Monday, October 24, 2016

Watching Donald's Demise

DONALD TRUMP'S crash and burn appears imminent, and we quite naturally hope, since we are, after all, good Americans, that it is sensational and full of entertainment value. Doubtless it will be. How could Donald, after all this time, possibly disappoint us now? When Trump first announced his candidacy a year and a half ago, I briefly got on board, because I thought he might mess up the conservative republican party and hand the election and the presidency to the democrats, and because he seemed less ideologically right wing, more flexible than mainstream republicans. I was right on both questions, and then, like now, I thought Trump would be as likely to act in a liberal as a conservative manner if elected, since he seems to lack core political values, but I started getting weary of him very early, about the seventy fifth time he called Ted Cruz "lyin' Ted". Too many insults, not enough substance. I still like Trump, politically, more than I like a normal hard core conservative, which isn't saying much. Like most people, I wrongly believed that his campaign would flame out early on. Better late than never. Trump very clearly, on camera, bragged about his ability to sexually molest women with impunity because of his fame, then, soon thereafter, the women came out of the closet, confirming Trump's claims, sealing his fate. He, not Hillary, should be locked up, it would seem. Trump's speeches and rallies have become hate fests, angry sexist insults against Hillary flying freely, sexism in full vent. Well, whatever. America's nasty women head for the ballot box. The last agonized death moan of a political movement and shrinking constituency soon to be extinct. Trump's campaign speeches lately all begin with statements of patriotism and victory, then proceed to a few minutes of vague and garbled policy statements, than devolve surrealistically into threats at lawsuits against all the many women who are now accusing him of sexual harassment and molestation, to be undertaken soon after the election. Well, he'll certainly have enough time on his hands for a few lawsuits. Trump seems oblivious to the obvious fact that each time he threatens publicly to file charges against the women who are coming forth with accusation against him, he he only serving to keep his own criminal behavior in front of the whole nation, in plain view. Not exactly the best campaign strategy. That's why the nation, which is casting votes by the million in early voting, is rapidly moving on from Trump, preparing to send him into ignominious but harmless irrelevance, at long last.

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