Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Jesus People, Strangely Sticking With Trump

ANYBODY WHO STILL PLANS TO VOTE FOR DONALD TRUMP has got to be out of his or her mind., or lacking intelligence and moral values. Either that, or a rock solid conservative republican Christian who will do anything to stop liberalism, and liberalism's annoying habit of helping the poor by taxing the wealthy and redistributing wealth. Dumping Trump, a self admitted sexual predator whose victims are now coming forth and confirming Trump's boastful predatory claims, dumping Trump with all due haste, like many republican politicians are currently doing, and spending your remaining time working for other, better projects, like fighting climate change, hunger, poverty, racism, and war, to name a few, would be the best course of action. For an evangelical conservative Christian, writing in the name "Ted Cruz" on election day would be a far better solution than sticking with the reprobate and pervert Donald J. Trump. Evangelical Christians, who for some strange reason tend to be conservative republicans, are having difficulty supporting Trump, but some of the less discerning ones are managing to pull it off. They are falling all over themselves, like the reverend Jerry Falwell Jr. and Liberty University, to forgive Donald J. for his lust and craziness, a generous, noble, magnanimous act which makes them feel far superior and leaves room, crazily, to vote for Trump, instead of some damned liberal who might redistribute wealth. To date, Donald J. has offered no admissions of sexual misconduct, or to make amends for his sins, which is paramount in the process of atonement. Meanwhile, one woman after another is coming forth, confirming Trump's own words. Forgive him, yes, just like Jesus would, but don't vote for him, because Jesus wouldn't. The extreme right wing Christian evangelical crowd is evidently willing to vote for a reprobate by "forgiving a sinner", to avoid electing a liberal. Pathetic. Devout right wing evangelical Christians of America, I admonish you to vote for Hillary, Ted Cruz, or darned near anybody other than Donald J. Why? Because your lord said "render unto Caesar", that's why. Jesus never said he was a genius for using the tax code to avoid paying taxes, nor did your lord and savior ever say that he screws any woman he wants, by force if necessary, because he's famous. Did he? Hello? But he did say render unto Caesar, and give unto the poor. When it comes to redistribution of wealth, Jesus, your lord and savior, was hard core, oh devout Christian republican conservatives. That's socialism, not capitalism. Between the two major candidates, its Hillary, taxing the wealthy and redistributing unto the poor, whose stated policy more closely resembles the teaching of Jesus, rather than Trump, who seems proud to be able to elude taxation while groping women along the way.......PLEASE TELL YOUR FRIENDS ABOUT THIS SITE.THANKS!

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