Saturday, October 15, 2016

Voting For Progress

SCIENCE IN ON THE BALLOT in this election. Specifically, medical research and climate science. Republican conservatives in large numbers, as you may know, do not not like legalized abortion, the Planned parenthood organization, and especially fetal tissue research. Fetal tissue research is crucial to making progress in disease elimination and prevention, because it allows researchers to get to the root cause of improper cellular reproduction in early life, and bio chemical, metabolic malfunctions. All across America's fruited plain, young eager scientists are examining fetal tissue, conducting experiments, learning about human biological origins and how to intervene to detect the presence of disease and reverse the disease process, creating better health for all. And yet, most republican conservatives in Congress are opposed to all this beneficial science, and are conducting a systematic campaign to stop it, using various and sundry methods to accomplish this diabolical and foolish goal. The same holds true with climate science and the study of man made climate change, which science universally accepts as reality, but conservative republicans do not. Congressional harassment of scientists engaged in these research areas is shocking and reprehensible, ranging from forced interrogations of scientists and massive amounts of regulation limiting the scope of scientific activities. This must stop. This is not a matter of democrat or republican, liberal or conservative, Christian, Muslim, or atheist. This is a matter of lunacy versus reason, and our desperate necessity to choose reason over insanity, to choose life over self destruction and death. Aborted fetuses, like climate change, exist, whether or now we might want them to. Refusing to learn about them and save ourselves in so doing because we disapprove of or deny their existence is sheer, unadulterated lunacy. Resistance to progress by regressive, primitive, out dated ultra conservative politicians is destructive to the success and prosperity of a forward looking nature, like the United States. We the people must vote enough of these backward looking, stupid people out of office. Whether we vote for liberals, conservative, republicans, democrats, Christians, or non Christians, we must vote for people who accept the necessity ofr all kinds of medical research and the reality of human made climate change, that science and human progress may continue unhindered..........KEEP THE FAITH! SHARE THIS WEBSITE! THANKS!

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