Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Bringing In Business at Wells Fargo, Involuntarily, Customarily

THE CEO OF WELLS FARGO BANK, INC., testified before congress that opening financial services accounts, savings, demand deposit checking, credit card, debit card, without customer permission or knowledge is contrary to every principle and high standard of professional and ethical conduct for which his magnanimous corporate entity stands, and furthermore runs counter to the most cherished core values of his esteemed and reputable free enterprise, and never would have happened had a microscopically small group of wayward low level employees not gotten off the straight and narrow financial services path, and, doubtless encouraged by the evil intent of some secret coterie of ultra liberal activists and Hillary Clinton campaign workers, engaged in most unfortunate and greatly regrettable behavior, entirely unknown to middle and upper level management supervisors and executives. Perhaps he should have further explained that providing unrequested services constituted a noble act of selfless corporate generosity, but he decided, probably wisely, not to push it. Former low level employees at the corporate headquarters in San Francisco, while viewing the testimony on the Fox fair, balanced and sexually active cable news channel, spent a few minutes choking on their coffee, and as caffeine dribbled down their chins and out their noses, uttered words like "poppycock", "bullshit", and, "that lying son of a bitch." What the CEO most likely truly regrets is his forfeiture of tens of millions of hard earned dollars of severance pay, his loss of personal financial status and prestige, and the unmitigated gall of our nation's highest legislative body in questioning his moral and professional integrity. That, plus getting caught red handed engaging in premeditated, highly lucrative criminal enterprises was a real bummer, to boot. Entry level sales persons were, until quite recently, given impossibly ambitious sales requirements, by being required to bring in more new business, which they called "solutions", than the entire population of North america could ever possibly provide, under penalty of severe lecturing by superiors, retraining, and loss of employment for failing to create a sufficiently high number of solutions to a lack of sufficient business. Solutions indeed. Solutions to the problem of corporate greed. How long will it be before we learn that Wells Fargo customers by the tens of thousands have entered into high interest mortgage agreements and closed on lavishly appointed homes in upscale gated communities without either having a dime to their name or knowledge of the transaction? It might be a while, being as how we are all currently preoccupied at present by right wing politicians and mainstream conservative free market Americans vociferously beating the drum against the evil of excessive government regulation of the financial services industry, and its stifling impact on business growth and economic prosperity for we the people of these United States of Avarice.........PLEASE SHARE THIS ARTICLE WITH THOSE WHO BELIEVE IN FREE EXPRESSION AND ENTERPRISE, AND ENJOY A GOOD LAUGH.THANKS!.

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