Friday, October 21, 2016

Why All the Hiding, Hillary?

AT THIS POINT the best strategy for Hillary is to hit all the swing states where the polling is close, if there are any left, and deliver a positive, forward looking policy message, totally ignoring Donald Trump like yesterday's garbage. In other words, run out the clock, while remaining active on the campaign trail. Also, she should directly disprove her opponents false accusations, all of them, which would be very easy for her. Hillary makes a mistake by being less than forthcoming while under investigation or attack, and by not silencing her critics by disproving their accusations. She has always been reluctant and slow to release information which others demand, apparently only because someone is demanding it, and her stubbornness and pride require her resistance. This she does even when there is nothing damaging about the information demanded of her, when in fact releasing it would help her cause. For example, what's wrong with simply telling the world that you considered it a great job opportunity to get paid a quarter million dollars for giving a twenty minute speech, and so you accepted the offer? In her secret speeches to Wall Street billionaires, the highly paid speeches we were all so worried about, the ones Bernie Sanders tried so hard to get her to make public, Hillary said, basically, the Wall Street was not entirely to blame for the great recession, that there is more than one point of view to every situation, including financial matters, and that ultimately, Wall Street must regulate itself, just like the rest of us. Those were evidently the most controversial things she said, after all this fuss about it. So, what's wrong with any of those remarks? Nothing! So, why on Earth didn't she just release the transcripts of her secret Wall Street speeches months ago, right at the beginning of the campaign, instead of stonewalling over nothing, and waiting until the darned Russians and wikileaks hacked in and stole the speeches and released them for her? All that does is make her look guilty, like she is hiding something. Now her enemies are scratching their heads, still, as always, looking for something damaging when there isn't anything, and complaining that the media isn't talking about Hillary's alleged crimes, which are non existent, according to all available evidence. Hillary is a woman with nothing to hide, who seems determined to hide everything. Its got to be pride, or paranoia.

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