Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Shortening Our Long National Electoral Purgatory

BETWEEN SIX AND TEN MILLION PEOPLE have already voted, and between now and election day, several million people will vote every day. By election day, between one third and one half of all voters will have voted early, and the election will be over, and Hillary will be the winner, because she's ahead in the polls, and the early voting will reflect that. Even if Donald slowly catches up between now and election day, and turns it into a dead heat on election day itself, it will be too late; he won't be able to overcome Hillary's lead from early voting. Thus, the dirty little secret is, the election is actually over, for all intents and purposes, the ballots are in the box, waiting to be counted, and, unless they are tampered with by Donald and his Russian allies, will reveal a fifty three forty seven win for Hillary, if not more. The polls vary, since there are so many of them, but they do not lie, and even as we speak, they all say Hillary, by an average of six percent, which frankly seems a bit low. Her lead still seems to be expanding, with no late rally in sight for Trump, due possibly to too much "nasty woman" type straw breaking the camel's back. Polling keeps improving, with computers and information and organization, and competition among poll takers to produce the most accurate results. Every election cycle, polling improves, and it no longer makes many mistakes. Everybody can't wait for this election to be over. It seems like its been going on forever, and its been toxic, if entertaining. Also, not enough attention has been paid to other offices, elections, and issues, thanks to the Donald having sucked up all the air in the room. But at least it has generated interest, thanks to Trump, the republicans, and their circus. Everybody in America, without exception, wants to shorten the election campaign season from a year and a half to about six weeks. But how to do it without destroying the first amendment? Not only do we need to get money out of politics, we need to get time out of politics, because we now have way too much time for political campaigns.

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