Saturday, October 8, 2016

Christian Conservatives, Sticking With Trump

DONALD TRUMP BRAGS about being a rapist and cheating on his wife, and Ralph Reed, a leader of the far right devout conservative Christian community, expresses continued support for Trump the candidate, Trump the admitted rapist. Ralph Reed, at long last, revealing himself to be a scion of the devil, a genuine Ku Klux Klan kind, rather than a child of God. Shouldn't all this new Trump rape material hand the presidency to Hillary Clinton, and inspire the retirement of Donald Trump and Ralph Reed to greener, less publicly involved pastures? Of course. For a year and a half, since the campaign began long ago, its been one monstrous comment after another from Trump, crude, crass, vicious words, psychotic levels of dishonesty, all reprehensible, and now the worst has come, we hope. Will conservative republican Christian America finally throw in the towel on this evil maniac, admit that they've made a grave mistake in supporting Trump, and turn to making themselves better people with better judgment? Knowing them, probably not. It will be interesting to see how many Christians in particular remain loyal to the Donald. Jesus did not teach us to become wealthy and avoid rendering unto Caesar, or rape women, or brag about both. Ralph Reed said he is sticking with Trump to protect unborn life. Well guess what, Ralph. Nobody wants to see people kill unborn children, its just that some people don't want the government to play God, some people do not want to let the government control a woman's reproductive freedom, instead they want women to control their own bodies. Pro choice people want God and the pregnant woman to communicate, and to do the right thing, as God can always do. What will conservatives do now? Start a write in campaign for Ted Cruz? That would probably be their best option......TELL YOUR FRIENDS ABOUT THIS TRUTH SEEKING WEBSITE......

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