Saturday, January 28, 2023

Black, Brutalizing Black

WHAT DISTINGUISHES our most recent instance of police brutality is that not only is the victim African-American, as per usual, but the so are the police officers, five in number. I set my alarm for three A.M., intending to hear the hourly news on National Public Radio, to find out whether America's cities were in fire,, and if so, which of them in particular had burned, and to what extent. With relief I was informed that the nationwide protests were not well attended, were relatively few in number, and relatively peaceful, as prescribed by the family of the dead victim. I attributed this to the fact that all the police officers involved were black. Had they been white, real trouble might have erupted, becasue we have become acccustomed to a racist component to our police brutality, and here there was apparently none. Instances of police brutality in the United States, like instances of mass murder, are endemic, and have long been so. Each time the public responds with thoughts, prayers, and expressions of horrified shock and indignation. It is perhaps time for the public to maintain this state of mind continuously, and for our national ensign to fly at perpetual half staff. Of even more immediate necessity is our national need to recognize the systemc persistence of hatred and violence in a culture founded upon violence and exploitation, a culture in which police departments were first foremed inthe eighteen thirties in Eastern cities for the expressed purpose of preserving the institution of slavery and white supremacy, vestiges of which linger to this day.... "Evil follows Whosoever speaks or acts with wicked mind, just as the wheel follows the hoof of the draft ox. Whosoever speaks or acts with pure mind will know happiness, even as the shadow which never leaves. This is a law eternal... He beat me, he abused me, he defeated me, he robbed me. The hatred of those who harbor such thoughts is never appeased. He beat me, he abused me, he defeated me, he robbed me. The hatred of those who do not harbor such thoughts is always appeased"..... Our modern American culture requires for its healing considerably more than ancient Buddhist scripture from the Dhammapada, obviously. It requires systemic reform at the most fundamental level. But a nation of pure minds replacing a nation of wicked, hatred filled minds, filled with petty vindictive thoughts would, if nothing else, be a place to start. The national disease is deeply embedded. we Americans must take a long, hard look at ourselves, a process much overdo, if painful, for fear of what we might see, and revealing. As Nietschze said: "If thou gaze deep into the abyss, the abyss will gaze into thee".

Friday, January 27, 2023

Declaring Intellectual Bankruptcy

WHEN DONALD TRUMP was defeated in his bid for reelection in 2020, he lost with virtually no formal suport from the Republican party. There was no party platform, no formal agenda of ideal and plans for the american people to puruse and consider. Nothing. This situation remains unchanged. A major American political party utterly bereft of ideas, intellectually as well as, at least ostensibly morally bankrupt. Four years of the Trump presidency had produced only scandal, hatred, and the philosophical vacuum of a political movement which had nothing but opposition to progress to offer its constituency. Scrutiny of the conservative-Republican agenda reveals that their only discernible platform consists of opposition to liberalism generally. Liberals want to strengthen and sustain Social Security and Medicare, conservatives want to cut back on both. Liberals want to emphasize traditional and ongoing American bigotry against minorities such as African-americans and LGBTQ people, conservatives want pay no attention to these concerns. The list goes on. Instead of making America great again, the Trump era only made America, which entered the Trump reign as great as ever, stagnant, isolated from the world, alone in its pursuit of indecency. The Republican National Committee, which consists of one hundred and sixty eight of their most devout, seems to be searching for an answer. In its current incarnation, it and the evangelical Christian community it represents, is more intent on investigating every nook and cranny of the Biden administration, merely for the satisfaction of electoral revenge, than addressing and solving the nation's pressing problems. A consensus has emerged among journalists who follow the charade of importance closely that the Republican party in its present incarnation stands for precisely nothing. It has become the party of Trump, the party turned cult following whose only purpose is to reinstate its corrupt icon back into the presidency, by violent mob and orchestrated overthrow of the government if necessary. When the Congressional sub committee investigating the insurrection of January 6, 2021, issued it final report of more than eight hundred pages, there was scant mention of the influence social media had in helping foment and shape the violent insurrection. Yet, social media, especially Facebook and Twitter, played an essential part in the process. Society was given advance warning of all the signes of impending violence, but chose to take no preventative action, even as the threats of violence and insurrection become increasingly obvious, too obvious to ignore, too ovbious to act upon. And because of this, because wehave not adequately learned the lessons of recent history, we are condemed to repeat our mistakes. Whether George Santayana or Lord Acton first warned us of the price we pay when we fail to remember our mistakes, we are doomed to repeat them. And, as Goethe said: "Only by mistakes which really irk us do we advance".

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Resurrecting Free Enterprise

TAYLOR SWIFT and a large corporation with a funny name (Google) have accomplished what more than a century of anti-trust legislation could not; they have inspired a resurrection of anti-trust action intended to prevent the further distortion of capitalism by eliminating monopolies. Sometimes a monopolistic business enterprise becomes so overloaded with its bloated customer base that it loses track of itself and its sales success, and implodes. Hence, millions of people, fans of cute young ladies with voices straight from junior high school, wanting desperately to attend a Taylor Swift concert, were stymied in their pursuit of pop culture by a ticket dealing entity too big for its own britches, unable to keep track of its own retail sales. And Google? How dare you even think about trying to advertise with any other advertising dispenser! The Sherman Anti-Trust Act (1890), and the Clayton Anti-Trust Act (1914), which strengthened its predecessor, were enacted to prevent just such distortions of free enterprise, and easily could have, had they only been utilized, but for decades have both lain dormant in our era of unregulated Reagonomics and corporate rampage. According to Adam SMith, the "godfather" of modern capitalism, monopolies, in the absence of external factors which distort the frEe market, monopolies would never emerge. (the Wealth of Nations, 1776). In modern America, in an economy beseiged by and inundated with unforeseen externalities (factors which distort the free market, such as labor unions, bad weather, and conspiracies), the economy has coalesced into a virtual monopoly in every major erea of production and distribution. So much so that in one of his seminal books, historian Gore Vidal asked: "Didn't we used to have something called the "Sherman Anti-Trust Act"? Were not "combinations in restraint of trade" deemed long ago to be unacceptable? Whatever happened to it? What happened is that it was ignored in the post World War economic boom, as corporations tightened their control of the political process, and sent to Congress a veritable bevy of corporate facilitators, creating a class of what Vidal quite corrrectly called "our corporate masters". Monopolies are perfectly acceptable only to those busines interests which benefit from them, the monopolists themselves. To everyone else, they are a hindrence to a thriving, healthy, consumer economy. But now, at long last, to the rescue croons Taylor Swift, and Google, advertising its way to the demise of its own privileged position. Assuming that these twin titans of modern American culture are the harbingers of litigation to come, we seem to be singing and googling our way out of our our self inflicted anti-capitalistic morass.

Monday, January 23, 2023

Singing Along

I FULLY ANTICIPATE that at this week's gospel sing-along get-together we will again sing the praises of the poor man who was tortured to death that whosoever worships him will be saved from the eternal fires of hell, comforted by the fact that the torture, after all was said and done, was only temporary, and that the poor man's sacrifice was only that he lost a weekend. So was he or was he not God? Was he merely human? They discussed this as the Council of Nicea, in present day Turkey, in teh year of our Lord three twenty five A.D., and split the difference; he was both. Joshua ben Joseph, elected through the demmocratc process to the office of God, but keeping his hat in the human ring, so to speak. I'm good to go with all that; its the washing away my sins in blood that disconcerts, nay, repulses me. Several thousand years ago, all over the world, pre scientific societies decided that the only way to explain existence was to assume that an all powerful anthropomorphic being in the sky, or atop Mt. Olympus, pulled the strings, that hewas a meat eater, and that to offer him the blood sacrific of virgin human flesh would placate his anger. God, feeding upon human flesh. Like a little known song lyric says: "You can keep the cross, just give us Jesus". There are approximately fifteen hundred organized religions in the United States, about half of which are Christian denominations. We know this because they are registered with the government for purposes of tax evasion. Globally, there are in excess of four thousand religions. let us assume for the sake of conciliation that they are all conduits to what Einstein called "the old eternal genius who built the world". there are as many ways to the mountain top as there are people making the climb. I would just as soon attend an islamic service and sing Islamic songs, if there were any. Goethe said it best. (Goethe said many things best). "When I realized that everyone invents his own religion, I decided to invent mine". Or einstein: "My religiosity consists in humble admiration of the infinitely superior spirit which reveals itself in what little we, with our weak and transitory understanding, can comprehend of reality. I cannot conceive of a personal God who would sit in judgment over creatures of his own creation. Morality is of the umtost imortance, for mankind, but not for God." for me, the notion of an anthropomorphic God-in-the sky is as untenable as the notion that by sacrificing a virgin in a bloody ritual, we appease an angry God, and save ourselves from eternal suffering. Again, Goethe: "Pure was Jesus in his passion, in his heart but one God serving. Who of him a God would fashion, from his sacred will is swerving". You can keep the cross, just give us Jesus. I look forward each week to singing "How Great Thou Art".

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Fake Money Falling

MONEY DOESN'T ACTUALLY EXIST. We'd be better off, in some ways, to rerun to the days of bartering.. I'll trade you two good milk cows if you'll work in my filed and help me put in my crop, that sort of thing. Then again, in a modern economy with all kinds of economic transactions happening every moment of every day, we'd all have a hard time moving our cows around fast enough to keep up with our wheeling dealing. Hence, coinage, and then, paper currency, bank accounts, electronic cash transfers, and, the ultimate in imaginary money, "crpyto currency", which is nothing other than purely electronic money. Crypto currency, which could be called "cyber money", is probably the future of human ecoomic transfers. But for now, its still rather new, and a bit rough around the edges. Like many new and exciting assets, electronic money zoomed in stock market value, well beyond any reasonable expectations, then, following the laws of nature, came crashing down, where it now resides, having lost two thirds of its value in a little over a year. The recent scandal involving the FtX (Funds That don't Exist?) cyber currency concern, and its boy billionaire leader, no indicted heavily for financial corruption (stealing and spending other people's cyber currency) may be but the tip of the proverbial iceberg. Stay tuned. The failure of the big FtX crypto currency firm, its descent into bankruptcy, left hundreds of investors without any trace of the funds they invested, and ruined many financial lives in the process, all because of the reckless corrupt behavior of a few very wealthy, very immoral fund managers. And yet, economic and political conservatives will doubtless continue their false argument that a free market economy functions better with less government regulation and oversight, even as the urgent need for government regulation of the fledgling crypto currency industry has never been more apparent. Every conservative would benefit from reading Adam Smith's seminal "bible" of capitalism, "The Wealth of Nations", published in 1776. Smith stated that a smoothly functioning capitalist economy would require rational behavior by everyone, and should result in a universal middle class of owners and workers, with approximate economic equality occurring naturally according the the law of supply and demand. We are obviously far removed from such an idyllic economic circumstance. Rarely mentioned in conservative economic circles is that Smith also said that all government action on behalf of the poor is desirable, and that no government action on behalf of the wealthy is desirable. Since government is necessary to the proper function of any economy, why not allow a democratically elected government to regulate economic activity on behalf of everyone?

Wednesday, January 18, 2023


IN AMERICA, all things are possible. You can be whatever you want, do whatever you want. Anybody can become successful, anybody can sue anybody for anything, and, tragically, anybody can shoot and kill anybody.. A first grader recently proved this in dramatice fasion, when she shot his first grade teacher, who, thank goodness, seems to have survived the shooting, and even heroically led her other students to safety immediately after being shot, incredibly. But let's face it: she could have died, and thus, a first grader can kill somebody, anybody, with a gun. Several years ago a friend of mine, a guy my age, married with grown children, told me that he was intending to purchase a handgun for home defense, and to purchase a lock box to keep it in. My thought at the time was, and still is; What's your plan? If an intruder breaks into your home, are you assuming that you'll have time to unlock the lock box and get the gun, or, in a pinch, would you call "timeout" and expect the intruder to wait while you open the box? I never asked; I assume that to this day his gun is locked safely away from himself and all potential intruders, protected from sunlight and dust. In a society in which a majority of the citizens at large beleive that society is safer when all good citizens carry guns in public, such as American society, once in a blue moon at least, some previously presumed harmless first grader is going to shoot and kill somebody. That's just the statistically real price we must pay for all this presumed public safety and security. More people died by gun fire in the united States last year than by auto fatalities, correct? Hundreds if not thousands of the fatalities are children, are accidents in which the child is either the accidental killer or the victim. Especially amazing is that the folks who advocate widespread gun ownership and public display swear, to a man, that the more guns there are out and around in public, in the hands of "good" people only, the lower the crime and death rate. As if good people can be distinguished from bad people before the trigger is pulled. In face they cannot. A quick glance at all the people who have committed mass murders in America over the past, say, several dedaces, and there are thousands of them, almost to a man they were not identified as "bad" people prior to their obtaining a gun. They all owned their guns legally. Hint: they never will be, it cant be done. A person cannot be identified as a potential murderer before he murders someone. In america, we can all be anything we want to be, even murderers.

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Investigating Only the Enemy

EVER ASSIDUOUS in their devotion to the pursuit of justice, the Congressional Republicans have requested that President Trump turn over to them a compelte lsit of all humans who enetered his house over the past year, what they call a "visitor's log", the sort of thing you might have at a country club, a resort, or an property owned by Donald Trump or your average wealthy pretentious Republican. This is in connection with the Republican's intense frenzy to investigate how Biden came to still possess classified documents at his home. Problem is, Biden doesn't keep one, a visitor's log, at his house, and neither does anyone else who lives or works there, so it seems. Normal, unpretentious Americans simply do not keep "visitor's logs" at their homes. Even more hilarious than conservative America's apparent ignornace of the lifestyles of normal Americans is the disparity between their treatment of Donald Trump and his classified cocuments, and Joe Biden and his. The two presidents, one former and one current, have very different situations. For one, Trump has, or rather had a veritable room full of classified documents he shouldn't have, while Biden only had a few. The major difference is of course that whereas Biden turned over his documents voluntarily and is cooperating compeletly with the appropriate, proper authorities, Trump continues to engage in obstruction of justice, avoiding any and all responsibility for his characteristically criminal behavior. The issue is intent. Whereas Biden's document possession appears to have been entirely accidental, an oversight by an assistant, Trump's theft of Federal property was planned and premeditated, according to Trump himself, and was obviously perpetrated for some hidden, as yet unrevealed motive, like, maybe, selling them to the Russians, to help his old friend, Mr. Putin. Who knows? The Rebublicans continue to respond to Trump's criminal behavior by blaming it on other people, denying it altogether, or by claiming that the whole thing is a set up by Trump's enemies, which it always seems to be with Trump. Biden? Well, according to Republicans, its the most egeregious behavior of any president ever, and must be duly investigted immediately, for the sake of accountability and justice. You can look long and hard, but you cannot find a conservative Republican willing to even mention the possibility that Trump might've behaved incorrectly by trying to, say, overthrow the governemnt, or, say, by stealing thousands of classified documents, deliberately, upon leaving office. Besides having become essentially a criminal organization which sanctions criminal activity, the G.O.P. gang is chock full of blatant hypocrites. Not to even mention their obvious moral and intellectual bankruptcy.

Saturday, January 7, 2023

Agenda Setting Lunacy

WHEN I REALIZED that a major plank in the Republican House majority Caucus is the defunding of the Internal Revenue Service, a perfectly reasonable question came to mind: how, then, in the hell do they propose to fund the country? With tariff import duties? A supersized national lottery? Philothropic contributions? Let's be clear: in the far futuristic year of two thousand and twenty three, a national income tax, and a governmental agency well enough funded and staffed to collect and organize it, is absolutely, flat out essential for national economic survival. And yet, stifling the IRS by defunding it indeed seems to be a prominent part of the agenda of the far political right. And crazy though it is, it is by far not the only crazy component to American conservatism's game plan. Recall that several months ago when the Biden administration shepherded through Congress a bill which restored full funding to the agency following years of Republican budget cuts, Republicans described the spending as "wasteful". Decapitating the primary source of income for the federal government is more than merely unwise, it is reckless extremism, like the rest of the right wing agenda. Perhaps the most extreme, reckless part of their agenda is in the area of education, consisting of what America's far right believe should and should not be taught, or mentioned, in public schools. The essence of this is that conservative America wants to prohibit all public schools from acknowledging that racism is not only a fundamental American value since the nation's inception, but that it remains a factor in today's American society. In other words, ignore racism, ignore our modern racist culture, pretend that it does not exist. Same with the LGBTQ community. Simply prohibit any mention of LGBTQ people in pubic schools, and presto, change-o, they are gone, out of sight, out of mind! Somehow, the underllying pshychology in this is remindful of conservative reaction to Trump's election defeat in twenty twenty. Living in a make believe world, is the right wing. By the time we've reached a cert, bvious, easily detected lie in American history, but probably in recorded human history as well. The fact that tens of millions of consrvative christian Republicans shose and still choose to delude themselves into believing it is, to say the least, shocking. But you can see the mentality behind it. Its the same mentality which impels right wingers to pass laws making it ilegal to teach schol children about racism or to acknowledge to existence of gay people or climate change; a mentality of sick, twisted, delusional thinking.

Friday, January 6, 2023

Remembering, To Avoid Repeating

TWO YEARS AGO TODAY, a day which will live in infamy among good Americans but will be largely, deliberatly overlookedand and forgotten by conservatives and Trump supporters and distored beyond recognition by right wing revisionist historians, a violent mob of main stream Republican Trump supportes tried to overthrow the American government in order to illegally keep Donald Trump in power by attacking the U.S. Capitol building, killing several people and permanently injuring hundreds more. Equally shocking, to this day the official description of the events of that day, of this nightmare, by the Republican party, as voted on by the Republican National Committee, is that the insurrrection was, in fact, "legitimate political discourse". Hence, the Republican party has officially designated itself a criminal, terrorist organization, albeit presumably unwittingly. It is not only of the greatest importance that we all remember the right wing insurrection of Donald Trump, but that also we always keep in mind two important facts regarding public reaction to it: that a large majority of conservative Christian Americans say to this day that the insurrection was either justified, or misinterpreted, and, that Trump's big lie upon which the violence was predicated, that the 2020 election was stolen from him, is true. It is, of course, and has been from the beginning, a complete fabrication. Most shameful of all is the desperate desire onthe part of conservative America to downplay or totally ignore the events of that horrible day, or to wildy misinterpret them. Considering all this, how can any decent, self respecting, morally decent American citizen even consider remaining a member of the Republican party? Everyone would agree that morals and character matter, among nation's, and among individuals. As to whether our society is currently in a state of moral decline is subject to the usual unending speculation, and is ultimately anyone's guess. It is observable that in every period of history, since at least the time of Socrates, who complained about the lack of ambition and courtesy among the youth in fifth cntury B.C. Athens, every generation of older adults condemns every generation of young people as lazy, irresponsible, disresptful of elders, and so forth. The fact, however, that one of the two major political parties in thes United States unreservedly endorses criminal activity, and that tens of millions of presumably well meaning citizens still support a political leader who tried to orchestrate a violent takeover of the government surely does not speak well of mainstream American cultural values in the futuristic year of 2023.

Thursday, January 5, 2023

Reforming Football

THE YOUNG MAN who had a heart attack on a football field is going to be just fine, thank God, and thanks to science and modern medicine. People have been asking the question "What is the NFL going to do"? Just when I think that someone is finally raising the issue of the inherently violent nature of the game because of the young man's injury and provide sugggestons for reform, no, they're talking about scheduling a make up date for the game that was canceled. We are left to bring up the far more pressing matter here. Of the several different kinds of football: rugby football, soccer football, Canadian football, Australian football, and American football, American football is arguably the most harmful and dangerous. It almsot seems as if everybody who plays American football for even a relatively short period of time ends up with at least one serious injury, often one which causes lifelong debilitation, below the neck, above the neck, or both. Violent though U.S. football has always been, its more so than ever now, partly because of the greatly increased size, speed, and strength of modern athletes, and partly because the demand for violence by the general public, by American culture, is strong and unrelenting. This enhanced violence is obvious to people who have been watching the sport for, say, more than half a century. One posible solution or at least improvement is already in the rulebook: the rule against unnecessary roughness, and the five yard penalty that goes along with it. It almsot seems as if American football culture is started to expect that blockers and tacklers do more than merely block and tackle, that they do what we call "hit". As if the goal now is not berely to bring the ball carrier to the ground, but to drive him into the ground. Or, not merely to block the path of a potential tackler to the ball carrier, but to eliminate the ability of the would be tackler to continue playing. The advent of this change in football culture seems to coincide with the general trend in American culture, movies, music, books, video games, and so forth, towards greater levels of violence. The "roughing the passer" penalty carries with it a larger penalty than "unnecessary roughness", and applies only to the quarterback or to the player throwing the football. The "unnecessary roughness" penalty, a smaller penalty, can apply to any player at any time. Just by the very nature of football, it wouldn't require very many such penalities to motivate every football team to avoid making needless violent blocks and tackles, to generally and fundamentlly change football culture to make it less violent, and to renew emphasis on and the importance of form blocking and tackling, effective blocking and tackling, rather than violence. We all know the difference.

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Balking at Salvation

THE PRIMARY BARRIER to my gaining salvation for my immortal soul through Christ in the traditional Christian sense is my unmitigated aversion to the very notion of a person far superior to me being tortured to death to atone for my sins and achieve my eternal salvation. I simply cannot embrace this cosmic paradigm, and never could. This notwithstanding the obvious fact that since he was himself raised from the dead and ascended into heaven after only two days of death, Jesus in effect loses only a weekend in the bargain. It has alwasy amazed me, and continues to amaze me, that people rejoice at the opportunity to transfer their personal responsibilities to someone, anyone else, but especially to Jesus, a harmless man of great value who left the Earth while still, it can be easily surmised, had much more to give it. As if accepting salvation by embracing the sacrifice of another's life is a desirable choice, especially from a moral standpoint. Let us all discard our moral cowardice, accept full responsibility for ourselves and our actions, and love and emulate the living, uncrucified Jesus! According to the Islamic religion, Jesus, like Muhammed, was a prophet of God, but, like Muhammed, was entirely human. Jesus is mentioned no fewer than twenty seven times in the Quran, all of them praising him as a great prohpet, a forerumner to the Muslim prophet. In Islam, jesus was not crucified to atone for the sins of those who accept salvation by worshipping him, but rather, he ascended directly into heaven when the time was proper, as determined by God. Thus, in the Islamic faith we as individuals are responsibel entirely for all our actions while on Earth, we ecperience the consequences for them in this lifetime, and are judged by God upon our ascension. Its almost as if the Islamic religion is an updated, augmented version of Christianity, just as the Christian faith is an updated and enhanced version, in many ways, of Judaism. If nothing else, it seems ceratin that eithe God intends for thousands of religions to exist, for their to be thousands of ways to the mountain tp, so to speak, or, humans invent many different religions, all probably for the same reasons, but that none of them provides anything more than a partial view of truth and reality, and all contain many demonstrable errors.

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Bolsonaro, Putin, and Trump: Three Peas In A Dying Pod

BOLSONARO, like Putin and Trump, is a two bit con man criminal who made it big thanks to the darker side of his country's culture. All three have one paramount quality in commom; ther compete lack of interest in anytig except their personal aggradandizement, wealth, success, goof fortune and so forth. But the Argentine strongman was not quite strong enough, got voted out like Trump, and evidently thought better of any plan to use violence from a mob of supporters to overturn the election, overthrow his nation's government, and remain in power, as Trump notoriously tried. Instead, he left the country, to avoid probable criminal prosecution for any and all of the many corrupt bargains Bolsonaro made while in office, including the one wherein he took payments from the cattle industry in return for allowing cattle companies to continue to destroy the Amazon rain foreest replacing it with pasture land for grazing. In this matter, perhaps it is Trump who should take a page from Bolsonaro's playbook, and leave the country before it gets too hot, legally, if not climatically. Stay tuned. Obviously Putin remains the big problem among the three, though one cannot count the other two out. both might run for election in the future, and win. As we all know, far stranger things have happened. to all the people of russia, to the beautiful citizens of Russia, this website implores you; please, in the name of sanity and human survival, replace Putin before its too laten and before the powers that be block this website. This website hereby declares its full support for the removal from power of Vladimir Putin, by whetever means may be necessary. Bolsomaro, meanwhile, like Trump, lacked the dignity and decency to attend the inauguration of his replacement, and instead thought it prudent to flee from justice, which Trump may eventually be tempted to do. Perhaps Bolsomaro is hoping that Trump will return to power, then facilitate his own return to power in Argentina, by force, if necessary. Trump, Putin, Bolsonaro, Boris Johnson, Modi, Netanyahu, all right wing demagoues, all have an essemtially similar strategy for gaining and remaining in power. It is a page taken directly from the playbook of Hitler and Mussolini. Convince through lies and false history narratives that the nation is in great peril, that it was once great but has lost its greatness because of enemies within, liberals, teh media, Jews - any old enemy will do nicely - then, after getting voted in, continue to harp and rage against the enemies, unifying the angry, aggressive support base. For the sake of the future of western civilization, let us hope that this current wave of far right wing populism soon blows over and fades into the dust bin of history, but with less fanfare, violence, and destruction wrought by the last far right movement, the one which included Hitler, Mussolini, and Franco.