Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Celebrating, and Helping, Stray Cats

NATIONAL FERAL CAT DAY is just around the corner, and its never too early to plan parties, civic ceremonies, parades. Its time to shop for gifts, and send cards. On Friday, October 14, and then again Monday, October 17, any stray outdoor feral cat can be spayed , neutered, and vaccinated for free at participating locations. For further information, contact your local Humane Society. The four day holiday sandwiched around a week end is a brilliant idea, considering the importance of the holiday, and the cause for which it stands. We can party all weekend, while we do whatever we can to help the stray cat community. Cats seem to do a reasonably good job of surviving without suffering when they have no human caretaker, which is only somewhat comforting. A human care taker is almost good for cats, except for a small minority of human idiots, often conservative Americans, who abuse animals without care or concern. All stray cats should be neutered, spayed, vaccinated, fed, and examined for health issues and treated, then, if necessary, returned to the wilds of our towns and cities, to run harmlessly through our yards. Either that, or they should be adopted by loving caring humans. But in no instance should they be trapped and killed. That isn't what christian America is about. We are not killers, or at least, we must start trying not to be killers, for once, to put it more brutally but honestly. Verily, isn't Christianity all about love, and Christian America about strength through hard work, through helping each other, about caring for, and creating peace and prosperity for all? Correct me if I'm wrong. After all, its our responsibility. My veterinarian friend told me that somebody brought her a twelve year old cat with one leg missing, wanting to have it "put to sleep", or"murdered" would be more accurate. The vet told the would be murderer that she would not comply, but would take the cat in exchange for paying the euthanasia fee. The sweet cat seems happy now, living at the vet's office. Now, that's more like it. Chalk up a victory, one small victory, for Christian America......SPREAD THE WORD. HELP STRAY CATS NOW!

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