Friday, February 27, 2015

Occupying Wall Street, Again

THE AMERICAN GOVERNMENT and the American people are, for all intents and purposes, held perpetual hostage to the financial services industry, a major subsidiary of the American-global corporate-military complex. (see: President Eisenhower, speech, 1-19-61). Hence the big Obama bank bailout of 2009, which anyone else, including Obama's critics, would have done, through sheer necessity. We the American people are owned and controlled by our corporate masters (read Gore Vidal, Sam harris, Chris hedges, or Noam Chomsky), pure and simple. I got my Bank of America mortgage in 2005, when I was fifty years old and poor, home values/prices were high, interest rates were high, and the housing market was hot, with much constructing, selling, and buying. I walked in, told the loan officer I had no money, a shitty but steady job, and could not make a down payment. Fine, he said, I have just the loan for you. Wow. Talk about a hot market. I started fantasing about my lovely new home, and was ready to jump at any rate of interest. (one can be old and well educated, yet quite naive, financially). This is about the same time the Bank of America was handing out debit cards to illegal aliens, and loaning Michael Jackson two hundred million dollars. Ah, the good ole boom town days! Then, the bubble burst, and we the people bailed out the entire industry, with Obama as our point man, because we/he had no choice; the financial services industry is verily too big to fail. I have gotten way ahead on my mortgage payments, and will soon pay it all off, and Bank of America, all the while, keeps offering me a refinance application, then turning me down after I fill out the paper work. Suddenly, recently, they sold my loan to another corporation, just like that. They didn't even ask my permission, amazingly. Even after the Bank of America got rid of me and my mortgage, they kept taking mortgage payments out of my checking account electronically, presumably by accident at the local level, or perhaps as part of a greater corporate conspiracy to steal from me. It only lasted two months. I called the office, and got my money back, and the payments stopped! Apology? why, of course not! My point is this: exactly what is there about the Bank of America for me to like? It is a frequently convicted serial criminal. Various forms of financial fraud, many federal convictions, billions of dollars in penalties, see public record. Meanwhile its profits are absolutely huge, and the directors, executives, and managers receive huge compensation packages. The Bank of America bankrupted itself through stupidity and greed, got we the people to bail it out with our money, and continued paying huge salaries to its executives while exploiting we the people with high interest rates and so forth, particularly we the poor people. What are we the people going to do about it? three words: Occupy Wall Street. It worked before (raised awareness) and can work again, especially if we get several million more people involved. And nobody has to camp out for six weeks, getting filthy, hungry, bored, angry, and verbally abused. You can come and go. Or come, go, and come again. You can take part in an internet version, to parallel the physical street version. The possibilities are endless. What is our platform? (we need one). 1. Greater economic economy, individually, globally. Redistribution. 2. Direct democracy, popular sovereignty, global cooperation. 3. Environmental restoration, reasonable livings standards for all. 4. No paid political advertising/money free political system......all this can be amended and augmented. But, K.I.S.S. Tell your friends! Let's start May first.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Forgetting About the U.S. Constitution, Conservative Republican Style

UNLESS YOU HAVE BEEN LIVING on, say, Mars, you are aware that President obama has issued an executive order with the intention of making things a bit easier for people who are illegally living in the United States, people such as the parents of babies born in America, babies who, according to the constitution, are automatic American citizens on accounta having been born here. Infant citizens, with illegal alien parents. That don't make good sense. Hell, that don't even make good nonsense. (Davy Crockett). Congress, (republicans) won't do anything about it, so Big "O" stepped in, and ever since our Republican cons (conservatives) have been claiming that the President is a dictator, a traitor, an overreacher, a constitution-ignorer, a Moslem, a foreigner, a trans sexual, and an all around bad dude. The only problem is, he aint none of the above, because the question of the legality of his Executive Order On Immigration hasn't yet been decided by the United States Supreme Court. Innocent until proven guilty. Legality of Executive Orders until U.S. Supreme court decides otherwise. Have our conservative brethren and sistern forgotten this fundamental constitution based principle? So it would seem. Hey! Here's an idea. In law school, third year, at many universities they have what is called "moot court", in which students play roles in a practice court room legal battle. Its all make believe, but still serious, and its great practice for the students. Cases are argued and decided by judges, who are usually law professors. Why don't we start doing that nationally, even at the Supreme Court level? If the high court doesn't want to or won't or can't hear the case against Obama's executive order on immigration, because it hasn't made its way there yet, nor even been filed, maybe the court could try the case in a moot court fashion, non binding, of course. just for "practice" (as if the cupreme court needs any {or maybe, on second thought, they do}), and to give us all an idea of where we stand? It would only take a day or so, if they wish. Maybe come in on a Sunday, and give it a whirl. Can you imagine the U.S. Supreme Court doing such a thing? Probably not.Too bad.

The Keystone Pipeline Doesn't Matter, One Way Or Another

PRESIDENT OBAMA RECENTLY vetoed the Keystone pipeline project - again - That much overly argued over pipe would bring oil from Canada to gulf Coast refineries, employ about four thousand builders, and about fifty full time workers to maintain it. Also, it would merely duplicate what we already have, which is many other pipelines, and would just be more of the same. In other words, its no big deal. Let's face it; we are going to dig up and use up every last ounce of fossil fuel on this planet, and, eventually we are going to run out, get smart, and save the planet just in the nick of time. So, were I Obama, I would agree to sign the Keystone bill, since it really, in the greater scheme of things, doesn't matter one way or another, but I would agree to sign it only on the condition that every republican congressperson sign a document acknowledgin human-made global warming/climate change, and pledging to be onboard when we finally decide to do something about it. Tit for tat, eh? Why not take the opportunity, if you are President Obama, to show a spirit of compromise, to make yourself appear to be open minded and conciliatory, play a little old fashioned wheeling dealing hard ball politics, and get something in return, such as, a reasonable point of view from conservatives, just this once?

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Aliens, Hiding In the Bushes

WHY, OH WHY don't the aliens from other planets reveal themselves to us, and contact us directly? Well, maybe they aren't there. But, jsut for the sake of discussion, assume that they are. Assume for the moment that the universe is home to a wide variety of lifeforms, intelligent and otherwise, many species of whom are zipping around "our" galaxy even as we speak, fully aware of our existence here on earth. Its always fun to fantasize. Consider this: if you yourself want to observe an ant colony, or a beehive, or a stone age culture in the Amazon valley, what do you do first? Why, the first thing you do is make sure that they can't see you as you obserive them. Why? Because you want to observe them, whoever they are, behaving they way they normally do, without being influenced by an outside observer, a frightening disruptive outside observer whose very presence changes everything, including behavior. The first thing you do is hide from the ones you want to observe. Heisenberg's "Uncertainty Principle" says; the very act of observing anything changes whatever you are obsrving, living or non living. In order to see something, you must shine a light on it, and the light makes the observed behave differently. Next time some new age wacko tries to tell you that folks from Andromeda, or Hydra, or Sirius, or wherever, are infiltrating the Federal Reserve or maintaining undersea military bases here on Earth, demand proof. The next time aforementioned new age wacko claims that aliens, any number of different species of them, already have contacted humanity directly, choosing some chosen few with whom to interact while leaving the rest of us out of the loop, demand proof. (you won't get it). Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. But you gotta believe, they're there, they're here, and they are smart, and well hidden. They'll come to us when they choose, and not a moment before. They simply happen to understand that once they come out of hiding, we humans freak, and that's a game changer. They'll change the game when they choose. You can see them now, amazed at our constant violence, and, for instance, our weird undeclared Chsistian-Islamic stand off, wondering how in the world two nearly identical and entirely fabricated religions can mutually hate so much, or even continue to exist in a high tech "civilization". They probably employ very simple invisibility technology, technology which we also have. And if they aint even out there, we're off the hook! But what a boring universe it would be...

Creating A Utopia, with Libs and Cons

ACCORDING TO AMERICAN CONSERVATIVES, at least many of them, liberalism is all emotion. Those do good, feel good, bleeding heart liberals. Libs like to make themselves feel good, so the myth goes, by expousing love and compassion. They believe that the world is capable of perfection, and that we the human people can create a utopia on earth. And, believe it or not, this is supposed to be a some kind of put down, a negative criticism. Those emotion based libs, as opposed to the intellectually armed, cold, logical, realistic, "just the facts ma'am" cons, that's the dichotomy according to conservatives (cons). Quick fact check here. Go walk around college campuses in America, particularly the academically prestigious ones, the Harvards, Princetons, Stanfords, Dukes and Berkeleys. What do you find? What you find is, A whole lotta very intelligent, well educated people, no matter where you look, all over campus, many if not most of whom are liberal. Often, very liberal. And just how do conservatives explain this? The American education sustem has been invaded, infiltrated, and taken over by a liberal conspiracy. These egg lib academicians are ivory tower air heads, with heads in clouds and feet planted nowhere near reality. And so on and so forth, yadda yadda yadda, ad nauseum dishonesteum. The truth, obviously, is that universiiies are where smart, educated people hang out, period. Simple as that. And, lo and behold, they tend to be liberal. Hmmmm...almost as if smart, educated people tend to be liberal, if one didn't know better, or rather, if one didn't pretend otherwise. And why we're at it, let's understand that these liberal PhDs are indeed using their brains, quite well, logically, thoughtfully, and that they indeed have their feet firmly rooted in realtiy, because they pay very careful attention to what's going on, everywhere. And as for love, compassion, emotion, utopia, and feeling good? What's wrong with that? Hell, ya gotta believe! Can we create a utopia on earth, a more perfect world? Yes we can! Bring it on! The more the merrier! Let's have more of that on both sides! As Goethe (great liberal European 18th-19th century writer, genius) said: "poor fellow who is all head!"

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Calling the Islamic State The Islamic State

THE SELF DESCRIBED Islamic State should be called the "Islamic State" by everyone, because that's what it calls itself. Its that simple. After all, Christians are Christians 'cause they call themselves "Christians", the Holy roman Empire was none of the above, yet we still call it that, and so forth, and so on. And at the rate the thing (ISIS) is expanding and thriving, maybe its time to respect it enough to call it whatever it wants to be called. Just one little old bad idea of a war in Iraq against Saddam Hussein in 1990, and look where we are now! A bunch of murderous angry religious zealots, growing a national entity from scratch by subverting a religion which preaches love, tolerance, and, as Geroge Bush I pointed out; peace. The American and Jordanian air forces dropping bombs, wherever, while the Islamic Statists scurry beneath ground, then come forth a bit later and rapidly rebuild their bridges, roads, and sheep pastures. There may come a time when we are all negotiating with the Islamic State, asking it to promise not to attack Rome, or anything else, in return for its peaceful coexistence. It wouldn't be the first time. The United States was founded similarly; violently, usurping the land of those who came before, rising up treasonously against its lawful overlords, and forcing the world to pay attention. If enough foreigners go to the formerly self described nations of Iraq and Syria to join said Islamic State, there might not be much choice but to grudgingly acknowledge its inevitable existence.. The internet is a marvelous machine. Put out a few calls for help, a little slick advertising, and look what happens! Now YOU can start your own country!

Getting On Board With the Tea Party and the Far Left

WONDER OF WONDERS, the American Tea party and the environmental wacko green party agree on something, so anything's possible. They both support the development of solar energy, including government involvement in it to help private enterprise kick start the new technology, and bring it to any American who wants it on his or her roof. And it makes perfect sense. Private enterprise, government support for a good clean up the planet idea, and a better world for all. Although government assistance in free enterprise is not, technically, free enterprse, (it is "mercantilism") it is a system America has always had. Government sells mineral rights on public lands to mining companies for pennies on the dollar, and the railroad companies had government support to plow ahead across previously private land, to name just two examples. True free enterprise, with no government involvement, is essentially untried, and perhaps should remain that way. As for the TEA party, that got started six years ago to the day, as a reaction to the election of Barack Obama. Right wingers always react; when Bill Clinton came to power, they headed out to the woods with Bibles and automatic weapons to celebrate their big threesome: jesus, guns, and money, aka the "militia movement". (who could forget them!) But this time, cooler heads have, thus far, prevailed. And soon, with any luck, so will a cooler climate. But beware: other conservatives, such as the fossil fuel Coke (coal) brothers and their many minions are not on board. If they know what's good for them, they will be, at length.

Monday, February 23, 2015

A Carpenter, Sawing and Nailing A Cross Into a Waterbed Frame

PILATE COULD'VE SAID: "This man has done no harm. He is free to teach, and to go where he wishes, and to say whatever he pleases. Anyone who harms a hair on his head shall be brought before me, which is to say, shall be brought before Caesar Augustus, for I am HIS representative in Judea. The result will not be pleasant."...(now, just how cool would THAT have been???) But no, Pilate istead washed his hands, which made the Christian religion possible. God had to see to it that events unfolded so as to render the Christian faith extant, and to that end a more just Pontious Pilate would not do. Otherwise, how could God be sure that Christ would be crucified, and prophecy fulfilled? HE had to be sure, HE had to make it happen, by interfering, just a smidge. God intervenes and shepherds events towards a single conclusion. So much for free will, at least, in pure form. God gave Adam and Eve free will, but not everyone, not all the time. One might wish that HE had similarly interveningly discouraged Eve from listening to the serpent, or had placed the "tree of knowledge" a bit further down the road, or, perish the thought, had even allowed a coupla curious humans to take a bite. Take a bite for granny. Take a bite for free. Take the load off granny, and put the load, right on me. Or, how about this? I forgive you, the human race, for your sins. Day of Jubilee. Take down the cross, it'll make a good water bed frame.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Self Proclaiming, and Laughing Our Way Out

THE SELF PROCLAIMED United States of America is engaged is a raging debate concerning who its enemies are, and what to call them. Among the suggestions are: Islamo-Nazis, Islamic terrorists, terrorists, the Islamic state, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, the latter being preferred by President Obama. American conservatives like to include the word "Islamic", American liberals do not. The best solution might be to have a national referendum on the internet, and decide the matter once and for all. The problem is, there are so many enemies, and many of them are also enemies of each other. Never, in the long history of American involvement in warfare, has the republic been involved in so confusing an array of wars. Apparently the Taliban and Al Qaeda are not fond of each other, and the Islamic State seems to appreciate no one. One might be tempted to hope that our many enemies would simply destroy one another, and be done with it. Its enough to make one long for the good old days of Saddam Hussein. Even more interesting was the invasion of Afghanistan on Christmas Day 1979, by the self proclaimed Soviet Union, which, you might recall, no longer exists, but might soon again. The swinging congressperson Charlie Wilson of the self proclaimed state of Texas spoiled all the fun by convincing his congressional colleagues to arm the Taliban with hand held rocket launching helicopter downers, by which the self proclaimed Taliban summarily evicted the Russian army, remindful of previous evictions of French, English, and Macedonian armies. The american military is clinging to Kabul by a hair, but its still early, and five'll get you ten that another eviction is in the works. According to President Kennedy, who started all the coldness with Cuba which Obama is trying to curtail, "there are three things that are real: God, human folly, and laughter. The first two are beyond our comprehension; we must do what we can with the third." We may not be able to kill our way out of our many confusing wars, could we possibly laugh our way out?

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Strange Bedfellows, Dissing My Religion

LOOKING UP AT MY FRIEND, who stands six foot eight, loudly I proclaimed: "climate change is my religion! I believe in it fervently!", or something like that. Dismissively, my friend held his right hand out, palm down, and made a roller coaster motion, up and down. The message was, clearly: "the weather is always changing, and it has nothing to do with human activity." So clear was this message thea my friend didn't even feel the need to augment it with any spoken words. A simple gesture of the hand, to refute the entire scientific establishment. This is, of course, the standard conservative argument. Since the climate changes without human help, humans are not helping it change. Humans have no environmental impact, since nature is so very much larger than we. Yeah, well, try telling that to a passenger pigeon. Problem is, you won't find one. We, the human race, killed them all off, billions of them, with the last one dying in a Cincinatti zoo in 1920. It seems we can kill off billions of animals, can set lake Erie on fire, and can turn the atmosphere above Beijing into a smoky smoggy unbreathable mess, but cannot cause climate change. Meanwhile, thousands of very well trained scientists tell us that human induced climate change is real. Is it possible that these scientists, the entire scientific community, is aware that climate changes naturally, with or without human interference, and that they took this into consideration when they made their studies? Or, are scientists unaware of natural climate change, while conservatives with high school educations, like my six foot eight inch friend, are aware of it? What strange bedfellows thoughtlessness and arrogance make, yet, how frequently they lie together!

Making the Effort to Improve

NESTLE'S iNC., and the Wal Mart Corp are plunging headlong into the future. The giant food comapny is removing all artificial additives from its products, and entry level Wal Martians will begin earning nine dollars an hour, rather than the customary seven twenty five. Truly, this is progress, for which we all should perhaps be grateful, even if in the back of our minds we ask: "what took them so long"? Replacing artificial ingredients in food with natural ones has been an increasingly popular idea, as society has been rethinking the proper place of high tech chemistry in the food chain. Many big companies, such as Kraft, have already gone natural. The proper wage for workers has been an even hotter topic of late, with most people seeming to agree that current wages are generally too low. The asnwer to 'what took them so long" could be as simple as recognizing the inherent conservative nature of human beings. We tend to dislike change, and the people who advocate the most change are usually angry, and desperate. Healthier food, better pay for workers. It really seems rather obvious. Both of these changes involve greater expense. Prices may go up at Wal Mart, and prices may go up at nestle's. More expense simply means more effort. It has taken effort to make cars safer, and it will take effort to clean up the environment. Low wages, artificial coloring, and spewing waste thoughtlessly are simple. If only we lived in a world in which improving quality required no effort!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Sharing the Day With MLK and Robert E. Lee

YOU MAY FIND THIS HARD TO BELIEVE, but believe it, because its true. In the great American state of Arkansas, Martin Luther King Day is also Robert E. Lee Day. I shit you not. You read right. How this came to be is a bit murky, but probably goes something like this: back in the day, when the U.S. fed gov decided to make the third Monday in January MLK Day, there was a considerable amount of opposition to it, especially among conservatives, not surprisingly. Some states, like Arizona, simply chose to ignore the new holiday. Others, like Arkansas, decided on a more creative approach. Simply force the black civil rights leader to share his day with the great general of the black enslaved Confederate States of America. (In Arkansas, the confederate flag is often flown). And why, in particular, Robert E. Lee, of all people? Do King and Lee happen to share a birthday, or anything else? Or, were the conservatives just trying to take a dig at King's protesting on behalf of black Americans, by selecting the hero of the movement which resisted, to say the least, equality for black people? Understandably, quite a few people are offended by this, and to this very day the debate rages on, with the anti Robert E. Lee people enjoying very limited success in trying to get MLK alone. So, together they remain, for the time being But for how much longer? What's happening now is that with each passing year MLK is growing in popular stature, and those who resent his holiday are slowly vanishing, like the passenger pigeon. But, like all entrenched conservatism, vestiges stubbornly cling to life. Both Martin Luther King and Robert E. Lee were great men, trapped in tragic circumstances. They both probably deserve a separate Day.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Supporting Nixon, and Regretting It

ITS A TOUGH JOB, but somebody's got to do it. Somebody's got to tell the truth about the United States of America, and about American history. Every country, every culture, likes to think well of itself, so humans tend to teach their children that the group into which they were born is entirely vituous, the best of all possible groups. My senior year in high school I helped organize a "Reelect Richard Nixon" movement, and I entered college imbued with the belief that my country (U.S.A.) was utterly virtuous. Oh, I had my doubts and questions. I had long since turned against the Viet Nam war, but dared not admit it. I also remember "rooting" for Martin Luther King, and all the other black "troublemakers" as my people called them, at my great personal risk. (I rooted secretly). America was entirely virtuous. Now, of course, I know better. Hell, at sixty, its about damned time! American historians and educators, much to their credit, have been deciding, over the past couple of decades, that we need to teach more of the truth, and less of the feel good fiction. Of course, this is creating all kinds of anger among our conservative, feel good brethern and sistern, because American conservatives like to prance around spouting extreme patriotism, in order to feel virtuous. They cling to the feel good fiction. The trouble begins as Columbus nears the new world, and tricks one of his sailors out of the prize money for seeing land first. Then, he murders millions of people. Flash forward to 1607, and you have English speculators and profiteers landing in Virginia, looking for slaves, gold, and silver, with no intention of doing a lick of work themselves. Instead, they find starvation, and start running off into the woods to live with the Indians. Those who stay at Jamestown demand their runaways be returned by the Indians, who are happy to comply. Problem is, the runaways themselves have no deisre nor intention of returning to English "civilization". They have had that all their lives, and have seen what it has brought them, and have had enough, and, well, among the Indians they are well fed, healthy, and happy, because the Indians are just plain nicer people. But that aint what we're taught in school in America. Its more like: "the brave pilgrims of 1607 Jamestown bravely built a new civilization, and brought Christianity, culture, and happiness to the poor heathen natives." But maybe, at long last, we are starting to come clean. I just wish I hadn't supported Nixon in seventy two...

Friday, February 13, 2015

Ceasing the Cease Fire, Putin Style

NOBODY THOUGHT THE LATEST CEASE FIRE in the Ukraine had a chance, and sure enough, it didn't. It lasted something like eighteen minutes, which is probably about the length of time it took Vladimir Putin to stop laughing at the gullibility of the western European nations and the U.S.A., and restart the tanks, guns, and bombs. Putin is a man who is obviously willing to make his own people suffer in order to fulfill his vainglorious ambitions, which essentially seem to be recreating the Soviet Union empire, and getting credit for it, eternally. How many more sanctions can the world impose upon Russia, and to what extent can they cause damage? there's got to be a limit, hasn't there? Russia is, after not, not entirely reliant on the outside world for survival. There was a time when many Russians signed on to this website and evidently read it, particularly when, as it often does, it made critical comments about the United states. But no more. the Russians have vanished! where have they gone? where are our friends the Russians? Is Putin now blocking internet access, or access to some of it, to his own people? you couldn't out it past the sneaky bastard. Some Americans seems to admire Putin; usually these Americans are members of street gangs, motorcycle gangs, and right wing militia organizations. Birds of a feather, it would seem. Oh well. If we don't hear from the Russians, or they don't hear from us, it will probably be because one government or another, or perhaps both, has simply taken control, total control, of all communication. This would be no more surprising than the end of the cease fire that never was.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Asking Permission To Help, Helping America Towards Humility

THE YOUNG AMERICAN WOMAN who lost her life in the state of "ISIS" probably never seriously asked herself, or anyone else, whether going to the middle east to help Syrian refugess was a good idea. The danger was always obvious, and going was always worth the risk, considering the nobility of purpose. But did she ever ask whether her help was wantd, needed, or would really help? Strangely enough, those in need of help don't always want it, and when they do, they often want it given in certain ways from certain people. People in need of help often want to be in control of their own situation, and of the help they receive. People in need of help are often suspicious of the hidden motives of the helpers. We Americans, in our high minded idealism and sense of empowerment, often behave as if what we have to offer the world is so very important and good, so obviously correct, that it must be offered (and accepted), at any cost. We don't often seem to ask ourselves whether this is true, or whether it is sheer egotistical arrogance. Back in the day, dying native Americans sometimes refused help from whites just because they were whites, as they called them. Oh well! Their loss! When an American goes to the middle east to offer help, said American is coming from the very same country which created much of the need for help in the first place. From the very country which dropped many if not most of the bombs. From a country deeply resented by the helpees. Our brilliant American conservatives are fond of saying that Islamic terrorists terrorize America only because they are jealous of America's freedom and prosperity. Like, I am so totally sure. If a terrosist from the middle east attacks America, then claims he did it because he is mad at America for sending its army halfway around the world, attacking and conquering Islamic countries, then occupying them for decades, I reckon I'll take his word for it. Looking for someone to help? Just a word of advice; before going, ask permmission from the intended recipient. Nnd above all: America, humble thyself!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Stating the Obvious About An Obvious state

IF THE U.S. SUPREME COURT issues a ruling requiring gay marriage to be legal everywhere in the galaxy, would the great state of Alabama consider secession, again? Don't put it past 'em. Would anybody care? Someone, perhaps. Its like an astute observer astutely pointed out; "we all know how this story ends. It ends with gay marriage in Alabama, and everywhere else in America." (considering America's long history of military and cultural imperialism, who knows where else it may yet go?) Really, nothing could be more obvious, obvious, at least, to everyone except the Jesus guns and money crowd. The way it looks right now, Alabama and the other fourteen all straight marriage states will be brought into line with modernity only kicking and screaming, rather like the confederacy was back in 1865. Too much rampant liberalism, and you have too much change, too fast. Too much conservatism, and you have too much resistance to change, no matter how inevitable the change. And that's why, friends, the time has come for one and all to turn our hungry, weary eyes toward the solid center, towards the amelioration of moderation. Down with extremism!

Monday, February 9, 2015

Beginning Anew With a New Attitude

THERE'S A FORMER male caucasian congressperson from the great John c Calhoun state of South Carolina who wishes to see the republican party, of which he is a member, modernize. He wants it to become, I think he said, the "great opportunity party", or some such, rather than the "grumpy old party". He really made it sound appealing. He predicted that the fifty percent who deny climate change will soon come out of denial, and will begin offering free market solutions, in the grand old tradition of modern American conservatism. Huzzah for him. Make it so! Wouldn't do our conservative half any harm to up the progressive ante a bit more, at that. I've a friend, a staunch conservative who recently came out in faovr of gay marriage, probably because one of his family mambers decided to give it a whirl. This, beyond all dispute, is progress. Progressive conservatism. Retaining traditional values while embracing reasonable progress, which always means change. Maybe there'll come a time when conservatives realize that the American public education system has not been systematically hijacked by a bunch of screeching liberal extremists, revising and rewriting American history to make us sounds like the bad guys. No, our modern high school text book writers have simply decided to start telling the truth. And that truth is; American history aint all its cracked up to be, in terms of manifest virtue. The United States today maintains a military base in Cuba, of all places, becuase it used deception, violence, and extortaion to acquire it in 1898, for example. Same way we got into this twenty five year and counting mess in Iraq. Our noble enterprise of kicking Saddam Hussein out of Kuwait in 1990, leading to.... ISIS! Isn't that lovely? All because of deliberate diplomatic deception, the companion to rempant, voracious imperialism. We seek to rule the world...because we can? Try googling "United Fruit Compamy, Guatemala, 1954." Or how about "Chil,e 1973, CIA"? And the point of these exploits was? The bestowing upon the world of American freedom and prosperity. That's got to be it! We'll all be a lot better off, in the long run, if we start telling the truth 'long about now. the truth about our past, and about our present. So let's begin anew, with the G.O.P. and that liberal hoax of all liberal hoaxes; global warming.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Changing Over Time

IF YOU WERE TO jump into a time machine and land in 1967 America, you might notice, if you stayed long enough, that conservatives considered Martin Luther King a trouble maker, at best, and someone deserving of imprisonment at worst. That's all changed now, of course. Even though King was a socialist, especially late in his life, the cons are still on board, because they'v nowhere else to go, and retain their humanity. There was a time when the American democratic party had southern conservatives, and the republican party had northeastern liberals. Now, the two parties have realigned stricty on ideological grounds, which is partly why half the nation is at the throat's of the other half, and they (we) can't get anything done in Congress. Modern conservatives are more liberal, in some ways, than they were fifty years ago, as society creeps inexorably to the left: fifty years ago conservatives wanted nothing to do with gay marriage, or gay people, or anyone who considered gay people healthy normal people. And now? Just look at 'em go! Gay marriage, MLK, marijuana, sex on television. Liberalsim seems to be prevailing in all the right ways!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Disagreeing To Disagree

SO MY CULT LEADER friend told me that there are many intelligent species in the galaxy genetically related to us, i said how do you know he said there are many ways of knowing i said no, there is only one way, the scientific method. Then another friend, jumping in to help the cult leader, said scientists do not always agree and i said they never agree, at first, which is why science works, and he said, Ok, whatever.... Wouldn't you, once and a while, like to be able to engage someone in this country in a little intelligent conversation, make a few good points, and have them accepted for what they are? The more we embrace of our opponents arguments, the larger we draw our circle. One need not always disagree for the sake of disagreement. Has anyone ever told you that a single volcanic eruption anywhere on Earth spews more pollution into the atmosphere than all human activity ever enacted? Don't believe it, its a lie. And how about the one wherein some brilliant American says that the weather is constantly changing, climate change is constant, and natural, and therefore human activity has nothing to do with it. Isn't that one beautiful?

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Today's Assignment

HERE'S AN IDEA for you teachers, all grade levels, Social Studies, English, or Science. Hand out an essay question to everyone. Half of them ask: "Do you love this country? Why or why not?" The other half ask: "Do you love your country? Why or why not? Make them answer on paper, maybe 250 words or less, maybe just a sentence or two, your choice or theirs. Whatever works. Then, all kinds of beneficial exercises and activities become available. Everyone can read his or her own aloud to the class. Small cooperative learning groups are an option. They can all trade and grade. The vote can be counted as to who loves and who does not love country. Then of course, classroom discussion, with intermittent factual comments and guidance from the teacher can be quite interesting, revealing, thought provoking, educational. The social studies component is, of course, the citizenship government cultural issues. They are innumerable. In terms of English class, its simply a matter of writing well, and can even include the penmanship factor. Science can be involved from a sociological, psychological, and logical reasoning viewpoint; using the scientific method to arrive at a well reasoned conclusion. The juiciest part, of course, is the fact that half of the students are responding to "this country", and the other half are responding to "my country". Big difference there, of vital importance. Is your opinion based on objectve analysis of the country's characteristics, or upon a more emotional, subjective concept, personal bias, love of the self? That's the truly revealing educational part. It might even be something we could all do...

Paying Our Taxes, Investing In America

I THINK WE should use the American army to guard the border, all borders. I vote in favor of the Keystone pipeline, and I think about half the fifteen million Americans on disability would have a good chance of holding down a job sitting in front of a computer, thus saving the rest fo us a whole lotta money, and giving the economy a kick in the fleshy part .And, for now, believe it or not, my presidential candidate is Jeb Bush. And yet, I am a left wing socialistic know the type....maybe. What I wish to presently point out is that you can open your mind, break out of the box, defy categories, be a bit inconsistent and unpredictable, and live to tell about it. And it won't hurt a bit to boot. Like Einstein said, you can't solve problems with the same level of thought which created them. You have to take it up a notch. Wanted: Enlightened, creative thinking. For instance; to tax the wealthy, or to not tax the wealthy, that is the question. Whether to live like Denmark, or Mexico. Is it fair to tax the wealthy? Does it matter? Does doing so stifle job creation? Questions, questions. You know the drill. A steady storm of acrimonious argument! Well, what about this? Tax the wealthy and the corporations, say, twenty nine percent, and no more. A bit progressive, but not hideously burdensome. Then, give them a choice as to how to make up the other forty one percent, to bring them to a seventy pecent level of required public contribution, as in Denmark the Prosperous. The remaining fory one percent may be invested in the private sector, as the taxee sees fit. Small business, corporate shares, yardwork, maids and butlers, you name it. Just invest! Hire! hire! Invest in us, in our economy. If everyone in the country thus becomes the owner of a small bueiness, all the better. We Americans, we ourselves, the very backbone of our economy! Aint it grand?

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

A Cult Leader Without A Cult

FORTY FIVE YEARS AGO, in high school, he chaired the student senate, played football, starred onstage. Now he lives alone in a log cabin, reading UFO paranormal magazines, and telling his friends about them. Either way, 'tsall good, mahn. His parents were always disappointed that he didn't grow up to become a successful white collar professional. Me, I don't care. What concerns me, though, is his apparent complete disinterest in our beautiful Martian rovers, and our beautiful planet finding telescopes, and other such exciting science. My friend; this is beautiful. this is wonderful. This is science. Let the aliens come to us; they'll know best. Let's keep lookin' for 'em, but let's be sure not to claim that we found them, unless we find them. The latest abcuction or alien contact is always the best yet, and he sends it right to us, poste haste. And this is a good thing. Communication, baby. Baby, its cold...out there. And the information flows forth from our friend to us, and he is the source, the giver of truth, the teacher, and we, the receivers. (Seldom if ever does it work in reverse). All well and good. But be careful how you respond! Unacceptable responses are not tolerated. Negative responses are off strictly limits. Verboten. One who cnhannels aliens online channels aliens online, case closed. Scientific, critical skepticism and investigation are banned. One risks banishment for noncompliance.. To not respond is to risk accusations of apathy. Alas, the high price of friendship! I think most people smile, and say thank you, to be nice, avoid trouble, preserve friendship. After the fashion of a passive, obedient, receptive cult. But, somehow, a cult with an impassive, passionless membership, nodding wearily, not truly believing. But is this a contribution, or a white elephant, which will inevtiably start moving around? Whether the others ever roll their eyes I know not. Aliens, you say? Show me.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Praying To a More Modern God

LIFE IS a spiritual journey for us all, with many changes of direction along the way. As we age, new insights can come. This can lead to crises of faith, as it has, for example, to more than one Mormon, and for doubtless many folks of other faiths. The story, isn't it, is that Joesph Smith dug up, in up state New York, golden scripture, in, wasn't it 1820? Then came the Mormon church, and the whole saga. May the dear Lord bless and keep them folks. Now, of course, that scripture is God's word, right? The Book of Mormon? There's a story in it, I think, about someone using a steel sword in ancient times, long before steel was invented, which was in the nineteenth century. Seems almost as if the Book of Mormon was written in the nineteenth century, then buried. (if you didn't know better). Anachronism! Well, if it was written by God, interesting way for God to write it. Sort of like saying in the Christian Bible that the world is flat, that when Christ returns the stars will fall from the sky like little glass trinkets, the value of pi is three even, and if your child talks back, you should kill him or her. Interesting Almighty writing, to be sure. To my way of thinking, barbaric. In reference to the Catholic church, Voltaire, aka Francoise Marie Arouet, ejaculated: "crush the infamous thing!" And really, why not? Clean the slate, take it from the top, uptempo. Start from scratch. Only this time, inject logic and modern cosmic understanding into the whole thing. Like Carl Sagan said, the Christian religion, the vision of the universe given in the Bible, is simply too small. It doesn't even extend out to the rest of the solar system, let alone the galaxy, or the billions of other galaxies throughout what we humans like to call, "the universe". Let us bow our heads and pray to the four forces of nature, to their eventual hoped for messianic unification, and to the infinite galactic panorama, their humming atoms, their grand voyage away from each other, and the infinitely superior spirit which instigated it all!