Friday, October 28, 2016

Angry Militia types, Beating the Rap

THESE RIGHT WING militia type ranchers took over a federal wildlife reserve last January, occupied it for six weeks, preventing its normal operation. They were arrested, charged, tried,....and exonerated. They never denied having done the deed. It would have been difficult to do so, since they spent the entire time of their occupation calling attention to their activity, providing proof of it. So, what's up with that? Justifiable gang related activities? Excused by virtue of their deep Christian faith, and their noble attempt to strike a blow for liberty against an oppressive government? Or, maybe they just had good lawyers, who knew how to make their way through jury selection, knew how to stock their jury with right wing anti-government fellow travelers. It is now speculated that this strange outcome of justice will inspire a rejuvenation of the militia movement, which, for those who might not be conversant, consists of ultra conservative second amendment bible toting and automatic rifle toting Christians who oppose all progressive trends and anything having to do with the government. Also, of course, they are lily white, just like the republican party, just like America's conservative movement in general. Actually, the militia movement might have been even more rejuvenated by a guilty verdict; the mere existence of the trial, no matter the outcome, is probably a source of inspiration for our right wing brethren and sistern. In any event, the right wing militia movement is fixing to get a huge motivational jolt soon enough, like a week from Tuesday, when, in all likelihood, Hillary Rodham Clinton will ascend to the status of president elect. Those of a certain age might recall the sudden springing into existence of the militias upon the election of Wm. J. Clinton nearly a quarter century before, the movement having been dampened considerably by Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols, the folks who took down the federal building in Oklahoma City in 1995. Obama's election and presidency failed to provide any substantial boost to militia activities; one must not be seen as a racist, after all, whether one is or is not actually a racist. But if and when Hillary comes out on top, Katy bar the door; the fun is only beginning.

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