Saturday, June 30, 2012

The Interpretation of Words

ANYTIME THE UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT  votes five to four, controversy is inevitable. shouldn't the supreme court always, or almost always vote nine nothing? isn't the U.S. constitution explicit, clearly written, and in plain sight for all to see? 

words, and therefore documents, proclamations, and books, are jubject to interpretation, no matter how clear and absolute we try to make them. that's why it seems sensless to ever regard any collection of words printed on any paper or stone, as "sacred". words are tools, and all tools have limitations, all tools eventually require replacing.

we assume, and always have, that the american constitution allows anything that it does not eplicitly prohibit. therefore anytime the supreme overturns a law of congress, ti does so with due consideration, deliberation, hesitation.

obama's people studied the constitutionality of obama care before they ever recommended the president sponsor it. and still, it could easily have been rendered unconstututional.

only chief justice roberts, with his broad definitaion of the word "tax" saved the day for obama care.

republicans should respect justice roberts for not wanting to be an activist judge, not legislating from the bench, by upholding a law he doubltless does not like; but they won't; republicans and conservatives (basically the same thing) will do just the opposite, chastise the court for being activist, 

claiming that by upholding an unconstitutional law they are legislating from the bench.



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Its Money That Matters (in the USA)

DURING THE PAST MONTH the obama campaign has raised slightly over sixty million dollars, and mitt romney's has raised a bit more than seventy five million... and this is just for one month.

in 2008 obama bought the white house for about eight hundred million; this time it'll cost 'im at least a billion, and that might not be enough. mitt's republicans figure to out beg obama by about a half bill, and similarly outspend him, whereas in 2008 the democrats had most of the money.

whoever has the most money will probably win. and since most of the money for both candidates comes from big corporations, it is of course the bigt corporations who own and control the presidency of the united states.

all this is just the money flowing in from private american citizens, millions of 'em. rich and poor alike. it doesn't include the billions being raised by "Political Action Committees", a hole nuther animal.

calling upon all good americans to stop giving money to politicians to help buy their elections! they aint worth it!

the american presidency has always been for sale on the free market, because anything not for sale on the free market is sacrilegious at the alter of the almighty american dollar. the price goes up, and the corruption deepens. nothing matters but money, and money is worth less, and less.

america's huge poor unempowered underclass might eventually become such a burden on the wealthy powerful few that even the wealthy corporate elite come tumblin' down in the great looming economic collapse.


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Friday, June 29, 2012

shock, outrage, and dismay

SHOCK, OUTRAGE, DISMAY, DISGUST, are only a few of the reactions to the united states supreme court's upholding the constitutionality of obama care. conservatives and republicans, who are usually the same people, vow to repeal socialized health insurance, and failute to do so, they assert, will destroy the united states of america.

leftg wingers are not too happy either, because obama care isn't socialistic enough. it leaves the "free market" corporate capitalistic sysmtem laregly intact, only making a few adjustments to it by involving the government in the process.

obama has a pretty good point when he says he didn't promulgate obama care for political reasons. not unless he is an inept politician, which he most assuredly is not. maybe he thought moderates and independents would flock to the program; they have not, at least so far.

according to many conservatives, chief justice john roberts is a traitor, a turncoat. what he might in fact be in open minded. if only all of us were open minded enough to embrace some liberal ideals, and some conservative.

if we repeal obama care (which we won't) let's try free market medicine and health insurance. we never have. double thenumber of doctors in america, bring 'em in from other countries, increase graduation rates from med schools, and create true competition among all branches of medicine.  fat chance.

if there are enough insurance companies to compete with each other, there are too few to have large enough risk pools to defray costs. what we need is one.....huge....all inclusive......risk pool... what we now have in health care is corporate monopoly, not free market competition.

socialism and capitalism can work together prefectly in health care; with a little cooperation and planning.


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Thursday, June 28, 2012

Obama Care Upheld by High Court

INTELLIGENT, EDUCATED, AND OPENMINDED people cannot help but be frustrated by how easy it is to identify every supreme court justice according to liberal or conservative ideology, and how often their predictable ideologies are reflected in their opinions.

you would think, with impartial jurisprudence, and basic openmindedness, justices would tend to be unpredictable, if not politically, at least judicially, in their legal opinions. but alas, they are not..usually.

so when any of them deviates from the predicted pattern, it is cause for celebration; celebration of openmindedness. chief justice roberts was the deciding vote in the five four decision to uphold obama care, which seemed destined to be declared unconstitutional. during the arguments last spring, all nine justices seemed to take a hard line view of obama care.

roberts was appointed by bush as a conservative, but he is starting to surprise us, as a great justice will..

but justice roberts rose above the fray, as he did in the recent arizona vigilante decision, and now will become the villian of his former conservative supporters.

and indeed, while campagning for obama care, obama was quick topoint out that payments of fines for being without health care would not consittute a tax, and now the court rules in favor of obama care precisely because it considers the fine a tax.

conservatives feel duped, but obama never had any idea how the court would rule. history is full of surprise supreme court rulings.

conservatives promise to repeal obama care, the right way, or die the real battle begins...


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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

One...or the Other

THE AMERICAN MEXICAN BORDER ISSUE, which we create and keep alive for our own amusement, provides ever more entertainment and controversy as the supreme court of the U.S. upholds one important state law, and postpones a decision on the constitutionality of several other measures taken by the conservative state of arizona to stop the invasion of illegal mexicans, a job the federal government should do, but won't.

and why won't it? because the party of property, the only political party in america,won't let it. businesses like the cheap labor, and democrats like the votes, so the federal government refuses to take a stand on the situation, the situation wherein millions of undocumented mexicans have entered the united states       illegally.

let 'em in, or keep 'em out, but do so in an organized fashion. the american government refuses to do anything. its safer politically for both wings of the american political party, the property party, to do nothing.

america itself is becoming so poor that mexicans, and others, are starting to discover that its just as profitable to stay home, but there will always be folks wishing to cross the rio grande, for varous reasons; either they should be allowed to do so entirely unfettered, or they should be allowed to do so through due process.

currently we do a little of each, and it doesn't work. either join the united states and mexico in a political union, or guard, maintain, and enforce the international border.

currently we say that they are illegal, and yet, we do not stop the illegality. it makes no sense. let's do one..or the other....


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Sandusky's closet: what causes what

IN COLD BLOOD, by truman capote, is an all time best seller because it tells a captivating true story, and makes people think. Capote believed in collective, societal guilt, but not so much individual guilt.  we behave the way we have been conditioned to bahave.

capote paints a pciture of the two killers before they kill, the nuances of which lead the reader  to question the degree to which they have been conditioned to kill.

de we all, as a society, created killers? we certainly create armies and wars; the leaders alone could never do all this.

the assignment of individual responsibility is a strong organizing principle, but is it real? does individual responsibility, or freedom, really exist, out there in the real world, in accordance with the laws onf nature?  "not to me", says truman capote, with a feminine flick of his limp wristed hand.  

and, it gives us something to think about, the ultimate responsibility, aka causes, of individual human behavior. sociology and psychiatry are young sciences, primitive in comparison with, say, mathematics or astronomy.

would jerry sandusky have dated and married men openly, honestly, harmlessly, if our society had allowd him to do so? did he resort to child molestation in desperation?

its a question worth asking, although everyone thinks we already have the answer; its a question worth asking BECAUSE everyone thinks we already have the answer.

it a funny thing how the most basic, important questions are the ones to which we blindly think we already have the answers.  is it laziness, fear, or both...


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Monday, June 25, 2012

American Hunger

FRIENDS AROUND THE WORLD,  does it shock you to learn that one of every six americans has a "struggle with hunger"? those are the exact words: "struggle with hunger". the exact number of independently verified studies is difficult to ascertain; suffice to say that various U.S. government agencies and private research organizations, like universities, seem to yield similar hunger statistics.

ONE IN SIX?  how can this be, in the land of opportunity?  are seventeen per cent of the american people lazy, unambitious, and stupid? or are there conditions throughout american society which contribute to the production of hunger?

how is it possible to go hungry in america? isn't america the greatest country on earth, where everyone has a chance for success?

maybe most of the seventeen per cent have plenty to eat most of the time, but have to skip a pizza once a month when the ole paycheck comes a bit too late. let's hope so.

every body deserves a job. a job is an inalienable right, not a privilege. whatever socialism is required to bring the jobless rate to zero, bring it. has unfettered capitalism ever brought the unemployment rate to zero, anywhere? if so, bring it.

unemployment and poverty are twin diseases of humanity, along with warfare. none of the above is necessary, or inevitable, but a choice, made by us. people who are given jobs by a socialistic safety net should be required to keep their jobs.

with seven billion people here and another two billion on the way, how about a little world wide economic cooperation and planning?

if we don't redistribute wealth, perhaps we can at least bring ourselves to distribute food, clothing, and shelter.

extending life, and reducing the rate at which new people enter the world, will result in the many old being cared for by the few young. those of us who want to live longer will have to care for ourselves longer, and to justify our longevity by living simply and by helping others simply live.

no human being should ever suffer from other than the momentary hunger of soon to be fulfilled anticipation famish.  no human being should linger long in hunger. its our problem, we should fix it, post haste.


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Sunday, June 24, 2012

Sandusky: an american cultural tragedy?

the verdict is in, and the monster is locked up, for good. we can all feel better, having gotten the revenge we wanted against the monster upon whom we conveniently piled all our anger. now we can start manufacturing new anger, by making our monsters anew, as is our tendency.

what is a pedophile? someone who molests children, or womeon who wants to? what about all the men who are attracted to 17 year old girls, but never act on it, for fear of going to jail? pedophilia as a heinous sin keeps most of us out of jail, eh?

was (is) sandusky a pedophile, or a homesexual, or both? he evidently never molested female children, only males. in his position as assistant football coach under the divine joe paterno, noone could ever maintian a homesexual (gay) relationship and keep afoermentioned assistant football coaching job. correct?

so sandusky had to choose; either date men, and maybe marry one, being perfectly willing to go about it THAT way, like the rest of us do, and lose his job, or, do something else...if american society accepted homosexuality, would sandusky have behaved, differently, "better"? would he have behaved in accordance to accdeted social mores, if those mores matched his needs and desires? or, would he have still molested children?

seems like a good gay lover coulda kept sandusky's attention well enough to prevent child molestation, but, hell, who knows?

all human beings are pedophiles, according to our modern defination of it. homosexual or heteresexual, adults are attracted to children, often. if a 40 year old teacher thinks a seventeen year old cheerleader is cute, he is a pedophile, ? or are the rest of us paranoid, and in denial?

oh, how we like to cut, and parse, and dance, and render the world simple for our convenience!

are we all at fault for sandusky? maybe, just maybe.


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THE ELECTION IS OVER, and the ancient land of egypt has a new government, at long last, a government elected by democratic processes, presumably. the media is making something out of this, talking about it, pointing out that for the first time in history democracy has come to egypt;

but we're not making nearly enough of it. egypt is one of the most ancient countries on earth. egypt was ancient when julius caesar ruled rome. the kingdom of the pharoahs basked comfortably in governance by god, imprinting tyranny upon the psyche of the land for millenia.

the land of the pharoahs has never before known popularly chosen government, and now it has. this is big news.

ancient greece invented democracy, ancient greece came and went, europe evolved and emerged, america reinvented democracy, while egypt basked in the glow of the gods. now, this ancient culture has joined the modern world.

the people who made it all happen, by creating the arab spring and overthrowing the dictator mubarak, are nowhere in sight. they are not included in the new elected government; that honor goes to islamicists who promise that all egypt will be represented in the new era; we'll wait and see.

the idealistic intellectual mob which brought down mubarak was never an organized political party; the organized political parties waited in the wings, and came out then the time was ripe for power grabbing. it seems the egyptians already know how the democracy game is played.

they'll soon find out, if they haven't already, that democracy is, messy, cumbersome, and chaotic,
and the time may come when the egyptians look with longing back on a time when god came to earth, and made everything comfortable, century after century...until then, let them bask anew in the glow of their new toy, and let the rest of us bask with them..


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Friday, June 22, 2012

Remember the Alamo!

SO HERE WE GO AGAIN. the good ole U.S. of A. back to its old tricks, manufacturing weapons and generously distributing them anywhere and everywhere. an avalanche of small arms entering mexico, starting with the bush administration,continuing and escalating now, official but secret U.S. government policy, for the noble purpose of......what?

its anyone's guess. during the reign of bush XLIII the project was called, we now know,operation "wide receiver", and under obama the name was changed to something even more clever, operation "fast and furious".

and the whole project consisted of funneling as much small arms weaponry into mexico as possible, stirring the pot in that torn country, and who knows, maybe stimulating such an increase in violence that justification is manufactured for american intervention.

the republicans in congress decided to make a little trouble for obama, by requesting information about the whole affair from his attorney general. the white house, the most outspoken and defiant building anywhere around, refused, and said attorney general is now cited for contempt of congress.

so stay tuned. the entertainment may be just beginning.

the last time the united states seriously invaded mexico, under the great imperialist president james k polk, america grabbed up texas, new mexico, colorado, california, and who knows how many      other places we still haven't explored.

who knows, maybe the big red one will  stroll into mexico city, and come away with promises, concessions, and territory.

there's some good land, south of the rio grande.


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Thursday, June 21, 2012

Fatty's revenge

This is in response to the previous blog by the founder of the Truthless Reconciler, regarding the fattening of America.
As a lifelong fatty, I’m sick of all the recent focus on obesity, especially when the government gets involved.  I’m glad I don’t live in New York City, where a 16 ounce soda is a $200 fine and an ounce of marijuana is a $100 fine.
There are many reasons why people are overweight and not all of them involve laziness and greed. No one chooses to be fat.  Sometimes it’s physiological, sometimes psychological, sometimes the result of childbirth, genetics or medication.  Sometimes it’s addiction, but don’t even try to convince me that food addicts have more health problems than alcoholics and drug addicts.  Quit blaming fat people for health insurance costs. Some fat people are otherwise quite healthy.  If I die a few years earlier than some chain-smoking vegan supermodel, lucky me.
And by the way, it’s ludicrous to blame fat people for world hunger.
Fat people face discrimination every day.  We are less likely to get jobs, dates, fashionable clothing, and insurance.  Some have had to pay double airfare.
We all know it’s not a good idea to be overweight, but our culture has made obesity such an egregious sin that those of us who struggle every day with weight issues also deal with guilt and shame every day, and that only makes things worse, thus the need for comfort food and the reason for the success of Ben & Jerry’s.  Self-hatred and low self esteem are the most damaging side effects.
I know kids are getting fatter and are less active since the advent of TV and computers.  This is often the fault of parents and American culture, namely fast food dining.  I feel sorry for overweight kids because I know the bullying they are going to endure. There are so many social issues this country needs to tackle besides obesity.  I do admire the work of the First Lady Michelle Obama who starts tackling the problem at the childhood level, because I know the emotional pain those kids will suffer if they keep gaining,
I admire those who have the discipline to exercise and eat right every day, and I’m envious of those who have a metabolism that allows them to eat anything.  My 100 pound neighbor tries to tell me what I’m doing wrong but she eats donuts and chocolates and milk shakes on a regular basis.
I’ve heard that over one third of Americans are overweight or obese.  If you normal people don’t quit ridiculing and discriminating against fat people, we will unite and protest and you better watch out – we’re bigger than you.


Monetary Symbolism Pt. II

IN OUR LAST EPISODE eccentric economics professor gay walked into his bank, closed out his account, then immediately reopened it. (scroll down to previous article)... why? because he wanted to participate in a tangible demonstration of the reality of his money. hew wantede to see that his money really existed, that it really meant something.

and, apparently, he did.

suppose you walk into your bank to do the same thing. you know you have roughly ten grand in your account, and you want to see it. you want to hold it in your hand, to demonstrate to yourself and to your bank that this tidy sum exists, and that it is yours. so, like professor gay, you close out your account, and accept a check for ten grand.

but unlike him, you're sane, you don't feel you must have one dollar bills, a check is good enough. that's your money, in your hand, a rectangular piece of paper with the number ten thousand written and typed on it.

is this good enough for you, this small rectangular piece of paper? are you satisfied that indeed your ten thousand dollars exists, and that you are holding it in your hand? 

suppose you tear it into shreds. you have already closed out your account, you did the paper work, you turned it in, and you got your check - then, you tore it up. are you out of luck? or can the bank simply hand you another piece of paper, with the same stuff written on it, or can they tell you "sorry, you just lost your money".

our currency sytem is symbolic, electronic blips, not gold nuggets or coins. it works as a tool for all of us only when we accept its purely symbolic nature, and use it accordingly. it aint real, folks. maybe it never was.

so why do we act like it is...


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Monetary Symbolism

TRUE STORY: a professor of economics, a certain dr. gay, walks into his bank, up to a teller, and indicates his desire to withdraw his funds, and close out his checking account.

he further indicates that he would like to receive his funds in one dollar bills... a bit befuddled, the young lady provides the paperwork, which dr gay completes while she talks to her superior. she expresses doubt that the bank has sufficient one dollar bills on hand.

but she comes back soon enough, with a brief case full of one dollar bills, and apologizes for the delay, explaining that it took a few minutes to scrape the cash together. she indicates to the economics professor that the bank is grateful for his patronage, sorry to lose his business, and that he is free to take the briefcase with him at present, and return it later at his convenience.

professor gay replies that that won't be necessary, but he appreciates the offer.

at which time the professor goes to a corner, sits on the floor, opens the briefcase, and counts the bills.

apparently satisfied, he replaces the currency in the briefcase, walks back over to the teller, and indicates that he would like to open a checking account, with the contents of the briefcase as the initial deposit.

a mite bewildered, the teller accepts the briefcase with the deposit slip, and hands the good professor the paperwork required to open a checking account.

he completes the paperwork, thanks the young lady, reminds her that a free pen and pencil set accompanies new accounts, receives it, smiles and says thank you, and leaves the building.

a tad bemused, the young lady feels a vague sense of relief that the episode is over, and returns to her station.

why did the economics professor do this?  stay tuned..


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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Fat Old World

THE WORLD SEEMS TO BE GAINING WEIGHT. seven billion folks, and two hundred and eighty seven tons o folk- flesh. much of the weight gain is of course in the good ole U S of A, in which the average citizen has risen from about one hundred forty pounds to about one hundred seventy.

if you get out much, you notice that many, if not most americans are considerably overweight.  people like to move around a lot, going places, which takes a lot more energy, gasoline, jet fuel, calories, with the added bulk.

if the seven billion people were to eat what they need, instead of what they want, we could feed an extra one billion people, or, at least feed one billion of the people who currently don't get enough to eat.

food, like all other resources, is distributed extremely unequally among our species. america has six per cent of the world's population, but consumes one fourth of the world's resources, and as much as twenty per cent of the world's calories.

in a more perfect world, the american people would eat less, send the left overs to africa, slim down, and get more exercise.

all of the wealthy nations, such as kuwait, consume disproportionate resources, including food.

then too, folks are living longer, the world is getting old, and within the next couple of decades there will not be enough young people to support the planet's elderly. perhaps the fattening of the human species is the way in which we are limiting the increase in life span, correcting the surplus of elderly retired non working.

the two oldest pr capita countries in the world are japan and germany, two of the world's wealthiest. if we start finding ways of keeping people alive longer though fat they be, we shall live in a world in which economic productivity comes to a standstill, and we all become each other's nursemaids. the sweeping growth of machinary encourages this.

then, the system will collapse, and we will be back where we started; living short, brutish lives of material want and struggle.

not with a bang, but a whimper..


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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

We, the Barbarians

WE ARE BARBARIANS, SAVAGES. we, the human beings of the year 2012, are barbarians, though we prefer to believe that we are not, and our descendants, if there are any, will surely recognize us as such.

nevermind our constant warfare, environmental destruction, and our allowing the vast majority of our brothers and sisters to languish in poverty and illness.

we lock human beings up in cages like wild animals. we are barbarians when we lock wild animals in cages, and when we do this to our kind, we are no better, indeed worse.

at any given time roughly fifteen thousand people are locked in windowless concrete cages the size of a king sized bed, twenty three hours a day. it would be more civilized of us to simply kill them. they often try, and succeed, in killing themselves.

this is in america, the barbaric land of incarceration, where we locked up martha stewart. and where we lock up a higher percentage of our population than any other country on earth.

according to thomas jefferson, himself a barbarian: "if the people become inattentive to the affairs of government, the legislators and magistrates will divide society into two classes; wolves, and sheep." 

and this is what we have done. on the outside we divide into wolves and sheep, and in our prison system, we turn some of the sheep into caged animals.

we imprison people for self medicating with substances we arbitrarily outlaw, and for crimes of financial fraud.

release the drug dealers, and let them self medicate, and if they choose, let them deal drugs to whomever they please. strip martha stewart and others like her of financial wealth and investment opportunity, but not of fundamental human dignity. by so doing, we will know that, at least, we have become slightly less barbaric.

I make friends with people, and i wear a derby
on my head, as others do. i say:
"they are strangely stinking animals", and i say
"no matter, i am too"                       --- bertolt brecht

into a time capsule einstein placed a message, saying: "if you have not become more civilized, more compassionate than we were, may the devil take you."

the devil has arrived.


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Monday, June 18, 2012

I Hate My Own Opinions

THERE ARE TIMES, many times, when i hate my own opinions.

consider steroids. steroids are a scourge of our modern civilization, turning people into freakish, bloated, overly muscular monstrosities, ruining the integrity of athletic competition, destroying lives.

and yet i believe that steroid use should be ignored. i believe that society should do nothing about steroids, other than sit by and watch people ruin themselves and the purity of athleticism.

i believe this because the alternative is to do what we do now; to enter a person's body, examine the chemical contents therein, and then mete out punishment if the contents are unacceptable.
and this is orwellian, this is brave new world, this is a nightmarish science fiction novel come true.

and yet, what else can we do? i would ignore steroids, and do nothing about them, other then to try to talk people out of them.

consider abortion. i believe abortion is murder, murder most foul. we stop it by making it a criminal act. we stop it by giving government the power to control what a woman does with something inside her own body. and this i cannot do.

i would allow that almighty god, in all his infinite power and wisdom, will either allow an abortion to occur, or not. his choice, not ours. god does not always stop atrocities, like war. one can scarcely imagine how many more horrible atrocities god DOES stop, that we never even know about.

drug use destroys lives. criminalizing drug use, and testing for drugs inside the human body, like we do now, is an attempt to deal with this horrible destructive blight.

but i would legalize all drugs, and stop drug testing forthwith. i would not give government the power to tell any citizen what, or what not , to put inside his or her own body.

sometimes, many times, i hate my own opinions...


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Money, Speech, and Political Corruption.

THERE IS SPECULATION that the so called "citizens united" supreme court decision, which two and a half years ago resulted in nearly completely unregulated political campaign monetary contributions and spending, will be revisited.

lower courts are hearing related cases, some of which might well trickle up to the high court. it has further been speculated that a future less conservative court might reverse the fateful decision.

the citizens united case was another decided by the five four conservative liberal alignment. supposedly dispassionate justices, like all other humans, are unable to think in an unbiased, open minded manner; they always vote in accordance with their own known political views.

the problem of office purchasing intensified with the advent of the advertising industry, and particularly radio and, above all, television. it was once common for candidates for political office to hand out liquor and tobacco to voters, which was accepted practice, though in most cases technically illegal.

then came the mass media, and the opportunity for candidates to purchase elections with mass media advertising, and the willingness of contributors to fund the purchases.

free market fanatics like senator mitch mcConnell want virtually no regulations, even those weak ones still in existence, holdovers from the nixon era corruption.

money purchases mass media advertising, which wins elections. in theory, no, in practice, yes. the candidate with the most advertising always wins. advertising always works, always impacts people.

collecting money, spending it freely, purchasing advertising to get elected, is freedom. unqualified freedom is darwinian chaos.

absolute freedom is anarchy. "The purchase of political advertising is prohibited". such a law,limiting freedom of speech, would greatly reduce the rampant political corruption in america.

money is speech only in the most theoretical sense. money does not talk; it merely purchases the opportunity to do so.


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Sunday, June 17, 2012

Keeping an Eye on Each Other

HUMAN BEINGS being the clever creatures that they are, technology advances apace, new gadgets flying off the drawing board lickity split. now we take pictures of each other with cell phones, and send robot bomber planes to distant places to kill unseen enemies.

if you take a picture of a person with your cell phone without permission,  and the person objects, does the victim have legal recourse? under what circumstances? does it matter whether the victim of image theft is famous, and public domain? maybe we'll work all that out somdeday. as yet we have not, it seems.

twenty dollar bills have for years evidently contained metallic fibers which allow them to be spotted by radar; a sack of twenties under your bed, you are suspected of being a drug dealer. keep your twenties in your wallet, but in limited quantities.

it is virtually impossibe to go outside in london, england without being on camera, government camera. how long before we can expect the same in possum trot, kentucky?

who knows what all those UFOs really are? sometimes they appear on flatbed trucks, rolling down the highway from one military installation to another, attracting unwanted attention, furthering national security, somehow.

soon the drones will be coming home, if they have not already. our highly protective and inquisitve government predicts that within ten years thirty thousand robot aircraft (drones) will fill america's skies, keeping an eye on...everything.

doubtless you already feel safer. the UFO industry, already highly lucrative, will quite likely blossom to gigantic proportions.

most american citizens either don't care about all this, because their favorite reality TV show is on, or they raise a feeble protest, then return to the kardashians. menahile, the "patriot act" protects us all....from something or other.

does anyone out there sense that a grass roots revolution is in order? right after american idol.


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Friday, June 15, 2012

Posse Comitatus Be Damned!

PRESIDENT OBAMA, never one to miss an opportunity for political gain, has with the stroke of a pen given eight hundred thousand mexicans living illegally in america a chance for a better life.

and good for him. nothing wrong with helping people, eh?

any illegal mexican who came to america as a child under sixteen, has been here for at least five years, and is under the age of thirty, we shall refrain from deporting. this is not amnesty, obama reminds us, but rather, selective restraint. (gotta please the moderates)

wait for the campaign to heat up real good, then snag and firm a few hundred thousand votes; a clever politician's dream. you go, barrack hussein!

this whole illegal immigrant issue could have, and should have been a non issue, solved long ago, simply by using the american military to defend america's borders, instead of empire building abroad. let in whomever we want, but we choose, and defend the damned borders.

its every nations right to do that. guarding the border would not be a police action, would therefore not break the 1877 posse comitatus law prohibiting the use of the military for police work.

but the democrats wanted the voting bloc, and the corporations wanted the cheap labor, so nothing was done.

this is just another one of the examples in which the federal governmet failed to do its job, and failed the american people. because of politics and economics. and the american people have failed themselves and their country by failing to prevail upon their government to establish a sensible, organized method to deal with immigration; such as controlling it.

conservatives are gonna hate what obama did, but, he cares not; they won't vote for him anyway. rush limbaugh proclaimed that this executive order by obama is more unconstitutional, more illegal, more reprehensible than anything richard nixon ever did. el rushbo proclaimath much ado...

no matter now, anyway. the mexicans are discovering that conditions are no better in america than in mexico, and are going home in large numbers.

maybe we should join the two countries together, and pool our resources, to get all of us out of our ongoing economic collapse. unless its too late.


please scroll down to see the other articles in The Truthless Reconciler and American Explicator.Thanks!


EL RUSHBO, that self described harmless lovable little fuzz ball, spearheaded a mudslide of a movement which has germinated right wing  radio talkers galore, including one named Brian Fisher, who seems to be somewhat of a thorn in the side of mitt romney.

limbaugh and his ilk succeeded by preaching to the choir, liberating and enabling the mudslide avalanche of hatred against liberalism which has swept america into ideological civil war. but brian fisher, though mostly faithful to the cause, is a problem for mitt, because he wants to force mitt to move to the right at a time when der mittster desperately needs to do the opposite.

it was fisher who forced romney's gay foreign policy advisor to resign. mitt wants to show acceptance of gay folks, at least for the moment, but that aint gonna fly on the right wing of our ideological eagle. romney recently endorsed hetero only marriage, his gay advisor resigned, with brian fisher all over romeny for having hired him in the first place.

fisher wants to move the whole country to the right, starting with romney and the rest of the republican party, but if the party knows what's best for it, and it does, it'll inch subtly towards the huge and mushy center, like it did by nominating romney.

fisher and his ilk want the american legal system based on biblical law. wouldn't that be a pair to draw to....would we all be putting our children to death for arguing with their parents? we would, under biblical law.

extremists beware, presidential elections are won in the middle. so the liberals might be well advised to hide karl marx, and the ultra right wing christian capitalist jesus guns and money crowd would probably do well to lay their bibles and their guns and money at opposite ends of the table. 


please scroll down for the other articles in The Truthless Reconciler and American Explicator. Thanks!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Rating, and Exploiting, the Masses

WE, THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, like the sheep that we are, are each assigned a"credit score" by our corporate masters, actually, three credit scores, just for good measure. they come from on high, and are called equifax, transunion,  experion, or something like that.

the three almighty numbers, are teh means by which we are generously given a rating, a ranking, by our owners, which determines whether we, the masses, are worthy. you want to be above six hundred, and not below six hundred. over seven hundred is exceptional, wonderful; you are accepted by the corporate gods on high, you are deemed "worthy".

isn't is wonderful to be treated like a commodity, like cattle? and even more wonderful to actually BE cattle commodity! we accept this situation meekly, like ghe good obedient chattle what we are.

who thought of this system, and when? why do we the people accept it? are we really stupid or naive enough to believe that its in our own best interests?  do we not understand that this is yet another device by which the wealthy elite powerful few own and control us, the subservient, obedient masses?

we need to wake up, and cast off our chains, and end our slavery to the capitalistic pyramid of economic and political power. if this situation adheres in america, which it most certainly does, imagine how bad it is everywhere else..... its bad.

well, except maybe in places like denmark, which have socialism. are you folks in denmark assigned credit scores by your corporations? how about india? japan? venezuala? surely hugo chavez has eliminated it in his country, and replaced it with his own personal control systems. after all ,he's a socialist dictator.

if you people around the world think that america is the land of freedom and opportunity, think again. it is the land of corporate control, and exploitation of the masses for corporate profit.

back in january the bank of america tried to squeeze its customers just a little bit more, by charging five dollars a month for the high honor and privilege of using a B. o A. debit card. just what recession strapped americans need, more  phony fees. we rose up, refused to accept this atrocity, and the almighty bank of america backed the heck off. so, the people can have influence...if they want it.

when america achieves the per capita standard of living of denmark, or any other socialistic european country, the american economic and political system can claim, with some semblance of factual basis, to be the world's best.

but not before...


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The Media Is the Message

IN AMERICA is a thing called "professional sports", in which athletes get paid  a great deal of money to entertain the american people. above all else, the american people crave entertainment, a way of escaping from the stark realities of the often nightmarish society they have created.   for this entertainment we americans are willing to spend much of our personal wealth, so dearly do we crave it, so desperately do we feel we want it, need it.

our corporate overlords are more than willing, ready, and able to supply us with the drug we crave, for a hefty price.

a very young very successful tntertainer/athlete was asked by a member of the media "do you want to drink a beer after your great game"?  the very young very wealthy entertainer/ athlete replied "that's a clown question, bro"... he replied so rapidly, and so cleverly that the reply went "viral", our modern clever way of describing popularity.

advice to bryce harper of the washington nationals baseball team: be careful what you say to the media, clever or not. the media, and the public, have the power to make you, or break you.

the american people have been programmed by their corporate masters to blame the news media for everything, to shoot the messenger boy. ironic, since the media is the propaganda dispensing vehicle for the corporate state. we americans love the mindless entertainment the media spoon feeds us, and we pretend to hate the media, as if it responsible for the nightmares we create. how quaint.

very young successful entertainer/athletes ought to be carfeul about being too clever with members of the media. sometimes your clever responses go viral, sometimes they get you into trouble with your adoring well paying public.

in america, we all want to be popular (famous), and we all want to be successful (wealthy). we have a much better chance of doing this if we can please the public, and the best way to do this is to become an entertainer, and to use the media - wisely.


please scroll down for the other articles in The Truthless Reconciler and American Explicator. Thanks!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Our Great American Citizen Militia

AMERICA HAS MILLIONS of hunters, what, thirty, forty million? more? and if you add up all the weapons they own, and their ability to use those weapons, a thought might happen to come to your mind; that all this firepower adds to to a right powerful citizen militia. conservatives use this as a reason to never curtail the rights of gun owners.

and, in theory, that's true.  but, at the same time, its a little bit dubious, because its all theory; hell, what good does it do to have all this fire power, with no organization of it; who knows how many hunters would be willing, or able, or ready to fight, should the need arise?

and trust me, oh citizenry of the world; americans are well armed, and they know how to use their weapons. you'll just have to trust me on that, and you should.

what is the liklihood of a huge army invading the united states on land?

but just for sthe sake of argument, assume that the proposition is true: that gun ownership in america is good, because it provides our beloved country with an automatic army of defense....then, what good is it? how do we benefit from it,  now?

there's only one way: get rid of the regular military; all, or most of it.

we don't need it anyway, right? all military is for defense, and america is well defended by her civilian population, right?

then get rid of the paid professional military, save a bundle, balance the budget, pay off the debt, and achieve economic prosperity instead of the current economic disaster and collapse! and, instead of trying to own, control, and rule the world, give up the americn ampire, and become a republic, again. use the american military to defend america's borders with american citizens! what a novel idea!

as you folks around the world can plainly see, at least someone in america is trying to talk america into behaving, don't blame The Truthless Reconciler...

..a citizen militia, with no organization, to defend the country! sign me up! sometimes, these NRA conservative republican types have a good idea or two...


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Selling Weapons and Losing Influence

WHEN NATION STATES manufacture expensive military weapons, they must either use them against an enemy, or sell them, to either a friend or enemy, in order to get any economic benefit from them, to get them to pay for themselves, which everything must. nations like the united states, russia, and france often utilize a combination of these means. often a fascinating and highly creative combination.

so russia appears to be doing now. russia has for decades been selling weapons to syria, and now, during the syrian civil war, is evidently transferring powerful gun ship helicopters to the assad government, and evidently these helicopters are killing protesters.

and it seems that the russians have told hillary clinton, repeatedly, that none of the weapons are being used internally, and no helicopters are being sold. hillary, bless her heart, is calling the russians, or rather the russian government, liars. and more power to her for it.

it is understandable why conservative republicans don't like hillary clinton. but give credit where credit is due;  she aint takin' no crap from the russian government with regard to their subsidizing civil war in syria, and profiting from it. their excuses are lame, and she tells them that. (she may get us in to war)
the economic collapse which resulted in the destruction of the soviet union twenty years ago is ongoing in russia, and selling weapons makes perfect sense. anything for a buck, or a ruble.

but this is totally over the edge. those of you in russia who read The Truthless Reconciler, and we know there are veritable hordes of you, must impose upon your putinistic government to help mr assad retire, and quickly. undoubtedly the united states would be happy to give him a villa in hawaii. obama has connections there.

it might even be nice if the big powerful rich nations of the earth would stop sucking the life out of small poor nations by selling them weapons. the rich get richer, the poor get poorer, and the world becomes an ever more  powerfully armed, divided, and violent neighborhood.

the russians should stab assad in the back, because when he falls, and is replaced, the replacements won't be very happy with russia, and, oh woe, another superpower loses influence abroad.


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Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Holy Sanctimony

I MET HER ONLINE, the way folks often do nowadays, on a dating site. she started the friendship. i never do. i always figure the woman is gonna be in control anyway, so why bother.

she was about my age, attractive, devout conservative christian catholic, and evidently quite interested in meeting her second soulmate.

she had long been divorced,  with a fine family, grown children, and a great social life within the church.

like everybody else, she writes books; books about virtues, directed at children. good for her. presumably, among the virtues she advocates are tolerance and acceptance and respect for others; real tolerance and acceptance and respect for others, not the patronizing, condescending kind.

"he's a great guy, and i care about him, and i pray he will come to accept the truth" just don't cut it. we must tolerate, accept, and respect people for what they are, not for what we would like them to be.

ONE DAY SHE CALLED ME and expressed  great enthusiasm about our future relationship, but was concerned about just one thing, and wanted to clear it up.

Red Flag a raising, i explained to her that i am a pantheist, that i believe in "god", that i believe the bible was written by several dozen human beings, and that jesus was a beautiful human being who was murdered by typical  senseless human  savagery.

trying desperately to please her, i reiterated my love of god and jesus, respect for the christian faith, and willingness to go to church with her with a good attitude.

she seemed satisfied; apparently i had passed the test, for soon thereafter she invited me to drive four hundred miles to attend a church dance with her.

i was thrilled. i loved her christian values, and i loved her apparent open mindedness about my religiosity.

it turned out she was hearing what she wanted to hear. she kept coming on to me, strong.

 i remained a bit worried. had she really understood how different our religious beliefs are, and would she really accept mine, as i would easily accept hers? hell, i have spent my entire life around christians, i had damned well better accept and respect them, and i do, because i want to be open minded ; i want to be accepted.

i brought the matter up again. evidently what i said to her sank in this time, and she came to her senses, because she dumped me like yesterday's cat litter.

we had the traditional break up spat, during which i reminded her that i had been open about my religiosity from the start, and that i saw no reason why we couldn't date, so long as we respected each other, and didn't try to change each other.

she proclaimed her respect for me, her open mindedness, her sincere hope that i come to see the light, and accept the true faith, and her unwillingness to date anybody who does not accept the truth faith.

its amazing how people can think themselves open minded and respectful, while in fact being
arrogant, condescending, and judgmental.

she said she'd pray for me. i replied that she might wish to pray for herself first.


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Where Have All the Russians Gone?

THE  TRUTHLESS RECONCILER  sprang into existence on september 17, 2011, the same day that the occupy wall street movement began. almost immediately billions of people flocked to the Truthless Reconciler, and began reading rapaciously.

that might be a bit of an exaggeration, but truly a few people did visit, and, according to the computer, many of them were russians. the cool thing about blogging is that it gives one a chance to be read world wide, instantly.

for many months, invariably, several dozen russians visited TTR, for which we felt great gratitude.

then, suddendly, it stopped. the russians vanished. this happened several days ago, around the first of june. overall, readership is about the same, except, our russian friends have vanished.

it seems impossible to figure out why this distressing development developed. we miss our russian friends.
we want them to come back.

one theory is that the united states waged nuclear war on russia, at long last, after decades of threatening to do so, and our russian friends are momentarily "indisposed". but wouldn't that make the news? (in america, not necessarily)

another possibility is that some russian government bureaucrat visited TTR, read it, and decided that it must  be prevented from from being read in russia. maybe we have been shut out, censored, blocked, somehow.

in recent days there have been big protests in red square against the government of vladimar putin. perhaps everyone is over there, busily protesting.

and it may be that these protests ara a good idea. it may be that the putin government is sending gunship helicopters to syria for assad to use against his own people. if so, shame shame. putin denies it, hillary clinton calls putin a liar, and quite frankly The Truthless Reconciler stands with hillary.

oh, that the russina people would return to the truthless reconciler, and replace their own government with a real democracy.

well, whatever the reason, the russians are gone, and The Truthless Reconcniler misses them. we still have our germans, dutch, bolivians, and of course americans, among others, but, alsas, no russians.

it aint no fun being rejected.


please scroll down for the other articles in The Truthless Reconciler and American Explicator. And please remind your russian friends that they are always welcome to visit. thanks!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Listen To The Big Boys

GOOD PEOPLE, having spent a lifetime carefully crafting words and deeds for political purposes and social advancement, sometimes, when they finally have nothing to lose, tell the truth.

hence, president eisenhower, as he was leaving office in 1961, warned america about the military industrial complex,  a warning which is more obviously true today then ever.

many, if not most, of recently retired american generals say that the wars in iraq and afghanistan were bad ideas from the git go, and their outcome proves it.

when george wsahington was leaving the presidency in 1797 he was quite popular, could have run again and won, but wisely didn't, thus giving america the twin blessings of political restraint and freedom of limited government. his noble choice was much later codified in our (american) constitution.

so he gave a farewell speech. in it he did what the folks mentioned above did; he decided to tell the truth, because, why not? he had already accomplished everything he wanted to, and was planning to retire, so, why not tell the truth?

so he told us to avoid entanglements with foreign nations, and political parties. and, once again, he was dead right, just as all the other late truth tellers were dead right.  emphasis on "late" truth tellers.

we could have benefited from hearing all this good advice earlier, but, at least we got it eventually.

in today's america, the military industrial complex rules, owns, and controls all, they are our corporate oligarchial masters, we wonder why we went to the trouble in iraq and afghanistan, and foreign entanglements are ruining us with bankruptcy and war, and political parties, namely the democrats and republicans, are dividing us beyond repair, over trivial , vengeful matters, as the corporate masters laugh at us, and profit from the people's plight.

washington, and all the rest, were right.

next time you hear a retiring big shot handing out advice, listen, hard.



Books, Books, and More Books

MORE BOOKS are being published now than ever boefore, on paper and online, and this is surely a good thing. How can it not be? Who does it harm? you can't swing a dead cat without hitting a new book.

at the same time, research indicates that americans read less with each passing year, and are now down to an average of one book per american, per year, per post high school lifetime.

it is to be hoped and presumed that the rest of the world is a bit more literate.

there must be many books which are seldom read, but that's OK, put 'em on the internet, and upload em into outer space, in every direction. die happy, knowing that even as humanity approaches extinction, countless other intelligent species have an opportunity to "savor" all human knowledge and creativity.

ONE WONDERS how much sense other species will make of us, are  making of us; haven't we by now earned the right to see our own grade card? or, maybe its better to hide it...

Ray Bradbury, the great writer, futurist, and proponent of human technological progress, hated cell phones, and described the internet as "meanness". Bradbury, who died last week, wanted human technological progress to be healthy and peacful, but knew it wouldn't be.

anyone who doesn't agree with him about the internt hasn't been online much. its disgraceful, if informative and convenient.

so let's all keep writing books, and hope that enough of us write about self help and virtue to at least slightly temper the horrible impression we doubtless inspire by our history and our culture.



Addiction and Personal Responsibility

OVER THE PAST FEW YEARS ther has been an increase in legalized gambling in america, as many states decided to go with the flow, with limitations. many places, you have to board a riverboat, which never goes anywhere, but is nonetheless floating, to wager your money.

the states have decided that the lure of tax revenue trumps moral and religious considerations - capitalism trumps christianity, everytime... count on it.

and so people all over america are losing their houses and their savings accounts, while others are getting rich quick, then usually losing it all again in further fits of greed and money lust.

casinos never lose money. they never try to help customers try to avoid losing their money.. gambling addiction is rampant, and now lawsuits are working their way through the court systems, filed against casinos by gamblers who's claim is that the casinos knowingly took advantage of a victim of gambling addiction.

the plaintiffs have a good case, and are starting to win cases, as psychologists demonstrate that gambling addiction is real and powerful, and unstoppable.

on the other side of the coin, are those who proclaim the doctrine of individual responsibility for one's actions.

should a liquor store refuse to sell to a customer if it is known that said customer suffers from alcoholism?alcoholism?  in new york city, isn't it now illegal for restaurants to serve saturated fats?

how far do we go with this? if aan addicted gamgler can successfully sue casinos for lost money, would it simply be better to once again make casinos illegal altogether?

should cable TV companies give refunds to people who can demonstrate addiction to television? a friend of mine owns a BAR BQ restaurant, and he makes sure the aroma of hot bar b q wafts across the landscape, to the nostrils of people addicted to food.

i have a distant cousin who, whenever a hurricane rips through florida, sells electrical generators, at what i am sure is a tidy profit. he's a "christian", so he feels he is helping people, or concinces himself that he is. i know a litle kid who set up his lemonade stand in front of the houses of the wealthy, and it worked.

all free enterprise is, at bottom, exploitation. at what point should we suddenly start to care?



Sunday, June 10, 2012

Paris Jackson's mask

RECENTLY, SOMEWHERE, there was an interview with paris jackson, adorable daughter of michael jackson, and she was talking about how her father always made her wear a mask in public when she was a little girl. (way back when)

paris said she never understood why she had to do that at the time, she just did it, because daddy wanted it that way, but now, she says, she understands it, understands why. and how old is paris now, something like twelve or thirteen?

now she understands, because she's old enough to, and as she gets older, she will come to understand much more, about herself, her life, and the world in which she lives, and most probably will deal with it all splendidly and have a wonderful happy life. or so we hope.

her understanding will keep growing, and maybe she will someday see the money, material wealth, and celebrity worship in america for what it is; the very effective game plan implemented by the rather small number of huge super wealthy corporations and humans who are masters of america, and, they hope, eventually, the world. they call it "the new world order", aka, global corporate control.

and we, the mainstream american masses, happy campers all, the sweetly seduced recipients, benefactors, and worshippers of commerial culture, we sheepishly let it stand. 

but its not too late! we can still rebel, and overthrow our corporate trainers, and their insane commodity culture. we can refuse to pay for cable or satellite television. we can patronize small locally owned businesses, and grow our own food. when we happen to see paris jackson, we can smile, and move on. and, we can let singers be singers, and dancers be dancers, and stop twisting them into gods in flesh and blood.

paris jackson, unless i am mistaken, no longer wears a mask in public.  presumably, she is often recognized, but seldom if ever mobbed or threatened. maybe just a few autographs here and there, nothing too intrusive, bless her sweet heart.

you hope that she enjoys her ensuing life as the daughter of a super celebrity icon. but you wonder.

the father of paris jackson was nothing other than a heavily marketed corporate commodity, a man exploited, to some extent willingly, by our corporate plutocratic masters, and ultimately destroyed by them. may paris enjoy a kinder fate.

may we all, for that matter. but why we allow this to happen is utterly beyond comprehension.



Saturday, June 9, 2012

Our Current Currency Crisis

ALL OVER THIS GREAT NATION (AMERICA), city governments, county governments, state governments, and the big federal government have the same problem; impending bankruptcy.

back in the more prosperous nineteen fifties and sixties all these governments made extravagant promises concerning retirement benefits for public employees. now, with the american economy in a virtual shambles, we the people cannot make good on these commitments; its just a matter of how many, and who, get left out in the cold.

the state of wisconsin just completed a sixteen month civil war over what benefits, exactly, the good people of wisconsin are going to give the public employees, and it was nasty, with a nasty outcome, a harbinger of things to come. similar battles are shaping up in san diego, san jose, and cities all over america, and state and federal services will be curtailed as well, amid much acrimony and fighting, as america dcescends into poverty.

in america we simply do not manufacture enough material wealth to render meaningful the money we print and spend. (remember, amount of money in circulation = total amount of all exigent goods and services, fundamenat law of ecomonics).

my sister retired a few years ago from the big fed gov, at the tender age of fifty five, with a whole half lifetime of retirement benefits open endedly waiting on her, as she ages, slowly....

if she lives to be a hundred, which she well might, will the fed gov still be sending out her paycheck, and paying for her health insurance? one would certainlly hope so.

one would hope that forty years from now there will still be a a U.S. fed gov to do such things, and that it will be financially sovlent, issuing meaningful paychecks to all the good folks like my sis, with credible, acceptable, workable currency.

and that, dear friends, might just be a whole heckuva lot to hope for, indeed, perhaps, too much.

a currency system which works is a tool, a grand and magnificent tool, and like all tools will decay and fall into disrepair and eventually deteriorate beyond any hope of repair, if it is used unwisely. then, we all begin carrying our paper money in wheelbarrows, and fighting over food, clothing, and shelter

are we using our currency system wisely when we allow eighty percent of all assets to concentrate in the hands of one percent of the population, when the federal government gets to be sixteen trillion dollars in debt, when an entertainer becomes fabulously wealthy, and a teacher barely pays bills?

see the new book "The Price of Inequality" by nobel winner Joseph Stiglitz

are we using our currency system wisely when we spend trillions of dollars on weapons of offensive warfare which contribute nothing to our safety?

there are a million ways to abuse any tool, and certain, very definite ways of using it properly. if we don't soon learn how to use the miracle tool we call "money", we'll lose a very valuable tool.



Friday, June 8, 2012

Lock Everybody Up?

IN A RECENT POLL, conducted by aol or some other big company, forty nine per cent of americans believe that people who are caught texting while driving should receive jail time. forty nine per cent  is real close to fifty per cent, or half, half of america.

it would be great to think that maybe america doesn't really believe that, that, for some strange reason, the poll produced innacurate results. forty per cent of america thinks testing while driving should be punishable by prison time? what? c'mon, gimme a break.

are we really, do we really want to be, a country which locks up a huge percentage of its own populations, for trivial, or imaginary crimes? hell, we already put metal fibers in twenty dollar bills so that federal agents can track money with radar guns, and we, we the american government, the security state american government, acting on behalf of the american people, spy on the population with every sort of  electronic device imaginable, some you've heard of, like lasers and computers, some , you haven't.

locking people up for texting and driving would be insane, utterly insane,even by american standards, which are quite high. we need to start letting people OUT of jail, and putting fewer in, not the opposite. legalize recreational drugs, and stop punishing white collar crime by incarceration.

there is no need to lock  up people like martha stewart, for heaven sake. take all her money, make her go out in the wrold and start over, financially; but, in the name of sanity, don't lock her up like a wild animal. hell, even wild animals shouldn't be locked up...

america puts more people in prison than any other country, and maybe this poll reflects the reason, maybe the american people really are incarceration crazy. but, somehow, one would like to think not.

there are surely  more creative ways to get people to stop texting while driving. after all, wonderful people do it, ministers, nurses, care givers, and such, they don't belong in jail. few do.

it is to be hoped that mainstream society will eventually reject the barbaric practice of inprisonment.



Thursday, June 7, 2012

Done Too Soon? Or Maybe Not

THE GREAT COMPOSER FRANZ SCHUBERT died at the tragically young age of thirty one, from some microbic disease, like typoid of syphylis, that could be easily treated today. he was buried in austria next to his hero, beethoven. later their graves were moved, and today schubert, beethoven, brahams, and johann strauss the scond are all buried close together.

another in the tragic tradition of great musicians dying young, including mozart, gershwin, hendrix, winehouse, among others. in every case you wonder the same thing; what more could this brillaint person have given the world had premature death not intervened? can you imagine what mozart or george gershwin could have accomplished had their lives been twice as long as they were?

it is, however, worth noting that often times a great creator's greatest creations manifest early in life, and latter life becomes a bit less creatively tumultuous and productive, and a bit more calm, and quiet. maybe shelley and keats had already written their best poetry by the time they died before the age of thirty. maybe mozart's symphonies number forty two through eixty would have been....disappointing...though its hard to imagine.

on franz schubert's impressive tomb there is a message, which roughly, says something like:
                                "Here lies a great composer, and greater hope."

meaning, of course, there is great art here, and even more potential, but never created, art.
here is greatness which never had a chance to come into being. here is unfulfilled talent, a man who did not have enough time to do enough.

one day the great composer robert schuman was visiting his friend schubert's tomb, and, after reading the epitaph, declared: "no, he did enough."

that is something to think about. and maybe its equally true of all the rest, of mazart, of gershwin, of us all, of all those who seemingly died too young, and were done too soon. I've never looked at it this way before. now i shall. grieve not, but rejoice!

and maybe, just maybe, so should you...



The Legacy of Ray Bradbury

THE DEATH OF RAY BRADBURY evokes sorrow among readers of science fiction, and the thought comes  to mind that science fiction is perhaps another of america's great cultural contributions to the world, even though jules verne and h g wells were not american.

ray bradbury, robert heinlein, and robvert silverberg ARE american, arthur c clarke was not, and isaac asimmov was 99% american, 1% russian.

science fiction became important during the last one hundred years as science and technology began advancing ever more rapidly but has stalled out a bit recently,as have human travels into space. fantasy has interbred with science fiction of late;  arthur  c clark believed  that true science fiction utilized only known principles of science; no magic allowed, nor  sorcery, nor wizardry.

bradbury, who was ninety one when he died yesterday, wanted to be buried on mars. fifty years ago bradbury was convinced, as was i, that by the year 2012 mankind would have a permanent colony on mars.  well, we got a bit ahead of oursevles.

bradbury surely died still believing that the human  race will colonize space, and so shall  i so die, but not too soon, i hope. he called us the "in between people", in between the cave man stage and the space exploration stage, as humanity advances towards ever more technology, power, and environmental control.

the idea that we humans will put our descendents in a position to explore and colonize outer space is what ought properly to inspire us all to do better, in everything we do.  like it or not, i am human, and i feel impelled to root hard for the success of those who come after us. and really, i like it.

                                              I make friends with people. And, I wear a derby
                                              on my head, as others do. I say
                                              They are strangely stinking animals. And I say
                                              No matter, I am too.                   
                                                                                                   (Bertolt Brecht)

ray bradbury had a glorious vision of a future humanity scattered across the solar system and galaxy, those still on earth happy, prosperous, peaceful, although you couldn't tell it from reading his books, which often depict struggle, like all great fiction.

but on a deeper level his books depict joy of living, and hope, and we, as did he,  would  do well to bequeath these virtues to the future.



Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Indian Exploitation, the sequel

UNITED STATES SECRETARY OF DEFENSE leon panetta is in india, shaking hands, telling the representatives he meets what a lovely country they have here, and how nice it would be if the united states and india developed a closer relationship, particularly a military relationship.

if the indians have a brain in their head, if the indians know what's good for them, they will run as fast as they can away from any relationship with america. the united states and india have had a lukewarm relationship for decades, as america tried to straddle the fence in the ongoing enmity between india and pakistan, which used to be part of india.

now that relations between the U.S. and pakistan have soured, america turns to india.the united states fires a few dozen drone missiles into pakistan, without permission, kills a few thousand civilians, and the damned pakastanis have the nerve to get mad about it, after all the billions of beautiful crisp newly printed american dollars we have so generously given them?how rude! 

...according to records kept assiduously by The Truthless Reconciler and American Explicator, there is exactly one person in india who reads this blog. OK then, so be it. whoever you are, start warning your countrypeople fast and furiously, online; the americans are coming!

after all, an empire has to have somewhere to be an empire. lose one piece of empire, replace it with another. soon enough we'll be hearing that american fleets are docking at indian ports, american aircraft are refueling at indian airports, and then the next logical step; american troops will be stationed at military bases on indian soil.

whatever the americans want, they aren't telling the indians that that is what they want, and whatever he americans want, they are up to no good, as usual. a further expansion of empire, would be my guess.

cleverly disguised as "mutual security and peace", or some such rhetorical nonsense.

throw enough money at india, good ole american make believe hot off the press money, and the U.S.'ll have 'em where they want 'em. the american corporations can move in later and exploit whatever resources they find, probably human beings in large cheap numbers, and maybe even natural gas and oil.

maybe the chinese will start to notice that its too late to conquer the world; its already been done...
