Thursday, October 20, 2016

Taking Better Care Of Cats, and Us

I KEEP WONDERING if all the other towns and cities in America have as many stray cats as mine does. In my small town, we seem to have quite a few, and it is estimated, I believe, that there are tens of millions across the country. Oh, that we could muster the national will to round them all up, spay or neuter them, vaccinate them, and either adopt them all out to good homes, or return them to their previous lifestyle. Cats can do decently on their own, in towns. Not well enough, but pretty well. America is great because it is good. With all our numerous horrible national characteristics and deeds, we Americans are, at heart, noble and good. This I would stake my life on, no matter how much I, as a bitchy, disgruntled liberal, moan and groan about our faults. One does not advance without citing the need to do so, and the method needed, correct? I had no intention of acquiring pets, but in the last four years I have taken in four stray cats, and it was the best decision of my life. Wonderful companions, magnificent creatures, these felines. Now another one, number five, has shown up in my yard, a beautiful young female with a sweet loving personality, and I intend to find her a good home, or, if I can't, to give her one myself, knowing that I have already reached my limit, and can scarcely afford to take in more. For the better part of a day now she has not shown up, even though I have fed her a time or two, which makes me wonder if something happened to her. Maybe she found a good home somewhere else. Maybe she got killed in the street, though I haven't any evidence for either. I may end up spending the rest of my life wondering in the back of my mind whatever happened to her, just like we all do with people we used to know. If I never see her again, it will be a sort of blessing for me, I suppose; I'll save all that money on cat food and veterinary care, including vaccinations. Taking care of a cat properly is very expensive, and it would help improve the quality of life for millions of cats if the costs could be reduced. Still, I hope she comes back. I need to know that she is healthy and happy. The love I gain if she comes back will far outweigh all the inconvenience and personal expense of car care, just as it will, if in this beautiful we finally start to take better care of not only our stray cats, but ourselves as well......PS I'll name her "Samantha"..........PLEASE SHARE IN THE SPIRIT OF CREATIVE EXPRESSION.THANKS!

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