Sunday, October 16, 2016

Taking Credit For Trump

WERE I HILLARY CLINTON, and trust me, I'm glad I'm not, I'd have Obama, my husband, Bernie Sanders and Michelle O out on the campaign trail the final three weeks, representin', and deliv'rin'...All four of these people are better speakers than Hillary, and can make her case for her much better than she. Surely her managers, advisers, and caretakers understand this. B.H.O. is making the perfectly true and very important point that the republicans, and especially the ultra conservatives, are responsible for Donald Trump. Trump, and the disaster for conservative republicanism that he is proving to be, are the direct responsibility of the republican party, what with their little temper tantrum thrown at Obama and republicans members of congress for not stopping Obama. Donald J. Trump is an albatross around the neck of conservative America, and anyone who votes Trump is signing on to everything Donald J. has said and done, in essence, giving approval to an admitted sex offender, among other forms of reprehensible behavior. Because the American people can only take so much, are only so thoughtless and gullible, will put up with only a certain amount of tantalizing, entertaining evil, Trump will go down to ignominious flaming defeat, and his supporters will spend the rest of their lives with their support of Trump on their personal records. If by some bizarre cosmic joke Trump gets elected and turns the United States into a reincarnation of the Third Reich, many of his followers will flee the country as the enemy army of liberation advances, while the most fervent will find out what caliber their leader used to off himself, and follow suit. It seems remarkable that the republicans began the campaign with so many good candidates, and chose the most disastrous one. Every week day between now and election day, hundreds of thousand of Americans will vote, as conservative America grudgingly but inevitably pays for its political stupidity and egregious sins........PLEASE VISIT AGAIN SOON, AND TELL OTHERS ABOUT THIS WEBSITE.THANKS!

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