Saturday, October 1, 2016

The Impossibility of Creating True Free Market Capitalism, Adam Smith Style

FOR AMERICAN CONSERVATIVES, the free market is everything. Government is the problem. Get rid of government intervention in the economy, and everybody gets rich, or if not rich, prosperous and happy and successful. You've heard all that all your life, unless you've been living on Mars, or watching nothing but reality TV. The dirty little secret is, that there is no such thing as a "free market", never has been, never will be, never can be. Every industry in America which is successful has been subsidized by government, also known as we the taxpayer people. And government socialism for the wealthy is only the tip of the iceberg of the not so free market. Most American conservatives probably lack enough education to know that the patron saint of free market capitalism, the father of capitalism, intellectually, on paper, is Adam Smith, whose book "The Wealth of Nations", published in, of all years, 1776, spells it all out, in sometimes boringly thorough detail. Its a big thick book which hardly anyone has ever read, rather like the Bible. So hardly anyone knows that Adam Smith said that government legislation to help the poor is always justified, and desirable, but that government legislation to help the owners of businesses is never justified. Yes, its in there, he really said it, or rather, he really wrote it. So much for your free market. (when government helps the workers, by passing legislation, say, by establishing a minimum wage, there is no free market, right off the bat. And when government helps business owners, like it always has and still does, there is no "free market') Adam Smith invented the idea of division and specialization of labor, at least on paper, in his book. But he also said that division of labor, such as having one factory worker insert a certain screw all day long, and having another factory worker insert a nut or a bolt all day long, turns people into dumb, zombie like beasts of burden, and that we must do whatever it takes to prevent this from happening, like having coffee breaks, and rotating jobs, and having vacations and days off and sick leave and such. And, most shocking of all, Adam Smith said that the free market should guarantee equality of outcome. Not just equal opportunity, but equal outcome, which means, economic equality for everybody, owners and workers alike. Yes, he actually said that, as if he were some kind of damned communist or something. But you never hear any modern American conservative say it, because, for one thing, they have no idea its in Adam Smith's book, and secondly, they don't believe in a real free market, much less economic equality for everybody, they believe in an economy in which a few people are wealthy, and everybody else is not, just like the economy we have today in America. But the point here is; what we have here in America today is not a free market, is not capitalism, and never has been, and never will be. What we have is an economy in which the wealthy are subsidized by the government, and the poor and the workers are given minimal protection, token protection from a government which is in reality owned, controlled, and operated by the wealthy elite, for their own benefit. And one more thing. Adam smith said that capitalism works only if everybody behaves rationally, which means in his or her own best interests. When's the last time you saw anybody doing that? Unless, of course, you think that spending money on ridiculous stuff, going deep into debt, drinking, smoking, driving too fast, texting while driving, or working sixty hours a week is "rational behavior", which no rational person could. Adam Smith's "invisible hand" of economics and the outcome of capitalistic economics is only a concept, a concept which can never be, like a perfect vacuum, or an intelligent, educated, sensible american conservative......PLEASE TELL PEOPLE ABOUT THIS IMPORTANT, TRUTH TELLING WEBSITE! THANKS!

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