Monday, October 17, 2016

Raising Hell After Hillary's Election, The Right Wing Way

ONE CAN SCARCELY IMAGINE the conservative wailing and gnashing of teeth that will ensue beginning around midnight, November 9, if, at that hour, Hillary Clinton is projected by the mainstream liberal corporate American media as the winner of the presidency. First, right wing America will deny the media's claim, accuse the entire media in America of pro Hillary bias, declare that the election has been fixed, and prepare to take to the streets. When, an hour or two later, the United States election commission formerly declares Hillary Clinton the president elect, conservative America will have a cow, to put it mildly, and Trump will come forth screaming madly, and declare the election to have been fixed, rigged, and stolen, and enraged Trump supporters will take to the streets by the tens of thousands all across the fruited plain, carrying Bibles in one hand and assault weapons in the other. It will all make for great reality TV, and of course Donald J. Trump, who was made for reality TV, will make the most of it, encouraging his followers to refuse to accept the election results, claiming vociferously that not only the election but America itself has been stolen from the righteous, and inciting mayhem. If we're extra lucky, the Tea Party will come out, and dust off all their old "to hell with render unto Caesar" signs and banners, Sarah Palin will dye the grey out of her hair, and show up, and maybe even a few of the nineteen nineties militia groups will organize and march, if they are still physically able. Amid all this, President Elect Hillary Clinton will appear at the white House to accept a hearty congratulations and a few words of advice from President Obama, the event will be covered by most mainstream corporate news outlets, who will then once again be accused by conservative America of treason and fixing the American political system in favor of radical Islamicists, liberals, Marxists, baby killers and radicals like Obama and Hillary. It should all be great fun, and your best advice is to pay close attention, pop some extra popcorn, and enjoy the show!............THIS ARTICLE MAKES A VALID POINT. THANKS FOR SHARING IT WITH OTHERS!

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