Tuesday, January 31, 2012

New Planets

New planets are being discovered every day, using the new telescopes and astronomical techniques. Its incredible, its exciting. It looks like planets are everywhere, orbiting most if not all stars, numbering in the billions, trillions. So far we've seen about five hundred or so, with an incredible number yet to come. It appears that earth-like planets are probably numerous, and that thus, so are lifeforms.

This is absolutely wonderful, and its going on right in front of us, happening right now. For daily planetary discovery updates, contact any science website or astromomical observatory.

This gives a lot of validity to those who claim that the human race is currently being observed by numerous species of alien intelligence. IN a universe with all these planets, how can we keep pretending that we are alone atop God's creation?

New, huge telescopes are now being built which will show us billions of planets, up close. We'll see what's going on. Within about ten years our knowledge of the universe will double, at least. Our questions about life on other planets will largely be answered, possibly more thoroughly than we can now imagine..

..the new age people, who tell us that disclosure is imminent, might be right...

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The biggest problem we have is overpopulation, correct? I mean, when you think about it...7 billion people now, probably 10 billion within    30 years. We humans must all work together to solve this, and all our other problems, together, without hoping to rely on enlightened alien entities.It may be that aliens will soon solve all our problems for us, as some believe, but let's not count on it.

 People who don't have children should be regarded as role models. Contraception should be accepted and used by all. Shouldn't we either stabilize the global human population at the current level, slow down its growth, or reduce it?

The production and sensible distribution of resources/wealth to a reasonably sized population of generally equal and happy citizens should be the common goal of all  humanity. 

Human expansion into space? YES! A planned, reasonable human population on Earth, with sensible living standard? U betcha!

if the human species expands into space, it will by so doing greatly enhance the chances of long term human survival.

Maximum individual liberty and respect for individual freedom? YES!

But we need to get the population level stabilized and standard of living equalized and type of government to ensure maximum freedom and liberty worked out....the world wants democracy, and greater economic equality...and political and social equality..

Please scroll down to read the other articles in today's issue of The Truthless Reconciler! Thanks!

Occupy the World

At the U.N. the U.S.A., some Arab countries, and France are talking about changing the government in Syria, where thousands of people are literally dying for democracy. Russia, an ally of the current Syrian government, can and will veto any strong action.Hillary Clinton and her colleagues are interested in finding a way around Russia.

The real heros are the brave people of Syria, as well as the brave people all over the Arab world who gave us the inspirational "Arab Spring".

Superficial contact with large numbers of people, like in a crowded public place, can be unnerving. All the other people seem strange, defensive, brutish. Everyone feels defensive. It is those rare occasions when large numbers of people unite for a common, noble purpose that one feels the joy of mass empathy, the joy of unity with one's fellow humans, the joy of connectedness.

Ah, that glorious moment when the home team prevails!

Ninety nine per centof the people on this planet have little wealth and even less power. The other one per cent has most of both, and this is a fact, not an invitation to class warfare.

The invitation to class warfare is right here: Ninety nine per centers unite, Occupy Wall Street, and Occupy the World!

New articles appear frequently. Please scroll down for the other articles in this issue of The Truthless Reconciler! Thanks!

Secular Christian Nation

Oftentimes you hear someone describe the U.S.A. as a "christian nation".  Whether it is indeed a christian nation depends on how you define "christian nation".

Well over half of all 305 million Americans is self described as a christian, so, in that regard, America is a christian nation, since a majority of her citizens are christian.

But please don't make the mistake of thinking that the United States was intended by its founders to be christian, or that the founders themselves were all christian. The truth is, some were, some weren't.

Among those who were was of course George Washington, the father founder himself.

However, the author of the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson, and the author of the constitution, James Madison, were most certainly not christians. They were "deists", which is essentially atheism, or the worship of science. 

The late eighteenth century in Europe and America was a period of devotion to science and humanistic reason, often called "the enlightenment". The founders tended to be wealthy, educated - and humanistic. The declaration of independence is a letter oozing with logic, and the constitution reflects a mind set in pursuit of reason, and logic. Many of those who signed the declaration were other than christian.

Benjamin Franklin was another who replaced christianity with scientific study. He and John Adams both wondered about life on other planets. Franklin wondered whether Jesus traveled from planet toplanet, spreading the gospel. A lot of people have probably wondered the same thing.

 Near the end of his life, when Thomas Jefferson was hiring faculty for his new University of Virginia, he received a letter from John Adams, urging him not to hire Europeans, because they would be more likely to be christians, and therefore, dogmatic, and anti-intellectual.

The christian influence in American history and contemporary life is indisputable. And so are a muttitude of other influences.

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Fact or Fantasy?

Not only are there huge stone structures all over the wrold whose construction by ancient civilizations defies explanation, there are people all over the world who are in contact with extraterrestrials, or at least claim to be.

In particular, there is a being from Sirius, "Salusa", who regularly posts messages on the internet, thanks to human middle-people. Thousands of people read these messages, which promise soon - to - come drastic changes in the overall human condition, such as material prosperity for all.

One of the promises is that the presence of advanced extraterrestrials on Earth will be widely disclosed, without a tract of doubt, quite soon. This promise has been around awhile.

Currently they dwell among us, it is said, in invisible spacecraft, interacting covertly in certain human affairs, preparing the way, laying the groundwork, for disclosure.  A website which often has information on this is http://www.coasttocoasta.m..com/  .

There are two possible scenarios, equally interesting, one of which has to be true. They are mutually exclusive. 

The first is that the millions of people who believe in the presence of extraterrestrial beings as a given are deluding themselves, making it all up, jumping into a fantasy world of human manufacture without any evidence that it is real.

The second, of course, is that it is real, all of it.

Either way, its a fascinating situation, galactically, or psychologically and sociologically.

And when, some fine day, we know the truth, all of today's discussion on the matter will come into sharper focus, and our descendants will have a far greater understanding of what was actually going on with the UFO cult like following engendered by the question of life in the universe.

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The Mitt and Newt Show

The Newt and Mitt show might be one of your best buys for the entertainment dollar these days, and it may get even better. Newt won't go down without a good fight, and Mitt wants it just as much.

Mitt now portrays Newt as a profiteering Washington insider who is unstable and erratic. Newt tries to paint Mitt as a high rolling wheelin' dealin' venture vulture capitalist, a moderate, a liberal, and who knows what other horrible things. 

One would think that Santorum and the social conservatives would unite behind Newt against the moderate sometimes liberal Mormon Romney, but no, they can't do that, becase Newt has a personal past the social conservatives do not like.

Its either gonna be a Mormon rich guy corporate raider speculator who has been all over the political spectrum, including the liberal side of it, or the volatile erratic womanizer. Not exactly the ideal candidate either way for the solid conservative republican base.

For the time being, Obama seems content to just sit back, let the economy gradually improve, and let Mitt and Newt duke it out.

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Monday, January 30, 2012

christianity plus capitalism equals conservatism

Capitalism plus Christianity equals Conservatism, basically, right? Aren't they the twin pillars of modern conservatism? Whereas liberalism these days tends more towards secular science, religious diversity, and socialism.

Thus, to be a conservative is to be a Christian and a capitalist.

How is this possible, to be a christian and a capitalist simultaneously? Capitalism emphasizes economic freedom, the freedom to become wealthy through profit. The freedom to keep one's wealth, rather than have it confiscated by the government in the form of excessively high taxes on the wealthy producers and achievers.

Capitalism is based on fair,tough competition.

With regard to taxes, Jesus said "render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's, and render unto God that which is God's."

HE further said: "go thy way, and sell whatsoever thou hast, and give unto the poor, and thou shalt have treasure, in heaven."

Jesus never said work hard in order to make a lot of money and have a high standard of living.

Was Jesus more of a capitalist, or more of a socialist?

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Freddie Mac Conflict of Interest?

Freddie Mac, the big mortgage lending corporation which is owned by we the people, having bought it when we bailed it out, is behaving, shall we say, in a questionable manner, investing in mortgages in one of its two businesses, and betting against those same mortgages in its other business.

The CEO, Board of Directors, and public relations spokespeople all assure us that the two businesses are separated by an iron clad wall, do not collaborate, and therefore pose no conflict of interest.

Of late the two businesses seem to be astonishingly fortunate, accidently working in each other's best interests, almost conflict of interest like. Freddie reminds us that he is there not only to help Americans into houses, but to survive financially. (The need to support oneself can justify almost anything).

It could be argued, easily, that Freddie Mac, and corporations in general are beneficial to mankind. Conservatives are better at explaining things like that. Here, suffice to say, thast in nearly all our lives there are goods and services we want which only corporations can provide. Cars, TVs, computers, for example.

Worker exploitation? It all depends. Take General Electric, for instance, an ancient venerable company which  over  the years has supplied America with a host of helpful appliances. Most of the time GE has paid decent wages to unionized entry level workers.

Aside from the fact that it apparently doesn't pay any taxes, GE seems to be beneficial to humanity.

But shouldn't GE pay SOME taxes? And shouldn't mortgage lenders try to help, not hurt, its own customers? Cooperation for profit is a lot better than exploitation for profit.

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Our masterful corporate Traitors.

Of course everyone knows who Fannie May and Freddie Mac are, ladies first. Were they not created in the nineteen sixties as part of LBJ's new society, government created then turned loose mortgage lending giants, well intentioned to enable the American masses to buy  house and fulfill American dream?

Then came the big crash and bailout of '07, and they were bailed out. I bought Fannie May stock (ladies first) about then, when the price was 92 cents a share. Now, its what, thirty something a share?

But oh my now we find out that Freddie Mac has been bundling and making investments in such a way that if the masses of Americans remain stuck in high interest mortgages and go under, Freddie Mac makes money, but if the American home owner gets a good re fi, gets on his or her feet, and succeeds, Fred loses. Freddie, in a nutshell, has been profiting, or trying to, by betting against the success and for the failure of its customers, us, America, (the American people), and presumably hindering the American people transactionally, as a betting hedge.

One of my best friends told me he had purchased a stock fund which was designed to appreciate if the market index declined, and to lose if the stock market goes up. He wanted me to try it. I told him to instead shove it. Too negative. Too....oh....antithetical to my nature?....gloulish?

How repulsive, immoral, traitorous, predictable, and typical! Big corporations, aided, abetted, sponsored by big government, stabbing the American people in the back. The American government and the corporate oligarchy, aka "our corporate masters" - since its all the same, why not?

Seduce and intimidate the teeming masses into corporate dependance, then milk them out of their money. Masses produce the wealth, wealthy elite slickly transfer wealth, trickle up, to the wealthy corporate elite. How modern American!

Are you Occupy Wall Street folks still around? Hello? No need to argue whether fed gov or corporate oligarcy is the enemy; they're the same thing. Turns out Marx was right. Workers of the world unite, you have only your chains to lose, or, your home mortgages.

Pleass scroll down for the remaining articles in this issue of The Truthless Reconciler! Thanks!

Is an all service economy good?

Everyone in this country, (U.S.A.) is either a lawyer, a stockbroker, a financial services provider, a physical therapist, a songwriter, poet, an entertainer.....but does anyone ever make anything?

Where are the factories? Agriculture and manufacturing are the pathways to national prosperity. Where is the local food, clothing, and shelter manufacturing?

We need the songwirters and poets and pro athletes, but not at a trillion dollahs a year. And we don't need quite so many millions of them.

A rich country must manufacture wealth. Do  we want all 7 billion of us to have a 4000 square foot house with a pool in back and a jet parked in front? If we do, we need to get started.

Mitt 'n Newt talk about capitalism, and its glories relative to socialism. OK then. Let's get some capitalism going, other than lawyer stockbroker entertainer capitalism. We'll have to have more food clothing shelter capitalism, yes, especially here in America. Right, my Russian friends and readers?

To what extent can a society be a fluffy hedonistic entertain me culture, and be prosperous? Plus, maybe we can compromise a bit on the huge home, jet, and pool for everyone. Perhaps a slightly scaled back lifestyle, but a decent and reasonable lifestyle, for everyone. With 7 billion people, there might be a few too many midair personal jet collisions. Do we possibly need a healthy  and vigorous, but reasonably regulated and planned capitalism, along with a smidge of socialism to stabilize and sanitize (render sane) our economic system? Balance, perchance?

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Sunday, January 29, 2012

Murphy's Law

Murphy's Law, that when something can happen it does happen, that when something can go wrong it will go wrong, is called a "law" for a reason. It is the gospel according to nature.

When I go to bed, I like to leave the radio on. I'm sure many people do the same, and I know a few people who like to sleep with the television on, which I don't.

I like to have either classical music, or "Coast to Coast AM" with George Noory. I'm a cat napper, and wake up often, then go back to sleep, or sometimes, stay awake. The other night I awakened just as the radio announcer was saying "and now we present Beethoven's Ninth Symphony"...

I thought WoW! Great! that's my favorite! haven't heard it in awhile....

The majestic opening strains, I closed my eyes to listen......

and the next thing I know I am jolted awake to a majestic measure of music, the final solemn note of......Beethoven's Ninth..and the announcer saying "and, ladies and gentlemen, that concludes our presentation"...and I think ..WHAT?  I missed it!   

Murphy's law. Wake up when you don't want to, sleep when you don't want to..oh well....
...and the sooner one accepts Murphy's Law as a fact of life, the better...but we can use it to our advantage. we can turn it into a funny story, or learn from it..

the true, total Murpy's law is this: anything that can go wrong, will go wrong, unless we jump in right away, and fix it right after it goes wrong, or keep it from going wrong in the first place, which we can do, with proper training...train humanity to build a better world, and humanity shall build a better world, and this verily...

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Alternative History

All over the world, in England, France, remote Pacific Islands, high in the Andes, Asia - there are magnificent stone structures thousands of years old which were made, so we assume, by technologically primitve peoples, for what seem to be very strange and impractical purposes, built with incredible skill, precision, and physical difficulty.

Now we are learning that all over the world, under the sea, are many other stone structures, indeed, whole cities, which must have been built thousands of years ago. Stone masons with computers and lasers insist that they could not match the precison of the ancients, and that indeed most of the structures we could not build today, certainly not without enormous, unthinkable cost and effort.

So what the hell's going on? Let's find out!

Doesn't it seem that our standard explanation; that the ancients were deeply religious, highly motivated, and had massive slave labor resources, time, and simple but effective techniques - is a tad shaky?

shouldn't that standard accepted version at least be questioned, reconsidered??? Surely.

Yes, I believe in Ocham's razor; the implest explanation is always the best. But what, in this case, is the simplest?

The world's research universities tend to scoff at any but the standard explanations, and those who propound the alternative view, you know, the one about UFO's., are scoffed at by smug, conventional, conservative, ass covering academia.

Academia needs to get off its high smug horse, quit covering its ass, and open its mind.

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Misplaced Apprehension

December 21st, 2012 approaches. On that day the world will cease to be, or something like that. It actually seems that the ancient Mayans were aware that on that day the solar system crosses the galactic plane, astonishingly. How did they know it?

The situation brings to mind Y2K, with the hype leading up to December 31, 1999, and the widespread fear that chaos would ensue the following day.

Amusingly, the whole world celebrated the end of the second millenium and the end of the 20th century one year too early, and when December 31 2000 arrived, the true last day of the millenium, nobody cared. How human. How massively mathematically ignorant. Somehow, how humanly appropiate.

We all know that this coming December 21st nothing special will happen, except astronomically.

That doesn't stop us from having fun with it.

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Saturday, January 28, 2012

Truthless Reconciliation

By now it might be apparent to anyone reading this blog that its principle author is politically liberal,, and for that matter, socially and economically liberal. But the central purpose is not to promote liberal values, but rather, all values, an open minded approach. Hence the term "Truthless Reconciler". The word "truthless" is an attempt to convey a rejection of rigid dogmatic thinking, a rejection of any claim to possession of absolute, irrevocable truth.

Not all points of view are equally valid, but there is some validity, or at least some basis, for all.

Reconciliation is the process by which various differing viewpoints are integrated into a larger, more comprehensive whole.

Political liberalism and conservatism need not be viewed as mutually exclusive, they may be seen as complimentary.  Similarly, every religion in the world can be seen as arising from the same fundamental precepts. No religion need be considered a means of invalidating any other.

Planets orbiting other stars are being discovered almost daily. There may come a time when other life forms are discovered on many of these planets, with advanced intelligent creatures, with more philosophies, religious and otherwise, than we can imagine. Humanity might be compelled to eventually take these into consideration. The idea of bringing Islam or Christianity to beings on other planets would perhaps begin to seem ludicrous. It might be the human race which is the recipient of imported ideas.

And the need to confront our limitations and reconcile human and extraterrestrial thinking might emerge irresistably. Why not begin the reconciliation in advance, on the only inhabited world we know, and thus be better prepared?

Please scroll down to read the other articles in this issue of The Truthless Reconciler! Thanks!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Class Warfare

We've been hearing the terms "class warfare" and "Class evny" frequently lately, and we probably aren't finished with them. Invariably we hear them from conservatives. Why? Because everytime someone points out the enormous difference in wealth between America's rich and America's poor, the messenger is accused of being envious, or trying to start a war. This accusatin always comes from conservatives who have chosen their side.

Unfortunaely, the absurdity of this assertion never precludes it promulgation.

It might be helpful to distinguish between creating a situation, and reporting a situation which already exists. The disparity in wealth exists. Simply saying so does not cause it to occur. Anyone looking for class warfare might revisit the French Revolution of the late eigtheenth century, the Russian Revolution of the early twentieth century, or the Bonus march in Washington D.C. in 1932.

Today's class war is tame by comparison. Tame, but extant. Fortunately our American class war is, thus far, confined to arguing about tax rates and job pay. So long as income tax rates are lower for investors than for police officers and teachers, so long as professional athletes earn millons of dollars a year and cops and teachers struggle to pay their bills, the word war is likely to continue.

There are traitors on both sides. The millions of lower middle class Americans who cry "class envy", and people like Bill Gates and Warren Buffett, who favor higher taxes for the wealthy and greater economic equality, have abandoned their own people.

Our current class war is a mere hint of what it could later become.

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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Reelect Nobody

The most courageous and beautiful event within recent memory was the appearance of Congressperson Gabrielle Giffords on the floor of the House of Reps. Her amazingly inspiring recovery continues.

It might have been better for her constituents if she had resigned much sooner. By so doing her congressional district would not have been without a representative for the past year. On the other hand, the thought that she might continue quite possibly gave her the incentive to carry on with her recovery.

Now the talk is that she will fully recover, then return to congress later. I hope that doesn't happen. I hope she fully recovers, as she seems destined to do, then pursues other interests, even though I consider her to be among the best legislators this country has ever had. I wish everyone who serves in congress would serve but one term, house or senate. Imposed term limits are not desirable, because it limits the options of the electorate. But entrenched power is a corruption.

Would that the electorate never reelect an incumbant. The more participants in the legislative process, the better. No matter how talented and successful a person in congress is; one term is enough. Human nature, however, tends toward conservatism, rather than change.

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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Our Corrupt Political Power Purchasing Process

It is utterly amazing, beyond all comprehension, how indifferent the American people are to the fact that political office and power in America are purchased. In the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries candidates were expected to pretend that they were not seeking political office, when in fact they were. Shots of whiskey were often used to lubricate and create good will among voters.

In our country there is a long and rich tradition of trying to purchase elections, and today it has reached mega proportions. Has anyone noticed that our political system is rotten to the core?

Davy Crockett got into politics at the behest of others, who felt that his charming personality and down home good common sense would stand him in good stead in the political arena. It turned out they were wrong; Davy was just too honest and too independent to make a good politician, or at least, a good legislator.

But that didn't keep him from trying. His second wife had some money, and that got him started. He promptly proceeded to try to purchase a seat in congress, and he succeeded, three times. In his own words : "I was able to buy a little of the creature, to put my friends in a good humor, as well as the other gentlemen, for they all treat in that country - not to get elected, of course, for that would be against the law; but just, as I before said, to make themselves and their friends feel their keeping a little."

Even Crockett, with his wife's money and silent moneymen behind his campaigns for congress, was not above getting around the election laws.

Davy further articulated: "I would therefore have me a large buckskin hunting shirt made, with a couple of pockets holding about a peck each; and that in one I would carry a great big twist of tobacco, and in the other my bottle of liquor; for I knowed when I met a man and offered him a dram, he would throw out his quid of tobacco and take one, and after he had taken his horn (drink), I would out with my twist and give him another chaw. And in this way he would not be worse off than when I  found him; and I would be sure to leave him in a first- rate good humor."

He went on, as Davy was a talker: "My opponent said I could beat him electioneering all hollow. I told him I would give him better evidence of that...notwhithstanding he had many advantages over me, particularly in the way of money; but I told him I would go on the products of the country; that I had industrious children and the best of coon dogs, and they would hunt every night till midnight to support my election, and when the coon fur wa'nt no good, I would myself go a wolfin',  and shoot down a wolf, and skin his head, and his scalp would be good to me for three dollars in our state treasury money, and in this way I would get along."

Had Davy but known the terrible precedent he thus was establishing.

I ran for city council in my town in 1992, and spent only $250.00; it wasn't enough.

In 1992 Bill Clinton was able to purchase the presidency for a mere 40 millions dollars, which seems paltry twenty years later. Obama raised and spent 600 million to get elected, and in 2012 he is fixin' to spend a cool billion. Meanwhile, a Los Vegas multi billionaire has twice recently donated five million to Newt Gingrich in the hope of matching Mitt Romney dollar for dollar.

And we the American sheeple sit idly by, uncaring, unconcerned. Its a travesty.

Nearly everyone who runs for and is elected to congress is a millionaire. The average house of representative seat goes for about a million and a half, and the senate costs somewhat more.

Is this what we really want? Evidently. If it isn't, we don't have the collective  will to say so.

Never cite a problem without offering a solution. My solution? Seven little words:


Until such time as we the manipulated finally rise up and put a stop to the corruption, maybe we could at least refuse to vote for anyone who spends more than, say, ten mil. But the sad truth is, we simply do not care.

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Weak Candidates

The republican presidential field of candidates seems a bit weak. Romney and Gingrich are doing a great job of pointing out each other's weaknesses. Romney comes across as a man who has never done anything except write checks and invest money, an extremely wealthy person who knows nothing about ordinary Americans. Gingrich, we are reminded by Romney, was run out of his job as speaker of the house by his own party, and since then has been selling his influence around Washington for the benefit of Freddie Mac, the maligned mortgage lender which the public associates, correctly so, with the collapse of the housing industry.

Both candidates, in essence, have been directly involved in activites which middle and working class Americans tend to view as enriching the wealthy elite, while forsaking all else.

At this point it appears that all Obama has to do is keep quiet, and let them rip each other to shreds.

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Monday, January 23, 2012

Openminded, Fairminded

The entire purpose of this website is to promote openmindedness, which by definition requires fair mindedness. WE see far too little of both. The most brazen examples of the absence of fair minded thinking is in American politics.

Barrack Obama is a socialist. Barrack Obama is a Moslem. Conservatives are fascists. Capitalism is nothing but greed and exploitation. And it never stops.

If Obama were a Moslem he would say so. Have you ever known anyone who is not proud to enunciate their religious values?

Obama care, in fact,  leaves insurance in the hands of corporations which have no connection to government. His health care system, so villified, is only remotely socialistic. Richard Nixon was more socialistic than Obama. He wanted to force all employers to pay for health care, instead of requiring contributions from the employee.

Socialists are never reluctant to identify themselves as such. If he were a socialist, Obama would say so, (and he would never be president).

Greed and exploitation play a large part in capitalism, but there is much more to free enterprise than that. A child with a street corner lemonade stand is a capitalist, but exploits no one.

People who make such outrageous remarks about those with whom they disagree do not in fact believe their own words. Nobody really believes that Obama is a Moslem, for instance. Everyone knows better. Think of the worst thing you can say about somebody, (or what you personally consider to be the worst thing)  and say it, even if you don't really believe it, even if you know good and well it isn't true. This is the pattern of our cultural warfare, this is the sickness of our culture.

People who do this reduce themselves to the level of mindless hate mongers. They thus forfeit their integrity. As the current presidential campaign unfolds, it will be interesting to listen to the comments the candidates make about each other; so far, their comments are pure examples of dishonest hate speech. It really is unfortunate that we in America so often behave this way. We can do better.

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Obama's Bailouts

The most unpopular thing Obama has done, perhaps, is the corporate bailouts. It was also one of the first things he did as president, because of the urgency of the problem he inherited. It was an awful situation. Several huge financial services companies announced, almost simultaneously, that they were going to declare bankruptcy.

How shocking. Bank of America, AIG, Citigroup, and so forth. If all these businesses had gone belly up at the same time, millions of Americans would have suffered. Exactly what would have happened nobody knows. Would we have lost all or part of our money? Would the FDIC have taken care of everything? It was frightening.

The Obama people  point out that GMC,one of the basket cases, is now thriving. But the very thought of B o A, AIG, and Citigroup, just those three, all going out of business at the same time..is horrifying.

You would think that the people opposed to the bailout would have understood that. I'm sure they do. You almost sense, deep down, that nobody seriously opposed the bailout, but it makes convenient anti-Obama ammunition.

I am certainly not an avid supporter of huge corporations. This desperate situation is just another proof that the American economy is at  the mercy of corporations. If they are in fact too big to fail, should they be broken up into smaller units? The big bailout was acceptable to no one.Conservatives don't like government involvement in the economy, liberals don't like corporate welfare.

But something had to be done, and thank goodness we did something.

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Sunday, January 22, 2012

Joe Paterno

The death of Joe Paterno was somehow sadly appropiate. It brings to mind Paul Bear Bryant and Woody Hayes, both of whom died shortly after completing long and successful careers as head football coaches at big universities with perennial powerhouse football programs. When a person's reaon for living is removed, it seems that people are often ready to move on.

The tragedy, of course, is the manner in which Paterno's career ended. He should have finished coaching this past season, which was a good one for Penn State, then retired in glory. But it was not to be.

Instead, he was run out ignomoniously by a bureacracy and a society endlessly and self righteously searching for someone to blame. 

Paterno did nothing wrong, and he did a lot of things right. Informed of heinous behavior by someone in his employ, he took the matter up the chain of command. Should he have called the police instead? Perhaps. So should have the athletic director, the chancellor, and the university president.

Somebody should have called the police, long ago. Paterno did the least, not the most, he should have done.

Somebody should have called the police, long ago. But just as soon as he had done that, there would have been an uproar over the fact that he failed in his duties because he failed to follow the proper channels along the chain of command, and took matters into his own hands when he shouldn't have.

Oh, how we do love to assign blame in our hypocritical culture. Our hypocritical culture, in which a woman in the military is more likely to be sexually molested by a fellow serviceman than shot at by a foreign army, in which our media is saturated with sexual content because we, the consumers, want it to be. Our hypocritcal culture, which calls itself "Christian", then spends more time with pornography than with spiritual wisdom. Our hypocritcl culture, in which candidates for president benefit at the ballot box for having adulturous affairs.

Some years ago Paterno expressed his opinion that college athletes should by paid. Never a hypocrite, Paterno understood that collegiate athletes were no longer true amateurs, but had become cash cows for a multi billion dollar industry. Our hypocritcal higher education-athletic culture, in which universities sanctimoniously uphold the "integrity" of student athletics by imposing phony restrictions of their ability to earn money, while exploiting their athletic talent to enrich their own bank accounts.

Joe Paterno was a great man, and he should be remembered for it, not for having followed the guidelines given him by his hypocritical employer. Joe Paterno was no hypocrite; most of us cannot say the same.

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Saturday, January 21, 2012

Wolves and Sheep

Recently congress was considering two bills intended to stop online intellectual property theft. The question is whether we want the government to regulate the internet, and to what extent.

Not surprisingly, creators of intellectual property tend to favor this legislation,  while website owners and the general populace tend to oppose it. As of now, the web siters and the general public are prevailing, and congress, for the time being, has backed off. But the battle is far from finished.

The creative community, including hollywood, the music industry, and the publishing industry will regroup and return, like the confederate army at Gettysburg.

It is however comforting to be demonstrably reminded that even in America mass protestation can influence the government, and more comforting still to note that mass protestation still occurs in this country.

Thomas Jefferson said : "If the people become inattentive to the affairs of government, the magistrates and the legislators will divide society into two classes, wolves, and sheep".

Having long since so divided ourselves,  (corporations and the people), we may at least derive solace that we the people, in theory, have the power, through our attentiveness to government, to lift up we the sheep, or to at least keep the wolves at bay, somewhat.

But the wolves are never kept at bay for long. their ravenous appetite for wealth and power are sometimes sated, but only temporarily.

On New Year's Eve President Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act, which is an annual presidential ritual. But the newest version contains ominous, wolfish provisions.

The U.S. military, it seems, now has the power to apprehend terrorists on American soil. All well and good, assuming that terrorists are willing to openly identify themselves. Do we want the government or the military to identify terrorists a priori ?

The murder of Abraham Lincoln was the worst possible blow to the defeated confederacy. John Wilkes Booth, in his misguided belief that he would be hailed as a hero for slaying a tyrant, failed also to understand that Lincoln would be replaced by a president (Andrew Johnson) from Tennessee who was determined, along with a vengeful congress, to punish the south.

The U.S. army occupied the south for twelve long years, finally removing in 1877 as part of an agreement that settled the disputed presidential election of 1876, and included the law that the military would never again be used as a domestic police force.

Now we have evidently undone the idea that the military must not police the American people.

Beware, fellow sheep: the wolves are never far away.

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Guest writer  Billy "pruning" Shears

hat has happened to the American way of life that we no longer stop to help someone less fortunate than ourselves. That we drive by a man on a street corner who’s holding a hand written sign that screams for compassion saying,
Can I work for you. Please loan me a dime. 

Compassion is a general human feeling that is above and beyond any religion and all emotions, other than personal survival. 

It is universal to all mankind because we are all vulnerable. 

It is how we interconnect as humans. It is the positive force that guides us to our highest principles in society, philosophy and person hood.   

Compassion is the central theme of every religion in the world. It is considered to be the greatest virtue of all and is the foundation of the “Golden Rule“. 

There are two forms of compassion. Compassion for self and compassion for others, with emotional suffering (the social pains of life) and/or with physical pain. (ageing and accidents resulting in injury) 

In a recent study at the Brain and Creativity Institute at USC
fMRI experiments show that we feel more compassion for social pain than physical pain. 
There are other scientific studies that suggest our 
self-esteem is directly proportional to the compassion we have for others and that there are real physical benefits to practicing compassion. 

People who practice compassion produce 100 percent more DHEA, which is a hormone that counteracts the aging process, and 23 percent less cortisol — the “stress hormone.” 

Self-compassion is “being warm” towards oneself when we encounter the pain of our personal shortcomings rather than hurting oneself with self-criticism.
Our journey in life is made more livable with compassion, not receiving compassion but having compassion for others. 

Compassion for another person can only occur when you realize that you are similar to, not different from the marginalized and disenfranchised person and when you recognize that suffering in general and personal failure are part of the shared human experience.
No one is immune to the painful situations life throws at us without invitation.
So I ask you this, should America be more compassionate. 
If so, how and why. If not, why not. 

Compassion is the ultimate and most meaningful embodiment of emotional maturity. It is through compassion that a person achieves the highest peak and deepest reach in his or her search for self-fulfillment. 
Arthur Jersild  

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Friday, January 20, 2012

Financial Compassion

A friend of mine is struggling financially (welcome to the club, right?), and is making "interest only" mortgage payments, and has been for a long time. Yes, there's nothing wrong with a mortgage lender doing that, its part of the system.

A mortgage lender's priority is profit, not compassion.Capitalism is not compassionate , nor is it supposed to be. (If it were, I might like it more.) The popular notion among conservatives that welfare is not compassionate because it reduces people to dependency is as absurd as the notion that capitalism is compassionate because it provides work. 

Hiring someone is compassionate only when you pay more than you have to. Nobody ever does that deliberatley; profit maximazation precludes compassion.

So the mortgage lender allows financially strapped people to make interst only payments. How compassionate!

What would I do to change it? Maybe if mortgage lenders were more willing to refinance borrowers who are financially distressed. Interest rates are determined by the lender, not the law.

No risk for the lender, no equity for the borrower who in this case is a good friend of mine. I might feel a bit more favorable towards the lender if they would allow even just the tiniest smidgen of equity to acrue to my friend. But no, that isn't the way the capitalist system works. Sometimes I wish it worked a bit differently.
                                                                                                                                 by Bob Bond
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Get Out of the Kitchen Newt

The republican presidential contest has been great entertainment from the git go, and shows no signs of disappointing now. The departure of Hermann Cain was a sad loss; his entertainment value, with his tortured speech patterns, tortured tax ideas, womanizing, and denials of womanizing - when we lost Mr. Cain, we lost a lot. 

But we still have Newt Gingrich, and that's no small potatoes. WE now know that in the mid nineties, when Newt was righteously impeaching President Clinton for sexual misconduct, he was having an affair, and, according to his ex wife, requesting her to participate in an open marriage, so he could have his cake and eat it to, so to speak.

Men who become powefrul, famous, or wealthy are often tempted to beahave as if social restrictions don't apply to them, and many women seem to love men who are rich, powerful, or famous, or preferrably all three. So men like Cain and Gingrich have extra women, then when they run for president, the past raises its ugly head.

At the most recent republican debate, when a journalist asked Gingrich about his ex wife's comments, Newt blew up, and ranted that to even ask such a question of him, to even bring the matter up, was a despicable act by an "elite" media (whatever that is).

Gingrich's ex wife chose to speak to the media, and chose to talk about her marriage to Newt. Should the media have turned her down, out of respect for the privacy of somebody running for president? That simply aint the way it works, Newt. Why not blame your ex wife for lying, or admit that she speaks the truth, and own up  to it? But, blaming the media? For what? Listening to people, and reporting what they say?  The media may at times be despicable, but the media is not the despicable party here.

Newt, trying to be the victim. For Newt to call anyone else despicable, anyone other than himself, is despicable. Any journalist is perfectly appropiate to ask candidates questions when ex wives and girlfriends come forth with allegations of poor past behavior. Calling someone names for asking a fair question is reprehensible, not worthy of a good candidate for president.

The prospect of Gingrich as President of the United States may be frightening, but as a presidential candidate, Newt is off the charts entertaining.

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Thursday, January 19, 2012

Keep the Internet Free

Don't look now, but Congress has not one, but two bills under consideration which would regulate copyrighted internet content.  The internet is a modern version of the wild wild west, the last bastion of American life not regulated by the government.

The global online communications superhighway is, potentially, the greatest tool the downtrodden masses have ever stumbled across. The internet was evidently the communication tool which precipitated, organized, and facilitated the success of the Arab Spring; what might the internet accomplish next in terms of human liberation?

It seems unlikely that the 200 or so nations of the world will ever be able to agree on comprehensive, global internet regulation. If we can just keep the U.S. government at bay, the internet may last far longer than the wild wild west.

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Disabilities Unlimited

Suddenly having a disability is quite an experience, quite an adventure. Goethe said something to the effect "I have learned much in illness that I never would have learned in good health."

So misery has virtue. Still, we avoid it. Suddenly having a new disability is a different experience than being born with one. It requires a great deal of adjustment. Ask any high school football player on crutches.

After six months of painful walking due to a strained hamstring, I feel I know more about disabilities.

What  walking do I have to do today? How can I cut down on it? Drink less water, so I won't have to get up and walk to the bathroom quite as often. Don't move without thinking about it, slowly, slowly.

I wish everyone a pain free joy filled life. But should I do that? Is complete freedom from pain good?

If one's acquired disability is not permanent, there is hope. If it is permanent, there is adjustment. There has to be. What we do with our disabilities, temorary and permanent, acquired or congenital, perhaps, says a lot about us, about who we are as people of character.

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Wednesday, January 18, 2012


A photo on the AOL homepage had a black man asleep on the ground on a piece of cardboard, in a sea of concrete, with a handmade sign above his head, asking for help.  Homelessness came to mind, a fascinating topic in a country as rich as the United States. America has several million homeless people, correct?  Sometimes, you wonder how anybody can end up homeless in a country this rich.

When I was about nineteen I suggested to my dad, a good friend of mine, that we travel around the country hitchhiking, just for the adventure. He said he was too old. At the time he was about the same age I am now, and I see what he meant. Still, there's a certain feeling of adventure...

You'd have to do it right. Backpack with light weight sleeping bag and maybe tent, and two or three changes of clothing. Last but not least, a debit card backed up by a good, solid bank account, and you're on your way, homeless, let the grand adventure begin.

Of the millions of homeless people in America, none of them are in this surrealistic situation, of course. For them, its no adventure, its for real.

You could argue that, ultimately, it was their "choice" to be homeless. You could argue that all that happens to us is our choice, including cancer, or a meteorite on the head.

WE should ask every homeless person if he or she is homeless by choice. The ones that are, the upper middle class adventure seekers, leave 'em alone. But the ones who claim they are not homeless by choice, ask 'em why they are homeless, and chances are the first thing they will mention is something beyond their control, some sort of bad luck. A little further bonding between interviewer and homeless person, a little further communication, and an admission of mistakes and bad choices will begin to crop up.

We all have bad luck, and make mistakes and bad choices. Consequences vary. Certainly, those whom we help must help themselves.

If I were to do the homeless adventure thing, I would be a transient, rather than a local. The travel, and the uncertainty of it, would be the adventure.  Although you could do it in San Francisco or New York and have quite an adventure without ever leaving the city. What does New York have at any given time, a quarter million homeless, something like that? Any adventurers among them? Few if any, surely.

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Moderation is the Key

Best indication is that about forty per cent of Americans call themselves "conservative" twenty per cent call themselves "liberal", and the rest call themselves either "moderate" or "independent".

Long live the independents, they make things interesting!

Each republican candidate tries to show the most conservative credentials, liberal candidates, of which there are few, try to conceal their liberalism,, calling it "progressive", trying to court the moderate voters.

The independents will decide the reelection fate of Barrack Obama. The reason why Mitt Romney would be the republicans's best candidate is that he is more moderate than the others, and can attract the most undecided independents.  The rest of them, all trying to prove how conservative they are, are killing their own chances.

Granted, conservatism is more popular than liberalism these days, and has been since Reagan, but it still isn't popular enough to run on nationally. Goldwater, McGovern, Mondale - most presidential candidates need to be moderate to win.  Even Reagan was relatively moderate, more moderate than Gingrich, Santorum, or Ron Paul.

The twin pillars of conservatism are capitalism, and Christianity. Some conservatives are one or the other, most are both. It makes for an interesting mix; Jesus talked like a socialist. At least, he did not advocate the profit motive, but rather, the giving motive. Christianity and capitalism are perfectly acceptable to most of us, as long as they are not forced down our throats in large doses. Moderation is the key.

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Ron Paul and his Paranormal Friends

There's no doubt about it, Ron Paul is the candidate of the paranormal community, those millions of people who dwell in a world of UFOs, ETs, galactic federations, and multiple dimensions and a world of vast hidden global conspiracies involving both humans and aliens. Those people. They all seem to like Ron Paul for president. The reason probably has to do with Paul's advocacy of the elimination of the Federal Reserve Bank, which the paranormal people see as a visible, tangible manifestation of the ultimate global conspiracy, the all powerful elite, the "illuminati".

The question is: what would happen if the federal reserve were eliminated? The obvious answer: nobody knows. The best guess might be a sudden slow down in economic activity. Facilitating economic  activity by stabilizing and supporting the currency system is, after all, the fed's purpose.

The currency itself certainly wouldn't wither and vanish. We're stuck with our currenct currency, until such time as we (America) merge with Canada and Mexico and begin circulating the "Amero".

Even the advocates of elimination would probably agree that an initial period of recession and uncertainty would ensue, but evidently Ron Paul and all the others foresee vast economic improvements thereafter. Such as what? Full employment? Greater security for the poor and middle classes? You'd have to ask them.

Has anyone asked Ron Paul how eliminating the federal reserve would actually help the economy? Surely by now he's said something specific about it. Paul is advocating change in America, and gaining support. If he would endorse the Occupy Wall Street movement, he'd be perfect.

Ron Paul wants to eliminate the federal reserve, and the American empire. There needs to be more discussion about those proposals. So far the conservative mainstream media refuses to allow it.

Eliminating the empire would save lives and money. But what would happen if the fed were trashed?

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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

I, Ruth, conc.

...after the war we got married and raised two kids, and when the kids were school age I returned to work at the hospital. By the time I turned 65 I had been working for decades, and I was trying to decide whether to retire, or continue working. Retirement was tempting and I could afford it,, but I enjoyed my career, and was tempted to continue it.

The hospital administration helped me decide. It was perfectly obvious that they wanted the older, higher paid people out, and young less expensive ones in. So I retired, and have never regretted it, although I sometimes think I could have been happy working much longer. With people living longer, we'll have to start letting people work as long as they want, instead of forcing them to retire.

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I, Ruth, part 1

I (Ruth) was born on a small 180 acre dairy farm in Duenweg, Missouri, jues east of Joplin, on August 28, 1920, just about the time women were getting the right to vote. My parents, John Madison and Gaynelle, were born around 1890, and were extremely hard working sober minded people. In the 1920s and 1930s simple everyday living was hard work, especially if you lived on, and tried to make a living, on a farm. Without our modern appliances,doing laundry, cleaning house, and preparing meals required hard physical labor; washing clothing by hand, every day, hanging it out to dry. And always there was clothing to be mended.

Fortunately we had electricity and a septic tank water system with a well, and refrigeration. We had a celler for cool storage.

Back then we didn't grow up thinking about sex all the time. It wasn't thrown at us like it is today. How can you turn on the television today and NOT think about it?

Getting married and having children was something I was going to do no matter what, its what women did.

I had three career choices: nursing, teathing, secretarial. My senior year in high school, 1938, I decided on nursing. My parents didn't care what I chose, as long as I was trained to do something to earn a living, and I was trained and working in a hospital by the time I was 20.

When world war two broke out, I was dating my future husband. He had just finished law school, and was working in his father's law firm, when the war forced him to enlist in the navy. I wanted to enlist too, as a WAC or a WAVE, but my two brothers and fiance persuaded me that nurses would be needed just as much on the homefront.   (to be cont.)

Monday, January 16, 2012

Attack Mode

I'm a liberal, basically, and I hang with libs. My lib buds. But I get tired hearing them run down conservatives. It works both ways, of course. A competitive culture can be a healthy culture, but America is over the top.

Since I am right, you must be wrong.  Opposites need not always be mutually exclusive. My tenth grade English teacher told us that in her opinion evolution and creationsim are beautifully harmonious and complimentary. IN a sense, I agree. There simply is no reason for science and religion to butt heads.

WE must all accept one great truth: the universe is far larger than human thought. There are worlds and philosophies we have not even thought of.

Some people spend more time criticizing opposing political opinions than explaining their own. Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh come to mind.  I could listen to either one of them expousing conservatism all day, but they never do, they just attack liberalism, incessantly. People  are better at talking about what they love, than what they hate.

The angry public discussion we know today is an indication of the level of anger throughout American society, as hard economic times force folks to struggle.

Open mindedness means understanding that opposing points of view both harbor thuth, from the point of view of  adherants.  

How We See Creation

Don't look now, but it turns out that we may not live in the universe, but instead  in something called the, or a "multiverse", in which our lil ole universe is but one of many. How many? Ad infinitum, or eleven? Who knows...who cares...

It also now appears, to the world of cutting edge astrophysics, that all creation is simply an amazing accident, a fluke. Suddenly we seem smaller than ever. Or do we?

It could easily be agrued that a godless existence renders our existence more marvelous than ever.

But be warned. You haven't heard the last of it. Maybe we'll never hear the last of it, and maybe we wouldn't want to. Maybe the multiverse produces numerous intelligent forms of life, all of which seeks answers to this ultimate question, none of whom ever attain it...

Carl Sagan once said : "we are a way for the cosmos to know itself." Perhaps he should have said "to seek to know itself".  In a short story by Arthur C. Clarke the universe ends the very moment all nine billion names of God are spoken.

Every few years the world of science presents us with yet another cosmic paradigm theory, and more power to it. How many more are forthcoming? "Billions", Carl Sagan might say.

Maybe our remote descendants will either gain true cosmic understanding, or accept the mystery, and quit trying...

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Sunday, January 15, 2012


Many people believe that the world, politically and economically, is controlled entirely by an elite group of ultra powerful and ultra secretive people called the "illuminati". The people who believe this are frequently Ron Paul supporters, and advocate the elimination of the federal reserve system, some claiming that the fed is an arm of the illuminati.

Belief in the illulminati per se might not be substantiated by cold hard evidence, but it indicates a fundamental understanding of human nature. Namely, the human tendency of the many to be ruled by the few.

The human race is constantly evolving, and now, all over the world, the common masses are demanding to be heard, demanding to share wealth and power. Thousands of years of civilization shaped like a pyrammid may be in peril.

The so called "Arab Spring" was a harbinger of future global politics. Power to the people, and equality for all!

What WE Should Do

There are people in this world who believe in economic equality. Just to warn you. These weird people actually seem to believe that the world would be a better place if everyone were economically  equal. Same bank account, same size house, same everything, apparently. But how practical is that?This belief is very unpopular in the United States, where it is often described in extremely negative terms. Americans are hammered with the idea that forced economic equality eliminates economic freedom. Certainly this is true, to a point. But elsewhere in the world, economic equality are not dismissed with such scorn as in the U.S. In Europe, for instance, where socialism is far more popular.

Maybe a compromise is in order. A comprimise between rigidly enforced equality, and the staggering inequality we have now, all over the world. Worldwide, it really is the 99% versus the 1%, and merely stating this fact is not raising the politics of envy or using divisive rhetoric. It is telling the truth.

Even suggest that the U.S. tax code should be a bit more progressive - that the wealthy should pay a bit more, and the conservatives raise the banner of "class warfare". The class warfare already exists, by virtue of the grotesque inequality in living standard worldwide. Merely mentioning it does not create it.

Free market capitalism generates enormous welath, but it tends to distribute that wealth extremely unequally. Conservatives seem to think that the solution is more free market capitalism. But deep down, they know this is false. That'w why front runner Mitt Romney is being attacked by the other republicans for being a corporate raider. they know that waalth is power, that nobody should have too much of either, than that when people do have too much of either, they usually abuse it.

We all know, deep down, that we should share equally.

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Time to Tell the Truth?

I would have trouble teaching history in an American high school. My trouble would probably stem from my insistance on teaching the truth, and systemic resistance to this. After a lifetime of carfeul analysis, my conclusion is that the true history of the United States is simply not told in most textbooks.

Textbooks tend to teach "hagiography", shining favor on the subject matter. Historians like Gore Vidal, who tell the truth but do not shine favor on American history, are not taught. With most histories, the more hagiographic, the less truthful.

Children are taught that Washington was strong and brave, and Jefferson was brilliant. True enough, but seldom is anything else taught. People are multi faceted. What about Washington's pompous arrogance or Jefferson's hypocrisy?  Why not present the complete person?

Did the United States deliberately prod Japan into attacking Pearl Harbor? Why did Truman really drop the atomic bomb? Who started the cold war, and why? These questions deserve serious consideration in high school, and probably sooner. Perhaps we don't talk about these things because we wish to avoid the answers. Maybe we would rather think of the A bomb as ending the war early, rather than as a way to impress the world.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Celebrity Culture

Seems like I once heard a social scientist explain American celebrity culture as follows: American society was founded partly on the principle of equal social status, a rebellion against European aristocracy and hereditary nobility. American culture lacks superior people, and human beings, needing superior people, create them.

Humans, like most other animals, sort themselves into pecking orders. This we know. My entire life, from first grade on, when with groups of people, I have taken note of my place in the pecking order.

I have taken note of it, and accepted it. Why do otherwise? Acceptance of one's place in the world leads to harmony. I've always thought there were advantages and disadvantages to being either high or low status.  It may not even be possible for humans to avoid forming pecking orders, for this behavior may be hard wired into our behavioral programming.

I've always thought it was rather stupid. Still do. That any group of two or more people should feel a need to arrange themselves according to level of importance, seems - base, crass, primitive, barbaric.

Which very well might be the point, and purpose. Efficient organization of groups of people was important from the beginning, and still is. Maybe family dynasties like the Kennedys give us the aristocracy we crave, any maybe celebrities like paris Hilton give us the comfort we need, of knowing that we are secure in our low status.

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..continued from previous post...

The republican candidates attack each other like sharks. Obama might not have to do much to get reelected. Governor Perry stresses the difference between venture capitalism and vulture acpitalism as he attacks Romney for allegedly engaging in the latter. Socialists sit silently, wondering which is which..

One might suspect that by walking into the economics building of any college or universitone could elicit the following comment: "free market capitalism is the freedom to seek profit by honest application of rexources in an open, unregulated, and stable economic environment." Mind you, most econommics professors aren't going to distinguish between venture and vulture capitalism. To them, the difference is simply attitude towards capaitalism. But they might be willing to tell you the great truth that capitalism is competitive, not compassionate.

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Rowdy republicans

Mitt Romney was born rich, and at some point earned the privilegs of accessing large sums of capital for investment purposes. And thus, in his capacity as decision maker in a large financial firm, he often purchased businesses, and did with them as he saw fit.

From a liberal perspective this might be horrible sin, but from a conservative point of view, its free market capitalism, hence, "good".

That's why its ironic that Romney's venture capitalism is being maligned by none other than Newt Gingrich and Rick Perry, who are supposedly "conservatives-in-arms" with Romney. What then, are Newt and Rick born again democrats? Precisely what, Newt and Rick, is wrong with investing one's money as one pleases? Regulated limits to capitalism? Never!

Buy a company, sell a company. Liquidate a couple here and there. Jobs come and go, with the changing, corporate controlled economy. "Vulture" they call Romney, as if they are suddenly socialists with a social conscience. According to Ronald Reagan, no republican  should ever speak ill of another. Today's republicans discarded that precept.

Friday, January 13, 2012

The Day the Cable Got Yanked

Television was the most marvelous invention of the twentieth century, arguably. We baby boomers began watching TV in the nineteen fifties, and although we haven't stopped, we probably don't enjoy it quite as much now. Part of it is the cynicism of aging. Television itself seems more cynical with age. Or more wordly.

Most people don't associate Einstein with the invention of TV, but his description of the photoelectric effect, wherein a stream of electrons produces a light image when it slams into a sheet of metal, laid the groundwork for television's experimental development in the nineteen twenties. After World War II the industry really took off. My parents got their first TV around 1950, and were quite sufficiently entertained by turning it on, and watching a blank screen. I was afraid to ask how many hours, days, or weeks this kept them happy...

When I was a kid in the mid nineteen sixties we all got excited when ABC joined NBC and CBS in our town. Three channels seemed like a lot. I loved TV as a kid. Kirk and Spock Star Trek, Gunsmoke, Bonanza, Saturday game of the week...to me it was a world of wonder.

Now I have countless hundreds of channels, and I sit with my remote, clicking from one channel to another...endlessly. And I mean endlessly.  I'm never satisfied. Or if I am, that weird urge to see what else is out there kicks in. Click. Click. Click. Through dozens of channels I go, yet again.

I recommend reading "Four Arguments For the Elimination of Television", by an author I believe whose name is Jerry  Mander.  All four arguments are good, and detailed. The book will convince you that we should all throw our TVs away.  Although it convinced me, intellectually, I still decided that the world is a better place with television.  MY intuition tells me that, not reason. Same with tobacco, alcohol, and nuclear energy.

Although I think television is inherently "good", I called the cable company about a month ago and told them to disconnect me.  I do this every few years; this time, I mean it.

There's just so much a person can tolerate.  Entertainment overload? Our corporate masters finally crossed the line with me. Too much sex, to much violence, too much advertising, and too much banal mindlessness. Our Kardashian culture should be ignored, if not exterminated.

Perhaps in the future of television there will be a rebirth of the spirit of Rod Serling, Orson Welles,, and Alan Alda. Until, I'm unplugged.

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Disabilities Unlimited

The term "disabilities Unlimited" is intended to convey our limitless potential in the midst of all our disabilities.  We have unlimited opportunity to make of ourselves whatever we wish, so help my disabilities!

In our modern world we are not entirely misguided, for we are learning to accept disabilities as acceptable in an increasingly positive way. We may even be on the verge of admitting that we all have disabilities, and dealing with them with a positive attitude.

We have grown, in many ways, as a civilization. We have grown from segregating disabled people to including them. We should be proud of ourselves for that. Amid the doom and gloom of our world let us not overlook this progress towards compassion.

Einstein was once asked to write a letter to posterity for inclusion in a time capsule. He wrote something like this: "If you have not become more compassionate, more tolerant, and kinder than we were, may the devil take you."

Aging and injury, in a sense, may be regarded as  disabilities. Many retired fotball players can speak about this, about the difficulty of walking slowly the same distance which a few short years ago flashed past like lightening. Any sixty year old runner  comparing his current time and distance to what he or she achieved three decades ago is experiencing a sort of "creeping disability", a truly universal one. We all go through it.

In thinking about the way Amerian culture has changed its treatment of blacks and women during the past half century, and the way the trreatment of gay people seems to be changing, one might even have hope that Dr. Einstein wouldn't send us all to the devil after all.

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