Monday, October 3, 2016

Transferring Responsibility for Doing Bad Business, Just Like Donald J. Trump, Quietly, and Perfectly Legally

WHEN ONE LISTENS TO TALK RADIO, nearly all of which is conservative, one can easily get the impression that the conservative talkers hate liberalism, liberals, and Obama. That they hate Obama is indisputable, since all conservatives do, although it is often difficult to discern why, other than the color of his skin, a reason for which nobody is willing to take credit, because openly and proudly admitting to conservative based racism is no longer popular, as it was among the right wing in my youth. My beloved ninety two year old right wing liberal hating and Obama hating uncle, for instance, who fifty years ago was not the least reticent to use the term "nigger" in front of God, our family, and the world at large, hates Obama partly because Obama is black, or at least half black, but dear uncle never calls Obama a nigger out loud nowadays, unless I don't happen to be in the room, which I seldom am, for which I am sincerely grateful. When I press a right winger to provide a specific example of Obama's actions which merit hatred, there is never a coherent response, other than to deny the hatred, which is dishonest in and of itself. That Obama is half black they assert is utterly irrelevant, but of course it isn't. Perhaps the people who hate Obama hate him so much that they don't bother to pay attention to what he does, which would seem, on the surface, to deprive the Obama haters of reasons for their hatred. But of course, all they have to to do is fabricate them, conceal their racism, and proclaim the tyranny of political correctness. Obama, in fact, doesn't do much, and never has, largely because congress is filled with Obama haters, who are willing to do anything and everything to thwart the president's initiatives, including forcing the government to default on its debt obligations, resulting in a downgrading of America's credit rating, and forcing the Supreme Court to operate short handed. Enter Trump, his income tax machinations, and the radio talker's response to it. Sean Hannity, among the most hate filled right wing talkers, seemingly accepts Trump's position that losing one billion dollars in the casino business and nonetheless surviving is an indication of genius, and that using the tax laws to his advantage is surpassingly, irrefutably ingenious. If it is, give credit to the acumen of the average American gambler and to some tax accountant, not Trump. Hannity points out that Bill and Hillary Clinton and the New York Times itself, which revealed Trump's tax avoidance genius, took advantage of the same tax laws as did the genius himself. Bill O'Reilly, yet another conservative talker, asserts that one does not justify bad behavior by pointing to somebody else's bad behavior. Similarly, one does not justify the inept conduct of business and the transfer of responsibility for personal business ineptitude to the rest of the American people by pointing to someone else's inept conduct of business and transfer of responsibility for the financial consequences. But do not hold your breath waiting for talk radio and the conservative community in particular to understand or acknowledge this inconvenient truth, except bill O'Reilly, who, in this particular instance, has not yet been heard to reiterate his maxim, and most likely won't.......THANKS FOR READING, AND PLEASE SHARE THIS WEBSITE WITH YOUR DEAREST FRIENDS, POLITICAL ALLIES, AND POLITICAL ENEMIES!

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