conservative Christians, Reconsidering

UNTIL QUITE RECENTLY, African-Americans were not allowed to try on shoes in a store. That arrangement was quite all right with the conservatives of the day. More enlightened now, we have changed, and although yesterday's conservatism has vanished like the illusion that it was, conservative resistance to progress has taken on new and ever more bizarre forms. Danger lurks. A man who brags on camera about being a sex offender is running for president of the U.S., and getting a frightening amount of support among conservatives. In the throes of his self destruction and defeat, he is lashing out wildly and insanely, attacking everything in sight, and leading his followers to do likewise. If we're not careful, American culture is going to produce a rash of manically angry gun slinging conservatives, prowling the streets, looking for liberals. The anger and aggression of America's conservatives community is palpable, and dangerous. All good Americans should try to persuade their ultra right wing family members to join a yoga meditation group, fast. In america's devout Christian churches, where right wingers often gather, ministers across the land would be of great service to America by preaching the love and peace of Jesus, and our need to emulate it. For those right wingers who carry, love the NRA, hate liberals, Obama, and Hillary, but love Jesus, think about Jesus, and forget about Hillary and the rest. It somehow simply does not seem likely that Jesus would consider it a good idea for millions of Americans to carry deadly weapons on their person, but, hey, who knows? For conservative Christians, with family values, to support Trump at this point seems, well, insane. Would Jesus build a wall against Mexico? Or a bridge? Perhaps our conservative colleagues in America could be prevailed upon to read the words of Jesus about rendering unto Caesar and giving unto the poor, and reconsider supporting a person who brags about being a sex criminal........................PLEASE TELL OTHERS ABOUT THIS PROGRESSIVE WEBSITE, AND WORK FOR CHANGE. THANKS!

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