Thursday, October 20, 2016

Dealing With Reality

THERE IS NO SHORTAGE of intelligence in America, but despite all our effort and improvements, there remains a shortage of education. Otherwise, how can we explain that a large percentage of the American population believes that climate change and evolution are fictional, but that the Bible is literally the "Word of God"? There is quite obviously a shortage of knowledge about science, as well as about what books are, what they are intended to do, and what they can and cannot do. It is no coincidence that those who most fervently believe in the divinity, in the non human origins of the bible tend to read the fewest books. Evolution and climate change were both discovered and confirmed slowly, painstakingly, through decades of hard work, even though they have both always been all around us, right in front of our faces. Thanks to hard work and good thinking, today any high school chemistry or biology student understands scientific truth. If we cannot all agree on and accept basic facts about the universe based on verifiable, repeatable research and proof, we cannot accumulate knowledge and use it to better our lives. No one questions the law of gravity, or the speed of sound and light, or suggests that Newton's three laws of motion are a hoax. Einstein's theory of relativity, which was seriously challenged when it first appeared, is now accepted as basic, mainstay science. It has been proven true, like evolution and climate change. The sciences of electronics and information theory, among others, have given us fast computers and smart phones. Science works, and the proof is all around us, constantly. Its the results that count. The laws of nature do not seem to conform to human biases and desires. We might not want evolution by natural selection to be the operative natural process that it is, but, it is. Isn't it far better to accept it, and praise God's wondrous creation as manifested in nature and revealed by science, not ancient manuscripts? Better than to deny reality in order to defend our erroneous beliefs? With better education about science, and better training in reasoning and thinking, we can approach and solve the problems presented to us by nature more intelligently and effectively, as we learn more about reality, and how to live more prosperously and happily in the real world by dealing with reality honestly and intelligently. If we don't even accept the fact that human made climate change exists, how can we save ourselves from it? But that requires a willingness to change, to admit our errors and misconceptions, and to correct them. Human beings are not always good at that, but they can be, if they try....................PLEASE SHARE THIS WEBSITE WITH OTHERS. THANKS!

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