Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Conservative America, Coming Unglued

THE AMERICAN RIGHT WING HAS gone off the deep end, as the saying goes. It has become insanely angry and delusional, because of its many failures and rejection by most of America. The american conservative community is having a nervous breakdown, before our very eyes. The despair of repeated defeat will do that to weak people. It was bad enough, from the conservative viewpoint, that one of those dark skinned "African-Americans" was elected to the presidency, and a non conservative, liberal socialist Islamic sympathizer at that. That was just the beginning, and it just keeps getting worse. Gay people are out of the closet, and getting married, legally. Strike a blow against traditional conservative values. Transgender people are being required by law to be treated like other human beings. Another blow to tradition, to conservatism. America is becoming unrecognizable, totally different than it traditionally has been, utter anathema to conservatives. Obamacare, providing health insurance to twenty million people for the first time. Horrible. People from Mexico, the middle east, and east Asia overrunning the country, turning white folk into a minority, replacing white men's rule with cultural diversity. A basket of imported deplorables, conservatives might say, borrowing and twisting a phrase from the probable next American president, their next president, who really is far smarter and moral than most of those who despise her so passionately. Twenty five years of relentless investigation and attacks on Hillary Clinton, all to no avail, all come to nothing, a pile of republican rubble. And now, worst of all, the ultimate nightmare, stuck with Trump, an obvious reprobate, sinking in his own morass of self destruction. And how does the American right wing respond? With a constant barrage of intellectual bile, insane accusations, insults, verbal attacks and conspiracy theories that break down into drivel upon examination. Obama was born in Africa. Hillary Clinton bribed the FBI. Muslims are terrorists. Racism in America was over, until Obama brought it back. We all must carry guns. So goes the right wing lunacy. It would all be humorous, were it not so tragic and pathetic. It must be horrible to be a conservative republican about now, watching your ship sink beneath the societal ocean, powerless to prevent it.........THANKS FOR SHARING THIS WEBSITE WITH OTHERS!

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