Thursday, January 31, 2013

Dispensing With Courtesy

I WAS AT WAL MART, waiting for my car to be serviced. Fox News was on, and a law professor was telling FOX that the united states constitution is obsolete, and should be replaced. I've seen this guy in the media lately, its as if he's making the rounds with his anti -constitutional spiel.

I happen to agree with him. And, for some reason, at the moment, in wal mart, i felt that i just had to tell somebody. the only people in the waiting room was an older black man about my age, and a young athletic looking attractive couple.

these people were well dressed, which i never am, and they looked serious, professional, white collar, sophisticated, educated. and here i was, wanting to surely these people were eager to hear my thoughts on the U.S. Constitution.

i closed on the black guy, he seemed like a natural target. "thomas jefferson thought a new consittution would be needed about every twenty years", i said glibly. the man didn't seemed impressed, so i thought i'd try again.

"i agree with the professor", i offered, "the constitution is obsolete. Hell, black people are legally three fifths of a human being, it says."... Again, not much of a response. Undaunted, i charged ahead: "there's a lot they don't teach you in history books. Like, jefferson's relationship to sally hemmings, his sixteen year old slave."

This time he grunted, as if in disinterested acknowledgement, and i gave up the hunt.  he just wasn't going to be friendly, and there was nothing i could do about it. his perogative. i was the one who had accosted him, inivited. 

For a minute, it bothered me, the man's lack of interest. Then , i came to my senses, and realized that, after all, the man had suerved my purpose quite well. I had vented, and i felt good.

Later I walked into a barbershop, and spoke to a lady about making an appointment. instead of saying "may i have your name please?", she said "who are you?"....i felt like i was standing at checkpoint charlie.

"who... am...I?", i repeated, rhetorically. "I've been asking that for fifty seven yewars"... she didn't seem to think that was very funny, nor any of my other subsequent attempts at humor. never even smiled at me, in fact. and here i was, a potentail customer for years ahead, worth thousands of potential dollars in business.

rudeness doesn't bother me; it gives me an excuse to be rude, thus expandint my options. nor am i much on amenities. i thought the lady in the barber shop had a little wise ass coming to her, and, she gave me rudeness, and i gave her good humor.

the great science fiction writer robert heinlein siad that you can measure the health of a civilization by how clean its public restrooms are, and by how consistantly people exchange amenities and courtesy, unconditionally, under all circumstances.

As for me,I always love getting past the amenities, and down to business. Once we shake hands, thereby showing each other we have no weapons, and ask each other meaninglessly how are you doing...

Stopping the Slaughter, In My Own Backyard

SO ANYWAY, i ended up adopting, if you want to call it that, three (3) stray kittens, all cuter than bug's ears, energetic, friendly, affectionate, seemingly healthy and smart. Got their vacinations, had 'em fixed. So we're in business.

Three months ago I hadn't the slighest intention of having a pet of any sort, but was overhelmed by a gang of kittens. They had been living on the street, homeless, for at least awhile, but they transitioned nicely into my house.

But they were used to being outside, and didn't want to give up the outdorrs altogether. This to me seemd reasonable, and the neighborhood in which i live seems safe, though of course every time an animal is outdoors, it is at risk, like the rest of us.

Then the big, awful report hit th einternet informing that each year in the united states the eighty four million pet catskill several billion animals, mostly birds and rodents. People must be shocked all over the country, and maybe the world, by these numbers.

The biologists say that to suddenly eliminate all housecat killing of animals would not be a good idea, because we do not yet know the overall impact on the ecological system. Pretty bizarre. Billions more, many more, animals are killed each year by the thirty to eighty million estimated stray cats in america.

stray cats kill more, obviously, because they are not being fed, generally , by humans. Today is the big day when all three of my cats get little bells on their collars! Well fed now though they are, they still want to hunt, and kill, and having been stray, they learned how to do it at a very young age.

taking on a stray cat as a pet is a bit different than weening one.  Until this article came out, i was almost thinking that having a stray cat population in urban areas is a good thing. and indeed maybe it is, at least in a place where birds don't alight on the ground, like new york city, and rodernts run rampant, like new york city.

We need to call an emergency session of the united nations to agree about what to do with the stray cats of the world. If you suddenly had three stray cats in your house, you'd agree with me. But in the meantime, I'm gonna get those bells put on, before something happens I don't really want to think about.

Whatever Works

THE AD was for a course of study which would result in certification by somebody or other to be a professional personal trainer. Completing the course was only a matter of a reasonable tuition of some sort, and a few hours of instructional training on how to be a trainer.

A "personal trainer" is in essence a motivator, an enforcer, correct? A person who wants to be in shape but doesn't have the will power to do it alone hires somebody to provide motivation, vicariously. Sounds like good work, if you can get it. A hundred grand a year or more, being paid to work out while motivating other worthy people who need help.

The ad said " we guarantee that within ninety days you will have a full time job as a personal trainer, or your money back."  This is the same promise made millions of times everyday in american commercial enterprise; we guarantee it, or your money back.

In other words, if we do not guarantee it, we will give you your money back, however, since we just now guaranteed it, we never are obligated to give anyone's money back, whether they get a job or not, so we don't.

Its really important  for everyone to understand this legal loophole which is so basic, yet, somehow, so well disguised.. My sixth grade teacher explained it to me, long ago...we assume that everyone does understand this, and ignores all such "guarantees".

"Spinning" is popular, riding a stationary bike without arm attachments. Spinners have instructors too, who are relaly motivators and enforcers. peer pressurers. earn a good living drill sergeanting folks while they peddle out of fear of disappointing.

as they say: to each his own, and whatever works.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Economic Intelligence

WHAT WE NEED, above all else, nearly, is good old fashioned economic growth.oh, well, we need to save the planet from environmental destruction too,but we do need  more people working more jobs, producing more material wealth, in the united states, and around the world. would economic growth occur if marijuana were legalized? legal or not, the stuff is being grown,

and sold, and the profits presumably reinvested in the regular economy. the only major difference legalization would bring is sales and income tax revenue, which, admittedly, is needed. bringing recreational drugs into the legal economy might create some job growth, mainly by creating more recreational drug use. That's all we need, right?

but at least the "wealth" generated would be primarily within the private sector, until tax time. The idea of staging a massive infrastructure rebuilding project seems tempting, because it would employ many people and ultimately it would save the economy by saving the infrastructure.

the problem with this is that the spending and hiring would be almost entirely public, government sponsored, and we much prefer economic growth within the private sector. Perhaps using the military to rebuild the infrastructure would save a tremendous amount of public money,

and still provide the benefit of healthy highways, bridges, power grids, and water sewer systems. Where are all the loan programs for start up businesses? Left entirely up to the private sector lending companies?

A universally low interest economy might help. Lending money freely and fluidly and easily at low interest can stimulate economic activity. every intelligent form of life in this galaxy mist be scratching their heads and wondering how in the heck any supposedly intelligent form of life

can fail so miserably to provide for all their basic needs. we should at this point consider the possibility that the extraterrestrials have not contacted because they only contact intelligent life forms.

Having Heros: Indications of Admiration

HAVING HEROS is fine, long as you don't take it too seriously. nothing wrong with a role model or two now and again. I have many..einstein, needs heros of all genders, one needs heros both living and dead, for inspiration, if nothing else.

Female heros i need to work on. one's mother is usually a good start. or eleanor roosevelt, mother theresa, or hillary, um...  among the living, what about warren buffet and bill gates? conservatives and liberals oughta be able to come together on those two.

for one thing, they are both successful, incredibly successful, according to the most prominent criterion for success in america: earned wealth. that in itself should be sufficient to please conservatives and/or republicans.

they both have given away almost half of their fortunes to charity, and that should appeal to the feel good do good liberals. and since they've done it volulntarily, without any government coercion, the conservatives might even give 'em a break, even though they were stupid enough to give their money to lazy poor people, thus subsidizing sloth, as the conservative argument seems to go.

and not only that, but both of them believe in progressive taxation, which makes them liberal, and thus worthy of admiration of liberals everywhere, though this might not attract conservatives to the ideal that they are heros. (conservatives tend to like flat taxes, flat and low, but certainly not progressive)

They certainly are heros in my little liberal socialistic heart. and also in the capitalistic conservative part o me heart. In honor of gates i use microsoft, and in honor of buffett i invest my ten dollars wherever he invests his billions.

what greater indication of admiration could there possibly be?

The Lord, Loving Us, With Cats

THE SUBJECT of stray cats has been much on my mind lately, for several reasons. One, it has come to my attention that a stray cat population thrives in almost every part of the world, particularly in big cities. Istanbul Turkey and Rome Italy love their stray cats. They keep the rodents at bay.

calcutta india, i think, does not, or must not like and have stray cats, because calcutta chose rats instead. in calcutta, rats are their version of stray cats. strangers feed them, they run with impunity through middle class homes, and i vaguely recall hearing something about a place called "rat park".

what is it, one rat per ten square feet, worldwide, on average? I can think of a few stray cats in arknsas who would dearly love to visit rat park.

another reason stray cats have lately been on my mind is that my small mid southern american town has a stray cat population, many of which run regularly through my modern mainstream middle class  american yard. Three of them have adopted me, and I, with only token initial resistance, them. 

Each time i adopt one i report about it here, and, at last report, i had two, with the third  tentative, still. Well, forget tentative. the little beauty, (white with blue paws, ears, and tail)  no longer resists being picked up and hugged by me. now, he purrs. 

IF you ever happen to log on to this blog and notice thaqt i am discussing a possible fourth stray cat adoption, please intervene. Somewhere, there's gotta be a stray cat adoption intervention hotline..

but now the bad news. according to a report on national public radio, stray cats in america kill billions of birds and other animals every year. That's just in the united states, and yes, I'm sure i heard the word "billions", not "millions". 

and what do we expect? if they would stick to squirrels, chances are society would applaud them. on the other hand, if you are a bird, and you get caught and killed by a cat, its your own damned fault. which part of the phrase "cats can't fly" is murky?

the ancient egyptians worshipped cats as gods for a reason. namely, they're awesome, and they allow an ancient city to store grain , lots of it, in one place, for a long period of time. presumably farmers worldwide still keep a cat or two around the barn.

most americans make the mistake of being either a dog person or a cat person. big mistake. the dear lord gave us both, for a good reason. namely, the good lord loves us.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The Best is Yet to Come

DECEMBER TWENTY FIRST, obviously, has long come and gone, and the world ended not. Most of us doubtless never thought it would. we human beings are far too smart for that kind of crap, right?
are we all rolling our eyes? we certainly should be...are we humans gullible, credulous, superstitious, imaginative, or what...

However, there were also predictions which not only made no reference to the world ending, but instead predicted a glorious future for humanity, coming immedidatly up the advent of twelve twenty one twelve, with extra terrrestrial assstance.

this was to not only include a new global economic system with universal prosperity, but the elimination of the dark forces which oppress us, the so called "illuminati", which i had until recently simply referred to as "the fortune five hundred".

So now the question is; has it happened ? Is it starting to happen? People who make grandiose predictions with specific dates often fall eerily silent when the date comes and goes, without incident. As usual, however, the truth is far more amazing and incredible than any fiction or future forecasting.

within the past few months alons, a large number of very earth like planets have been discovered orbiting other stars, using hig hpowered, modern equipment. the question many of us have asked for centuries has now been answered; the other solar systems are out there, everywhere. amaueur astronomers using computers and telescopes at home are discovering planets, amazingly. And there's much more to come.

and of course this fits right in with the UFO extraterrestrials are among us crowd, because every day it look smore and more like the univers is full of stars, planets, and life. Agrgaviting, however, is the apparent fact that this UFO new age crows is no more excited about this than the man in the moon.

Their attitude is that since they already channel aliens, they already knew about the planets, or at least aren't surpiser by their "discovery". The truth is , of course, they are afraid to join forces with mainstream science, which they condescendingly disdain, out of fear.

it means nothing to them. and frankly, it doesn't seem to mean much to most everybody else either. you just don't see much about it in the media. and yet, its possibly the most exciting development in human history, so far.

and what's even more exciting, is that, the best is probably yet to come.

A Nation of Wolves and Sheep

QUICK RECOMMENDATION: go to the huffington post, and read the article by robert reich, former secretary of labor in the clinton administration, and now a professor at cal berkely, in which he provides an overview of the current state of the american economy, based on obama's recent inauguration speech.

The thought, at one time or another, probably crosses the mind of every american that the people we elect to be president might not be the most qualified of the three hundred million of us, and that, somewhere out there, there is probably at least one person who is ideally suited to the job, but has enough sense not to seek it. robert reich might well fit this description.

all reich does it tell it like it is. he agrees with obama, and with anyone of intelligence, that an economy cannot flourish and grow with the richer always getting richer, and everyone else spinning wheels or moving backward. And right now, most of us are moving backwards. Most americans have shrinking incomes, and less purchasing power each year. this has been going on for several decades, and has reached alarming proportions.

the gap between the rich and the poor in america today is the greatest in the world, now, or at any other time. and it continues to grow. A few very people have enough money to buy whatever they want, but there is a limit to what people want. a high limit, but a limit. the wealthy by themselves cannot sustain a huge economy with spending; it takes millions of consumers to do that, in an economy in which consumer spending accounts for cloes to three fourths of all economic activity.

the death of american labor unions, brought about by corporate owners and the politicians they control, has decreased the bargaining power, hence the wages, of  most american workers. corporate profits are up, and those profits go to shareholders, not workers. the problem is, there are more workers than shareholders, and economic growth depends on enough people having enough spending power to stimulate investment and production.

the rich can have their riches, the corporation can show profits, even if the lowly workers are paid at a reasonable rate. the fact that there is no labor union at a company like wal mart is a horrible indictment of american society. america is a nation of wolves and sheep.

Ignoring Sex in the Boy Scouts

IN 1910, when the boy scouts was founded, it was not acceptable in mainstream american society to be either homosexual, or non christian. nor was it acceptable to be a socialist, in spite of the fact that socialism, like homosexuality and non christianity, was widespread.

society , and what it permits, is cyclical. it was more acceptable to be non christian in eighteen ten than nineteen ten; in eighteen hundred america elected a non christian president. today it might be hard to do that. but homosexualtiy has never had its day in the american sun, until, perhaps, now.

it may be that at long last we the people are becoming enlightened enough to put sexuality where it belongs; in the mind of the individual. And with all the controversy surrounding equality for gays, lesbians, transgenders, and bixesuals (did i leave anyone out?), the venerable old boy scouts, which has been wavering on the issue for some time, is now leaning towards acceptance and tolerance.

when i joined the boy scouts as an eleven year old in nineteen sixty six, i was never asked whether i was a christian or a heterosexual, probably because it was assumed that i was both, and that, at my age, it didn't really matter, yet, my sexual orientation. I haven't changed much; I'm still a straight non christian.

to my knowledge the scouts have never discrimminated against jews or adherants of other religions, but christianity has always been assumed, and inculcated. reverence. also, obedience; maybe a little capitalism thrown in.

don't ask don't tell has always seemed a very sensible, comforting policy, both for the military, and for everything else. if you really think about it, personal sexual orientation is almost entirely irrelevant and best ignored in almsot every aspect of life, except sex.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Rolling the Dice of Racism

I HEARD AN AD on the radio recently for a new casino. Didn't catch the name of it. It faces the same challenge as all new businesses, how to catch the attention of the public, and how to compete  effectivelywith existig businesses of the same type, in the same market.

Native americans got the jump on the gambling industry in america, because other than las vegas, legalized gambling was hard to find in america, until the early nineteen seventies, when a supreme court decision, authored by liberal justice brennan, ruled that no state government could regulate the economic activity on native american reservation land.

Thereafter, all over the country, reservation casinos sprang into existence, as various tribes could see the potential value of having a virtual monopoly on a lucrative industry that is at once villified and heavily patronized by the american christian community, but entirely beyond the reach of the grasping hands of state and federal government.

If you didn't know better, you'd almost think that christian american society was getting a tad jealous of the incredible revenues generated by native american casino enterprise, as first state lotteries started appearing across the nation, and then non reservation casinos followed soon thereafter.

The radio ad i heard was being aired in a part of the country replete with reservation casinos, but was apparently itself not a native american enterprise. This became obvious when the narrator proclaimed "are you tired of going to casinos only to make a contribution to the tribe?"

"Are you tired of losing your rmoney to machines and tabless which are designed only to take it from you? Would you like a chance to try your luck in a fun environement where the slot machines are set more generously, and the gambling tables are looser and freer?"

and so on and so forth.This ad made no bones about it: if you gamebe in an indian casino, you are throwing your money away, because the place is rigged heavily against you, because its only purpose is to rake in money for "the tribe".

sheesh! as if the purpose of the non indian casino would be to enrich its customers, one and all, with easy to win games at gaming tables. as if the new casino would treat its customers more fairly, simply because it is not owned as a tribal enterprise. Like I am so totally sure. but, when in hot pursuit of profit, all bets are off, and its win at all costs, even if so doing takes a little dishonest, immoral racism.

Immigration Drama, American Style

BREAK OUT THE CHAMPAGNE (france) and fireworks (china), the american congress, or at least eight members of it, at long last, and in typical highly dramatic american style, has reached a bipartisan compromise, if only for the purpose of taking power away from obama (president) and bewtowing it upon themselves ( the eight great members of congress).

when obama announced his intention of delivering a speech on immigration in las vegas, tomorrow, tuesday, a group of eight congresspeople, half and half, decided to upstage him by coming out with a grand and dramatic bipartisan plan momday, just ahead of the prez.

whatever. common courtesy trumped by politics as usual. the republican four finally agree to accept obama's pathway to citizenship for twelve million or so alien beings, and the dems agree to pave the pathway with pure hell, which appeals to the repubs.

also, actual border security will be given consideration, for the first time ever. The question is, how will obama respond to all this in his undoubtedly updated speech tuesday?  If he's smart, which he is, he'll say something like "I'm glad you folks in congress finally got together, agreed on something, and got on board with my ideas. I've been waiting for you!"

The new and improved pathway to citizenship will require learning english, learning american hagiography, ignoring american history, paying an entrance fee, having a clean criminal record, having a job, listening to rock n roll, going to baseball games, watching "american idol", and so forth, and so on.

americans as a whole have never really cared much about who comes and goes, the land is so big, after all, and so empty...eventually maybe we'll just decide to let people go anywhere they want, without making all this fuss about it. Lettuce hope so.

Arming Our Teachers

ALL ACROSS AMERICA it seems more gun use and safety classes are popping up out of nowhere, and they are fillig rapidly, particularly by public school teachers. In classes open to all, teachaers are showing up in large numbers, and in classes set up specifically for teachers, they are filling up fast.

This was inspired, quite obviously, by the recent tragedy which left twenty seven children dead of gunshots. Must've been the straw that broke the camel's back, because lord knows the united states of america has seen plenty of random  mass gunshot murders over the past few decades.

Older folks might recall the man in the tower at the university of texas in nineteen sixty six who killed several people before being killed by cops; turned out he had a huge brain tumor that could've turned anybody into an unwitting killer.

Newtown was nothing new, is the point. May the american people never forget the "wild wild west" which is a term dear to the hearts of most americans. We think of wild bill hickok, buffalo bill , billy the kid, with a semi smile, then move on to al capone and other gangster cultural favorites.

So maybe the recent tendency of americans to arms themselves is nothing other than history, continuing, evolution, manifesting. I will confess to gratitude that i completed my public school education in an ear in which teachers were not armed.

Should well armed teachers ever become the norm in america, all i can say is, beware of unintended consequences, and if assault weapons continue to be legal, be careful what you wish for, and all that.

My grandfather, who was born in eighteen eighty six, and died in nineteen fifty six when i was almost one year old, once said, sccording to my father " put a gun in a man's hand, the first thin he wants to do is use it."

So it may be that my grandfather, who was born in the wild wild west, and owned a large collection of hunting rifles which he used often, knew a little something about guns and people. His comment about how they work together has, by any definition, at least a trace of truth. 

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Show Us Your Weapons!

THE NYPD announced that it is testing and considering using an electronic device which can detect the presence of a concealed gun beaneath clothing in passersby. Presumably its a sort of X ray device; the machine can detect a greenish energy field of heat sourrounding every human body, and the shape of the gun is clearly seen within.

Questions about the machine have to do with how much one will cost, how many would be needed and at what cost, and how and where to deploy them, and what to do with information obtained therefrom. we can trust that these issues will be resloved in due time.

If the police in new york city are aware of and experimenting with such a device, we may safely assume that many many other police and military entities are doing likewise, and that we will be hearing a lot more about it in the near future.

Another set of questions arises concerning legality. Would the court system, will the court system, establish for certain whether such technology in the hands of police is constitutional? it will have to, vis a vis  the police. for military purposes, of course, no such legal standing is necessary,

it would merely be another high tech military weapon, entirely outside the jurisdiction of the court system - but it is necessary to determine the legality of X ray machines for police work, and it appears that no precedents exist on the matter.

Of equal interest is the fact that in an internet survey, fifty four percent of respondents indicated they favor the police having swuch a system, becaus it will make the streets safer, which we must do, so say said survey respondents, at all costs. 

does a majority of america, indlucing conceal and carry folks really want to be X rayed by police at random as if they were boarding an airplane? Surely not! he who trades liberty for security deserves neither, isn't that the way it goes?

of course, in this case, it would not exactly  be "liberty" being traded for security, but rather privacy. And, considering that conservative original intent mongers dominate the supreme court, and that the constitution has no literal right to privacy, but only an interpreted one, it could be that X ray wielding cops are in our public place future.

Let Us Rebel Together!

HERE IN THE USA, the united states of advertising, each one of us is assigned a numerical value by the corporate lords and masters who own and operate us. In fact, we are all assigned at least three numerical values; i was almost thinking four, but, no, come to think of it, its just three.

And not only that, but all three of them have very clever sounding names: equifax, transunion, experion. For some strange reason, it seems like there was another one, or ought to be. Oh well. Sometimes you wonder where these corporations get these crazy sounding names.

and just who in the hell are equifax, transunion, experion? Gods? video games? Experion, the slayer of mighty Zeus! are they small groups of enlightened simple decision makers, like the federal reserve board? Or, perchance, huge mainframe computers, deep underground, at a secret well guarded location?

I don't even remember at what point during my life i started receiving a "credit score", as they are called. Was it at birth? Probably not that early, but when? Upon issuance of a social security card? You get one of those when you decide to go get one, right? What if you never get a social security card? Do you remain unkown to ye gods?

Maybe it happens the first time a person opens a bank account, or buys something, or...whatever.  I've been receiving notices in the mail concerning my credit score for years now, and have always been curious as to why, and what its all about. I wonder when it all started....

Right now all three of my scores are just below eight hundred, which is quite good, so it seems. At times, mine have been lower, but, for whatever reason, i seem to be currently in favor with the corporate masters on high.

the fact that credit scoring is used throughout much of the world and that it facilitates lending and hence healthy free market economic activity proves only that american corporate imperialism presently prevails.

and now, you russians are joining the game! aint it grand, the cut throat chaos and uncertainty? the time will come when you will miss ye olde soviet union, economically, if you don't already. and what about you chinese? thinking of hopping on board the corporate credit score bandwagon, are you?

 even now you chinese are discovering that state controlled capitalism, or mercantilism, or fascism,  or whatever you wanna call it, has its own problems. Namely, planned capitalism does not create equality, planned or otherwise. do you by chance miss the old, communist agrarian china? or even the closed off feudal china?

I frankly do not give a rat's ass what my credit scores are, who decides what they are, who issues them, or who uses them for what. I can hear the arguments now: its in your personal best interest to keep your score high through responsible money management,

the system serves us all, it makes the economy function smoothly for everyone, and enables your friendlsy corporate world to offer you, the valued consumer, more and better choices and opportunities.

To me nothing could be more obvious than the fact that these credit scores are yet another way of ranking, regimenting, organizing and controlling us, the unwashed masses. Equally certain is that nobody wants to hear this, or believe it, not even the regimented and controlled masses themselves. Sheep do not like to flaunt their sheepishness.

I've only bought one house in my life, and i still live in it, and do not plan to buy another. I might own one more car before i die, and i will buy it from somebody willing to sell it to me, regardless of credit score. so i just don't care. screw these false gods!

and it may be that there is no such thing as a satisfoactory political or economic system. But can't there be something better than this, for heaven's sake?May we all reject their chains and tyranny!

<whew>  I feel better now...but i still say, my fellow servants, the corporations should not judge us; we should judge them.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Telephonic Tyranny

FOR THOSE AMONG YOU  who are not yet convinced that the united states of america is owned, lock, stock, and barrel by our esteemed corporate masters, there is yet more reason for reconsideration.

hitherto any half way tech savvy citizen could get a smart phone, sign a contract, then go home and tinker with said cell phone a tad, and end up changing  service from one network to another. The only problem with this was that every time it happened, no corporation made any money through said process. Intolerable, in the land of corporate profit at all cost.

now all that's about to change. beginning right about now, a mobile phone customer can still have a phone unlocked and accessable to various networks, but only by paying for the privilege to the corporate master dispensing law from on high.

another manifestation of government backing up their (and our) corporate  masters, to the detriment of the lowly unempowered individual citizen. This decision, presumably renderd under the heady influence of massive corporate pressure,

comes to us via the library of congress, which has regulatory power over the telecommunications industry due to some law called something like the millenium high tech cell phone act, or whatever, promulgated during the bush administration by corporation worshipping republicans.

how would thomas jefferson, champion of individual rights and freedoms, and founder of the library of congress,  react to all this? hard to tell, with the contradictory, hypocritcal amonalous being that jefferson was.. once past the age of thirty, jefferson was pretty much ready to rebel anainst anything that moved, so..maybe he  would urge us to throw our portable phones in the trash.

an so the beat goes on. how long can it be until any  consumer  expressing a wish to change phone service providers is charged with telecommunication fornication, hauled into court, and then into the old slammer?

Defending America

WE, the american people, have created what seems like a somewhat bizarrre situation for ourselves, through inattentiveness, lack of planning, lack of direction, or what the hell ever. Namely, we call our courntry great, establish national borders, 

 wetalk about national security and the need to defend america from terrorism and other assorted evils, (like iran and north korea), then we extend our military all over the world while ignoring our own borders and pretty much allowing folks to come and go as they pretty please. Seems weird, eh? Does to me.

Obama, ever the fixer upper, intends to propose an immigration bill soon, thus stirring up another hornet's nest. Reckon we're due for another one, its been a couple of weeks since the last one. Barack the Conciliatory wants to pass a bill providing a definite, new and improved path to citizenship for the twelve or thirteen million, count 'em, illegal humans currenly residing within the heavily defended borders of old glory's land.

the republicans, not surprisingly, think this is typical feel good liberal gibberish; they came here illegally, let them leave, then return legally, and follow the clear, long established process to citizenship,  just like the rest of us, instead of being given special treatment as a reward for breaking the law.

and of course the repubs do have a point. however, though conservatives often accuse liberals of living in a world of emotions and ideals, this time its the "rep - cons" who dwelleth not in reality;
whether we like it or not, there are in fact, here in the real world, millions of "illegals" amongst us,

and standing by sacred principles of american law is not gonna feed the bulldog. I mean,hell, if we really gave a rat's ass about american law, we wouldn've allowed this situation to exist in the first place, right?

millions of people we must either deal with in some practical, workable way, or continue to pretend, for all practical purposes, don't exist. Simply kick 'em out of the country, and the devil take the hindmost?  That don't make good sense.  Hell, that don't even make good nonsense. And thank you davy crockett for that immortal line.

They are here. Deal with it, intelligently, realistically, reasonably. That's all the man is trying to say.
By the way, has anyone ever given thought to the idea of having the american military defend american territory, rather than traipsing around all over the planet, working god only know's what mischief? just a thought...

The Meaning of the Word "Recess"

TO ANY STUDENT of american government, past or present, it is tempting to think that american political leaders use their power merely to contest the power of other government leaders, in a show of force, some egotistical power struggle for the sake of...nothing, other than demonstrating power.

Some of the things they fight over, you would think should have been resolved long ago - if they had wanted to, or tried. Why oh why have we not decided, long ago, the difference between "intersessional" congressional recesses, and "intrasessional" congressional recesses.

the National Labor Relations Board has five people, plus an official legal counselor, who are appointed for five year terms by the president, and who's job it is to oversee and resolve labor relations and disputes. It was created early in the roosevelt administration as part of FDR's big depresssion era government power expansion.

 so anyway,congress leaves town, and obama appoints NLRB members, which, yesterday, were declared unconstitutional by a federal court of appeals, because at the time of the appointments, congress was not in a recess between formal sessions, but was merely taking a quick break in the middle of an ongoing session. There is a difference, and the constitution is not clear about it.

But at least now the supreme court will have something to do, as if it didn't already have enough on its plate, and perhaps, at long last, the issue will be resolved... Presidents have been sneaking through recess appointments since george washington's day, hoping that when the senate finally meets to confirm or reject them,

the mood will be more favorable than when a session is in progress, which, strangely, it often is. recess appointments tend to be confirmend, for some reason. maybe it helps to give senators extra time to think about them.

the problem is, over the years, american presidents have tended to take an increasing broad definition of "recess", such that now it has come to mean anytime a few senators take a bathroom break.  seems like we could simply agree on a definite definition of a simple word, like "recess", doesn't it...

but instead of placing the burden on people who've been  dead for two hundred years, (the founders) why not just agree that whatever we decide, its our decision, not theirs. Oh well, that's the supreme court's problem, or will be, soon enough. surely obama will appeal. wouldn't you?

Friday, January 25, 2013

Relying On Mother, again

WHEN I WAS about four years old, and my sister six and a half or seven, she carved her initials into a fancy piece of expensive wooden furniture, and when mother confronted her, sis pointed at me and said "he did it". (good move, sis) Strange, said mother, because he can't read or write yet, and besides, why would he carve your initials and not his? (good thinking...go mom!)

forging relentlessly ahead, kind sis replied "you know how smart the little tyke is. he probably taught himself how to carve my initials!" allowed as to how i was indeed a sharp toddler, but did not buy the story. You have to admire sis's tenacity, as well as the audacity.

over the years my sister and i have had a good relationship, improving with time, and distance - we've lived most of our adult lives hundreds of miles apart, though now we're close in distance and communication -  unlike many contentious american adult sibling relationships.

but now over fifty years later she's at it again. During a recent conversation with me, she asserted without hesitation that the jury is still out on global warming, marijuana causes cancer, and columbus thought the world was flat, or at least feared that it might be.

now, you and i both know she's wrong on all three counts, right? the only people who do not believe in global warming/climate change are paid by corporations,just ask any college biology professor anywhere, there is absolutely no evidence that marijuana causes lung cancer, no verified examples of medical cases, nothing.

and columbus, like every other half way intelligent person since ancient roman times, knew damned good and well that the world is round. all you have to do is watch a sailing ship disappear "below" the horizon. (if the world were flat, it wouldn't disappear, it would just keep getting smaller...and smaller...)

an ancient greek philosopher said "against stupidity, the gods themselves, contend in vain." he sure got that right. and yes, i won't argue with my sister about it, because i undersstand that you can lead a horse to water,but....

Had mother not intervened, I am quite sure i would have taken the rap for the vandalism thing. I was too young, and too dominated by my sister to fight back. But that was then, and this is now. this time, i aint gonna take it. Plus, i think i can get mom to back me up, again. 

Worlds We Live In

SOME FOLKS LOOK at the world and don't like what they see. Or what they think they see. Or whatever. A common way of coping is to imagine a better world, to describe it, then decide how to achieve it. In other words, they become preachy, screeching liberals.

A more conservtive approach is to simply like the world the way it is, or perceived to be, to accept it without complaint. The point is, whether people basically like or dislike the world, responses to it are varied and endlessly fascinating.

The conservative accepters are to be envied. They dive right in, succeed, and seem to enjoy every minute of it, withoug complaining. Only when they suspect that their beloved status quo is threatened by the sheer stupidity that all liberalsim is, which is naerly always,  do they protest. But beware, for when thus confronted, which, again, is constantly, their protestations are most vehement.

Liberals are dreamers, fantasizer. if the world they want doesn't exist yet, which is always, they just make one up. Hence the liberal reputation for dwelling in unreality. Of particular interest in this regard are the free spirits among us, hose who describes worlds of such an unusual nature that it

almost seems as if said free spirit dwells in sheer fantasy. Chance are, you have met one of these dreamers. Or visionaries, take your pick. If you haven't, its your loss. We speak here of course of the extraterrestrial abduction crowd, the crop circle recipients, those cattle ranchers who report

finding their stock dissected with unwordly clean precision, and all the numerous websites on which fortunate folks appear to be channeling spirits and alien beings. Sometimes, you just plain ole get jealous of these folks, and their marvelous experiences.

Ate these people so disenchanted with the world the rest of us live int hat they go to such lengths to invent their own? Maybe, but bear in mind that, in a very true sense, we all live in our own worlds.
And who's to say which of these is "real", and which fantasy?

Well, I'll openly admit i do not like the world i see, or think i see. and yet, i can't seem to see any real alternative, much to my regret. Either I'm not very observant, or not much of a dreamer.

Wisdom from a Procrastinated Puzzle

WORKING WITH PEOPLE who have disabilities is often rewarding  but always interesting, particularly if the people are children, and the disabilities are mental. It becomes even more rewarding and fascinating if the child is intelligent, and creative.

My question is: when you walk into a toy store and buy a jig saw puzzle, what is the maximum number of pieces in a puzzle. Well, my kid got one with a thousand pieces, and if they come with more pieces than that, they should be illegal. "incitement to frustration."

The kid i work with loves dos, and the picture of the box shows several frisky puppies, in various playful activities, next to a rocking chair and a couple other pieces of furniture. Fairly complicated scene, many colors and shapes, and a thousand damned pieces.

Well, he started work on it a year ago, christmas twenty eleven, on the kitehcn table, which immediately put the table off limits until puzzler completion. Family dinners in front of the living room television. The price we pay.  Kid got off to a fast start, with whole sectons of border falling into place, and some interior sections shaping up as well.

Then, as it got more complicated, the progress slowed, then stopped altogether. Meanwhile, the table was still unavailable for anything else, but, as the days turned into weeks, then months, family members gradually fell into the habit of laying things, like coats and books, on the table for short periods of time.

Nearly a year later, as christmas approached again, the table was swamped with houseold articles,with the partially completed puzzle, and several hundred loose pieces, beneath. I figured it had reached its final, permanent state, and that the puzzle completion was a pipe dream.

Then, suddenly, the kid regains interest, clears off everything from the table which doesn't look like it fits into a jig saw puzzle, and resumes work. Never thought I'd see the day, not in a thousand years.

This time all the pieces came together, and the legendary project was completed; except for three interior pieces, which were missing. Part of a puppie's butt, part of another puppie's paw, and a section of sky, nowhere to be found.

Kid was angry, and disappointed. He quickly understood that all three pieces pieces wee long gone, probably inadvertantly dragged off with somebody's hat or gloves, or onto the floor, and into the trash. Who know,but, after all these months, gone.

He wanted to go back over to the store, and buy a copy of the same puzzle, find the three pieces, and finish his grand project properly. I oointed out that doing this would be tantamount to actually doing the whole puzzle over from scratch, merely seeking three certain pieces from a jumble of thousands.

The way it stand now, he's not certain if he wants to do this, because he fully understands that what he is really suggesting is doing the whole infernal project over. But he hates looking at his unfinished masterpiece, and seem determined. We'll go back to the store. Maybe he'll learn something valuable.  I know I already have.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

America Uber alles!

NOW THAT WE'VE broken down another barrier and admitted women to the infantry combat club, let's keep the ball rolling as long as we have the momentum, and break down one...more...barrier...the age discrimmination barrier.

we busted through the barrier to african american service, then to to integrated service, then we broke down the barrier to homosexual military service, and, at long last, to female infantry combat. now is the time to end all forms of discrimmination against military service...

 and declare that any american, at any time, who wishes to join the military and serve country, shall be granted the right to do so, regardless of age, gender, disability, or sexual orientation. (Did i leave anything out?)

people of all ages have talent and skills to donate to our beloved american, and many people, myself included (i'm 57), would be available, and wouldn't bee to be paid a huge amount of money, or a college scholarship. just room, board, a uniform, a weapon, some training, and a job...

With a pool of potential recruits expanded to hundreds of millions, the american military should be guaranteed to be well stocked forever hence forth. no conscription should ever be necessary, under any circumstance.

and in the modern military, the military of computers, paperwork, office work, providing all manner of service, there's a place for all of us, somewhere. Hell, my mom's ninety two, and just give her an M16 and point her at the enemy, and just watch the U.S.A. kick me...

Unleash the full potential of america! let everybody be whatever they choose! And besides that, it might be the only way to keep the american empire intact, and to keep the american economy from collapsing.

Twice as Mighty

OUTGOING u.s. SEC OF DEF  leon panetta made some history just before leaving his current job, declaring that the ban on women in combat duty has been lifted. For the first time ever women will now be allowed to fight and die for their country.

This is profoundly consequential, not only for the united states, but possibly for human evolution. It may be, in some unexpected way, that the admission of females to the combat club is a step in the direction of the ultimate elimination of warfare among humans.

Are the requirements of modern warfare so great that everyone must participate? The twentieth century was the advent of total war, population against population. Prior to that,, women had to disguise themselves as men to get accepted on the battlefield. Now, its total war. Is total war the final stage leading to the complete absence of war?

Throughout human history the warriorization of females has been avoided, for the obvious reason that they are too valuable to risk in battle. have they now become less valuable, more expendable, like men? Has population growth mandated it? scientific questions, awaiting answers.

Women have finally gained real equality. What may be the last bastion of male dominance is no more. Women have been liberated from their gilded, confining pedastals, and tne male gender has lost its position of unchallenged superiority.

It seems rather strange that this decision was ostensibly made by a single man, but that's just the way the details played out. This was obama's decision , of course, delegated to the defense secretary. Congress and the Supreme court have deferred to the commander in chief on this matter, and show no signs of contesting the decision.

the most obvious immediate consequence of this proclamation is that the united states need never worry about losing another war. Now the full power of the population will be unleashed; no more defending the nation with one hand tied behind our backs!

Beware, potential adversaries; the united states of america has become twice as mighty as before.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Confronting Cuteness

"confronted with great merit, there is no resistence, but love."  - goethe

AN INTERESTING ARTICLE came online today, getting attention because it claims that the quality of cuteness, like what we see in puppies, babies, or kittens, tends to bring out aggressive tendencies in people.

The article discussed studies of this phenomenon, proving that it really happens; cute stuff makes people aggressive, and proceeds to ask why. Several different explanations have been put forth, but so far there is nothing definite.

All my life life i have noticed this, actually, but hadn't really thought about it much, until i saw this article, and it certainly does seem bizarre, that we do that. But its true with me; i always want to hold and hug a cute dog or cat longer, and harder, and kiss it more often, than it wants.

recently i stood in line at a dollar store, behind a mother with an adorable baby in the baby basket of her shopping cart. The infant, facing me, stared straight at me, pacifier in mouth. For some reason, I didn't like this, and i stared right back, long, hard, stern. 

for some reason a part of me wanted to rip that pacifier out of that adorable little mouth, and dangle it tauntingly in front of the tot. it may well be that only the  mother's presence, and that of a few other people, kept me from doing it. Am i sick, normal, or both?

I've seen people gritting teeth when patting a cat. When i took my two cute kittens to visit my mother, they were so cute that mother rushed right over to lavish affection on them; and they ran and hid. (let them come to you)

Like most people, she applied too much pressure to them when she finally touched them. That tends to frighten them. You want to squeeze hard, but you can't, unless yo happen to have a one hundred pound dog, which i once did, precisely for that reason.

One theory is that when one is confronted with extreme cuteness one feels inherently an inability to protect, take care of, provide for, and connect with it, and that creates frustration, which emerges as aggression.

Feeling aggressive around cuteness is comparable to miss america sobbing when she wins the crown, say some experts; overwhelmed with positive stimulation, a negative reaction becomes a balancing force.

Sanctifying Words, Devaluing Common Sense

THE COMMANDER of the national rifle association lives in  wayne's world and believes in absolutes, remindful of charleton heston, preceding president of america's four million member gun club, toting ten absolutes in stone down the mountain.

You can pretty much bet that wayne lapierre considers every word in the bible to be the absolute true word of god, even the part which gives the value of pi as "three". Or, if he doesn't,he should, just to be consistent. The united states constitution is absolute, and sacred, in wayne's world.

wayne and his ilk are afflicted with what might be called "founder's original intent" disease, in which what we think today is far less important than what people thought over two hundred years go. Another name for this ailment might be "conservatitus".

Obama suggested that maybe we ought to think about conducting background checks of everyone who wants to buy a gun, just to make sure that a prospective gun owner aint, you know, crazy or nuthin', and maybe we ought to try to find out for sure if our culture of vicarious and thrilling violence actually contributes, perish the thought, to our national pasttime of random mass murder.

Then, he went on to suggest that perhaps it might be best to stop selling unlimited cartridges of ammunition for automatic weapons, and maybe even stop seeling a few of the machine guns as well. After all, there are so many kinds, (every country has its own brand) nobody would ever have to truly do without.

So naturally wayne pipes up, proclaiming the doctrine of "absolutes",  explaining that we live in a universe of absolutes, destroying everything einstein tried to accomplish. Actually, einstein himself said his theory should be called the theory of absolutes, because, after all, the speed of light is, or seems to be,  absolute.

And wayne says the second amendment is absolute; all american citizens have the inalienable god given right to own an arsenal of oozies and AK47s. Words mean precisely what they say, or seem to say, proclaimath wayne from on high, heeston style. Future generations of 1787 constitution worshippers shall have the god given right to own, what, lasar weapons?

Jefferson and madison would probably be wondering why we don't have sense enough to write a new, improved constitution, one that works in our modern world. He would undoubtedly be wondering why we don't have enough sense to figure out that words can never be sacred or absolute, and that placing reasonable limits on  "absolute'"rights infringes not on said right.

Getting Wealthy at All Costs

DURING HIS INAUGURAL speech, president obama said something to the effect that he fully intends, during his second term, to address climate change. One  wonders whether he means by this that he plans to talk about it, or perhaps even try to do something about it, though heaven only knows what he, or anyone else at this point, is realistically capable of doing.

Everyone applauded, except the republicans. There are several possible reasons for this. One possibility is that they were dozing, and failed to hear the remark. Or, perhaps they were waiting for an "applause" sign to flash on, after the fashion of a live studio television show.

Maybe the republicans are so fanatically devoted to ending climate change, reversing global warming, and restoring environmental halth that they felt the president's comments lacked force, and were waiting for something stronger.

Or what about this! We all know that the social status of the messenger is as important as the message. Would the repubs have applauded if a life sized replica of ronald reagan or barry goldwater had transmitted something like "extremism in defense of climate change is no vice!", or, "climate change will be dealt with through free market forces"....

The best bet, however, is that republicans simply don't want to hear obama, or maybe anyone else, say anything at all about climate change. Some of them, like Oklahoma senator inhoff, believe climate change is a hoax perpetrated by liberals, while others are convinced that whereas climate change might be a  problem, or might not be, it is entirely a natural phenomenon, with nothing to be done about it.

The vast majority of republicans are just plain old worried about corporate profits, and economic prosperity. They fear that when obama talks climate change, he is preparing to propose all manner of economically stifling environmental regulations for industry which will gut profits and inhibit the formation of capital, profit, and material wealth. Gotta protect those campaign contributors...

The issue is money. Let obama rant all he wants about global warming, so long as he leaves hard earned corporate profits alone. Wouldn't that be nice, to address cliate change, without doing anything to slow economic growth? Should we convert to an environmentally friendly ecomomic system? Only if is doesn't infringe on the sacred right, through honest work, to get rich.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Manufacturing Wealth

BELIEVE IT OR NOT, there is actually a website, and a business behind it, called www dot shaveclub dot com, or some such. I first heard about it on radio, i can't remember what type of station, classic rock, talk, or whatever.

But they have a website, and advertise on radio, so i thought it was interesting, worth looking into, or, short of that, worthy of consideration and comment. Truth is, I'm just too damned lazy to do any reasearch, like visiting the website, before writing this article. Call me crazy, i'd rather speculate in ignorance, then later see how close i

what amazes me is the variety of business enterprise which manifests in america. I'm just guessing that a potential customer gets in touch with shave club dot com, via internet, or phone, and is talked into ordering perfectly manufactured razorblades and razors, which are paid for electronically online, and shipped through the U.S. mail. Am i close?

Again, what an incredible variety of businesses we have in america!  goods and services of all sorts, from dog walking companies, to baby sitting, sign painting, food delivery...the american economy has become a consumer service economy, where services are rendered, such as dog walking and razor blade delivery, rather than a grass roots manufacturing economy, where things are actually made.

Doesn't it seem interesting that in a country, (the united states) wherein damned near everyone has a television set, no television sets are manufactured, in a country in which millions of people own and ride motorcycles, there is only one motorcycle company....

what about shoes, and clothing? Do we make any in america anymore? Washers? Dryers? Computers?? No, but, by god, we will walk your dog for you, or manage our money, or represent you legally for a modest retainer...has america become a nation of paper shufflers and petty service providers?

as long as we keep making some food, clothing, and shelter, just to be on the safe side..if you want to be wealthy, you must manufacture your own wealth, correct?

Will the Poor Become Liberal?

HATE TO BREAK IT to you, oh great american consrvative community, but, with obama back in office, socialism lives,the left wing liberal agenda is alive and well, even though reagonism has dominated for twenty five years.

most liberals no longer have the guts to call themselves "liberal", so "progressive" is the new politically correct term. whatever. real liberals, writers like gore vidal, chris hedges, and sam harris would argue that obama is virtually indistinguishable from a conservative, and that we have

in america basically a one party system, the conservative party of property, with a conservative wing, the democratic party, and an ultra conservative wing, the republican party. conservatives, of course, think that the communists have taken over, and are ready to secede.

american conservatives have done a good job of convincing working class and poor people that conservativism, including economic darwinism, is in their best interest; otherwise labor unions would be flourishing, along with the redistribution of wealth entitlement programs.

if liberal socialism were to really take hold in america, which is made up of a high percentage of poor people, working class people, and lower middle class people, the wealthy would have much more of their welth confiscated and redistributed ot the poor than is now occuring.

So america's elite wealthy generally conservative class should feel fortunate that most poor americans do not act in their own best interest, probably because they are confused, due to successful consrvative propaganda, as to exactly what is in their best interests...

But all that is changing, rapidly, because of the ever increasing availability of information. A global union of the world's poor is possible on the internet, and i  wouldn't bet against it, in some form, if current trends continue, if the rich keep getting richer, and the poor keep getting poorer, world wide.

The United States of North America

ASIDE FROM THE QUESTION whether it makes any sense for alaska and hawaii to be part of the united states, let it be stipulated that they are a fait accompli, and then ask, why not go whole hog?

Cuba? Hispanola? What lovely additions these two places would make for the united states, and, while we're at it, all the islands in the caribbean, members of the grand union! Cuba, the dominican, haiti, all states, maybe a total of aas mnay as ten new states.

the cayman islands, currently the property of the british, would be a much better fit under american suzzerainty; the current arangement is nothing but a relic of a vanished empire. One thing you can say for the american empire; it has not yet vanished...(but stay tuned)

One would think that this arrangement would hasten the recovery of haiti from the great earthquake a couple of years ago. Local sovereignty is a fine thing, to be ecnouraged under all forms of central government, local control of schools, infrastructure, among other things.

But there are advantages to large scale central governments too, such as the ability to gather resources and organize society efficiently for the benefit of all. Think about the united states, canada, and mexcio, for instance, all part of a "united states of north america", with the capitol still in washington, and a new circulating currency, the "amero", teplacing the canadian dollar, the american dollar, and the mexican, um...peso?

would this not strengthen the economy of all the various participants, expanding markets, organizing resources, improving the standard of living for all, potentially? Any  takers?

After all, something must be done to offset the emerging chinese japanese empire. the europeans are all united now, for the most part, so why shouldn't the north americans do likewise?

Animals as Friends

"YOU AMERICANS ARE the loneliest people in the world" declared myfriend from china in frustration, as he seemed to be having trouble making enough new friends. "You care more about your dogs and cats than you care about each other".

And to think, he said this in anger and frustration, not admiration. Go figure. All's well, though; he became happier when he moved from my small town to chicago, where a larger pool of prospective friends awaited him.

Talk about stating the obvious. Hell yes we care more about our pets than w do each other, and what about it? It doesn't mean we care any less about each other, only that we care oh so much more about our animals. Hell, we spend a fortune on them.

My father once confessed that the only time he ever aimed a rifle at a deer, he couldn't pull the trigger. And that's a  good american for you, a real american. Yes, we know how to kill, but we know how to love even better.

And that's the way we like it, in fact, we're damned proud of it, we americans. In most american communities, it is illegal to kill aquirrels. At least we try. A fair percentage of american pet owners kiss their dogs and cats regularly, including yours truly. And why not? They're sweet, soft, and warm.

In china, as mainstream chinese citizens are becoming aware, there is a movement afoot to stop eating dogs and cats, and to start treating them as pets and friends, if you can imagine. how novel.
I recall another zinger from my friend from shanghai "in america you take dog for walk. IN china, we put dog in wok"! He thought it was funny. I didn't.

The chinese are always willing to try something new from america, like cigarettes and rock n roll.Why not try sleeping with dogs and cats? Three dog night, baby, like the australians say. Maybe human beings might eventually give up killing and eating animals altogether. Hell, anything's possible.

Ten percent of americans claim to prefer dogs and cats to humans, and that figure is probably low. So, my chinese friend had a point. The chinese must be a appalled by this, but to us, it makes perfect sense.

In my neighborhood in small town middle america there has recently been a sudden appearance of stray cats. Several, beautiful, healthy looking stray cats and kittens. For some reason, I rather like it. I've adopted two of them so far, with maybe more to come. Stay tuned.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Coming Together

OBAMA has a couple of qualities which i think make for a good president. Hew plays basketball, as you may know, and is decent, maybe comparable to an average high school player.He plays regularly, and he likes to play with good players.

Everyone he plays with is younger, bigger, more athletic than obama, and that's the way he wants it. If you take it easy on him because he's president, you don't get invited back. no special treatment. Obama hates that. He  likes guys who play hard, to win.

At one point i recall hearing his siter, or some close family member, say that she has never seen barrack obama angry. always cool, always under comtrol. wasn't it at columbia law school where he served as the peace maker between the liberals and conservatives? Good qualities for leadership.

Conservatives might be reluctant to admit that obama has any good qualities, other than the ability to lie well. And that's too bad. Its too bad when we close our minds in bias. I recall how inspirational Bush 43 was right after nine one one, but my liberal friends would never admit this.

"Mr Gorbachev, tear down this wall," was pretty cool too. the fact that it was delivered by one of my least favorite presidents is  immaterial. we will not have a united america until we are all willing to accept the truth spoken by those who disagree with us.

we must stop dividing the world into good people who agree with me, and bad people who don't, and see everyone as good, worthy of communication, and compassion.

seldom have we had a united america, we must admit. pearl harbor, nine eleven, and so forth. One thing you russians should know about us americans is that we are always fighting among ourselves.

there are people all over the united states who evidently seriously want to secede from the nation, like the confederacy did back in teh day. folks in texas, lot of 'em, and one dude, i recall, out in the desert, who proclaimed his land to be a new country.

 so far, their petitions have been denied in washington; if anyone tries to leave, the rest of us'll gang up, and put a stop to it, like we dun in  sixty five when push come to shove..what about you kind souls in germany and russia? do you ever have this sort of nonsense? Please tell me you do, it would make me feel batter.

Taking The Oath Four Times

THE U.S. CONSTITUTION says the president shall be sworn in on january 20, at high noon, and that's all it says. Rumor has it that madison and jefferson sparred verbally over whether to provide for a one day inaugural postponement in the event of Sunday NFL playoff football, and decided not.

sunday's constitutional swearing in just didn't have enough media appeal, so the obama people, the corporate rulers, and we the american people, in absentia, decided to do the whole thing over monday, with all the traditional hoopla. One of those "only in america" thingies.

Obama has now tied FDR's record of being sworn into the presidency four times, but of course it took roosevelt four terms to do it. I only watched part of it today, because i  thought there were too many commercials, just as i think there are too many commercials for every television program.

Just knowing that the monday inauguration was nothing but a sham, a repeat, a corporate sponsored entertainment money making extravaganza, lessened my interest in it. For the record, this was the first time an american presidential inauguration has taken place which was absolutely meaningless....

owing to the fact that it was nothing but a reenactment. Unless our historical research department is mastaken, always before when inaururagion day fell on a sunday, which was once or tiwce; the inauguration was simply held on sunday, as per constitutional requirtment, without the monday reenactment.

But that was then, and this is now. They could not postpone the actual oath of office - that would be, they did it yesterday, in private, so they could do it all over again on a monday holiday honoring a black man while inaugurating a black president.

Just too much drama to turn down, here in the land where we are taught to exploit everything.

Shovel Ready Work

IN A PREVIOUS  article we mentioned that germany is capable of getting half of its energy from solar energy systems on any given day. And because of this, there is a chance the world, the human race may not destroy itself.

The germans plan to continue expanding their solar energy assets, and will perhaps someday operate the entire country on sunlight, in which case humanity will be saved. Recently the germans decided to shut down all their nuclear power facilities, so confident are they in the future of solar, and its comparative safety.

It may well be that before long germans ceases all investment in oil, coal, or natural gas as well. If germany can succeed in deriving half ist energy from sunlight, then it can succeed in deriving all of it similarly, and, with a lot of hard work and adjustments, so can the rest of us.

The same frantic determination by all humanity to go solar that the united states demonstrated in developing the nuclear bomb during war time will accomplish the goal of a world using only clean green energy.

Whatever you think your biggest problem is, chances are there is a bigger one you haven't thought about. Soon, for instance, we will have to start helping several billion people, and thousands of big cities, move inland from their current location on the ocean's shores.

Otherwise, they'll will help, won't you? The amount of effort, money, and energy required for this will be staggering, probably sufficient to require all the military assest of all the world's military organizatons to convert to the massive evacuation project.

We simply won't have time to attack or defend, and if we continue arguing, attacking, and defendign anyway, we will have very little, if anything, to fight over. Thus, it becomes crucial to join together in common global projects; development and installation of solar energy, detection and deflection of incoming asteroids....

...exploration and colonization of outer space, as well as the cleaning of carbon from the atmosphere, and the reversal of global warming and sea level rise. Desalinization and moving of sea water inland to desert areas also comes to mind.

The work is cut out for us, "shovel ready", as we like to say. Its time to begin.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

And the Answer Is...

PRESIDENT OBAMA has now been sworn in for a second term, and there are no reports of anyone messing up lines; thus, tomorrow's ceremony will be purely unsubstantive, and hundreds of thousands of people will stand outside the capital, for no practical reason other than to listen to a campaign speech, no matter what the weather is..

...for a meaningless, repetitive, needless ritual...four years ago the first ceremony was the public one, but was botched, so a private repeat was done the next day; this time, the private version comes first...

Obama's plan to reduce gun violence in america includes spending millions of dollars to find out if violent video games inspire violence in the real world, and if so, how so, and to what extent. Some people might argue that this is stupid and unnecessary;

of course violent video games make people violent, right? How can they not? Well, it isn't quite that simple. No scientific study ever conducted, and there have been many, has ever proven a connection between the games and the violent bahavior.

all the stueids have at least one vital flaw, and therefore the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the sale of video games cannot be banned due to any harmful effects, at least, not yet. S properly done study will probably prove the issue one way or the other.

It has been suggested by some that violent video games, rather then causing violent behavior, actually help prevent it, by helping express the violent instincts withtin the game players, thus satisfying vicariously their emotional need.

sounds crazy, but, who knows. obama says it makes no sense not to get the wcience behind video game influences on people right, and you can see his point. others might point out that it makes no difference how video games effect people, they should be legal, but are not an excuse to abuse guns.

Still, you would think that by now some University would have done some verifiable research and reached some definitive verifiable conclusions about the question.

Even if it doesn't matter what the answer is, its an interesting question.

Swearing in the President...again...and again...

PRESIDENT OBAMA SHALL, at high noon today, take the oath of office to begin his second term, in accordance with the united states consitution, whch mandates january twenty at high noon as the magic moment, but doesn't say anything about which time zone, or if the day of the week matters.

Who is administering the oath? Chief Justice Roberts? Oh my, get your cue cards ready. Will the honorable chief justice forget the words again, like last time? Remember how embarassing that was, and how obama had to actually coax him through it , like talking a cat down from a tree?The president had it memorized, the chief justice didn't - big mistake......

pride goeth before a fall. the chief justice of the united states supreme court was just too proud to read a short statement from a cue card, and it cost 'im...

After the re - swearing in today, that should, by all measurments of sanity and common sense, be the end of it. But no, hell no, not in america, the fun house, the land of hype and hoopla. For you see, to compete against the NFL Copnference Championship games for audience attention on a sunday is unacceptable, hype -  wise.

We shall have a three day weekend, and swear in the president yet again, on nothing less than martin luther king day. And, if you were obama, I'm sure you would do exactly the same publicity oriented thing, because, if it were you, you'd be a politician, with a politician's mindset.

Will justice roberts be back monday? will it be on the steps of the capitol, and will it be followed by a first family walk down pennsylvania, and about eleven very expensive, elite, and exquisite formal balls?

Must be, becasue all we keep hearing is that this will be the most expensive inauguration party in history; so much for obama's pledge of greater ceremonial simplicity, or did he ever even make such a pledge...

oh how we love our three day weekends! let's move christmas to "the last monday in december", and the fourth of july to the first monday in july!

if memory serves, four years ago, the chief justice and president met again the day after inauguration day, in the quiet and privacy of the white house, and did the oath over again - just to make sure that they got it right.

This means that as of high noon, monday, obama will be sworn into office for, count 'em, the fourth time, and that's gotta be a record. Give the guy credit. Don't forget, like all politicians, our president loves face time. You never know, he might not be through swearing himself in even after monday...

 Might the president make this a regular thing?Just in case, better break out the really big popcorn poppers...

Discipline, and Expectations

IT IS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING how fast a stray cat can become a spoiled cat.Is the same thing true of dogs, and horses, and, horror of horrors, humans? Stray cat camps on your doorstep, so you give it a little food. Soon, it wants more.

Next time the kitten doesn't seem to enjoy the food quite as much, so you decide to try something else, another kind of food, maybe something a bit more expensive, or a bit tastier. And, at this moment, you have, by accident, begun the process we call "spoilage".

Next time the same ole cat food just aint good enough anymore. Now, its gotta be, it absolutely must be the slightly better variety that was offered, belatedly, at the end of the previous feeding. The cycle has begun. Spoilage has set in.

what was a cold, hungry homeles stray just a few short nights ago is now entitled royalty, asleep on the softest chair.

My own behavior at a food fuffett astounds me, or used to. I got out of the habit of attending, as i grew older and wiser. I recall struggling to my feet, and staggering back to the food bar, plate full....

but why? what's the point? I was already full, beyond full, before the last plate full. Eating for the sake of the sheer enjoyment of eating? Is it true about the ancient roman aristocracy, the patricians, and their "regurgitoriums"?

Pleasure seeking little creaturs that we are, its hard to know where to start, and where to stop. The successful people simply put themsleves on a rigid system of required sacrifice and denial, and usually end up with the first place trophy.

The rest of us muddle along, asbestos we can, poisoning ourselves, and not even caring, because it feels so good.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Accepting Reasonable 2nd Amendment Limitations

NOW, RIGHT FROM THE START, let's get this clear: I like guns. When i was about ten my father gave my older sister and me BB guns(rifles) which gave us many hours of enjoyment. About the same time dad taught us how to load and shoot a single shot .22 rifle, and we plugged away at beer cans, 'tother side of the creek.

Ah those halcyon days of early childhood, on the river, eating, swimming, sunning, shooting...I keep thinking about getting a nice BB rifle, and a single shot twenty two...I bet i will, in the fairly near future.. I could have the same fun, again, just like forty seven years ago, when i was ten..

I am not a member of the NRA, but I believe in the second amendment, and the National Rifle Association..i just happen to think that sometimes they go too far, are a bit too extreme, dramatic, and demonstrative in their defense of second amendment rights.

All across america today, saturday, january 19, gun advocates gathered at state capitols to protest Obama's gun control proposals and proclamations. What is disturbing is the angry intensity with which they did so.

Obama's propoasls and executive orders aren't really all that extreme, are they? Its not like He is trying to take everyone's guns away. Don't most of his actions have to do with the number of bullets in a clip or magazine, and how thorough a background check must precede the purchase of an automatic weapon, and so forth?

Pretty tame stuff, seems like.  Nothing unreasonable, or drastic. Yet, on the steps of state capitals, ultra right wingers screamed "don't take my thirty round clip away!" I mean, sheesh. Methinks the gun rights advocates doth protest too much. they claim they fear incrementalism; the withering away of gun owner's rights, one small step at a time.

and they may just have a point there.  But all pro gun folks must admit that we have a real problem with gun violence in america, and there is no way to tell in advance who will kill, so, in order to keep ridiculously powerful weapons away from future killers, maybe we have to keep such weapons away from everyone. Doesn't seem like all that much of a sacrifice. At least the mass random murders would have more trouble sustaining fire, and would have to reload more often.