Tuesday, October 18, 2016

All Over But the Shouting and Reaching Out

THREE WEEKS UNTIL ELECTION DAY, millions of American have already voted early, and every week day between now and November 8 at least one million more Americans will vote early. By the dawn's early light of election day, Tuesday November 8, almost half the votes will be in the ballot box, and the election will in fact be over. Whoever is ahead between now and election day will already have won the election by the time the polls open on November 8, and in fact has already won the election, by building a lead which will not change. Even if between now and November 8 the polls tighten into a dead heat, which they most likely will, the lead which has already been translated into votes will simply be verified, and will not, cannot change. Hillary Clinton is fully aware of this, and, as Rush Limbaugh said, is "hibernating", running out the clock. Trump, meanwhile, is having two of his frenetic, screeching rallies per day in field houses filled with screeching, maniacal followers, belching out their final, desperate anger and hatred before defeat finally comes, as it in fact already has. This late in the campaign almost everyone has decided, many have already voted, and Trump's rallies rally only the long since faithful devotees, and gain no new support. Rallies no longer work or help candidates at this point. But Donald likes playing the part of the great charismatic leader with all the solutions and an adoring following, knowing he won't have many more opportunities or much more time to hog the limelight. A decade from now most of Trump's supporters will look back in amazement and wonder how they could have lost their minds so completely, so badly. If only his crowds would chant "equal justice, under law, for all!", instead of "lock her up!", they could perhaps salvage a shred of dignity and respect, these supposed law and order advocates, but that isn't what they're after. They're just venting hatred, and the bitterness of defeat. Bill Clinton, knowing that his wife has already won the election unless its been rigged by some black magic, is urging his wife's supporters to reach out after the election. But when they do, will anybody be there to whom to reach?....................THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT. PLEASE TELL OTHERS ABOUT THIS SITE!

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