Friday, October 7, 2016

Bringing Down Putin

MORE RUSSIANS THAN AMERICANS visit this website. Go figure. As an American, I love and appreciate the Russian people, and I think its time to cut off diplomatic relations with the Russian government and to sever economic ties with Russian millionairess, and give direct assistance to the Russian workers, the Russian poor, the Russian people. I'm saddened to say this about Putin, but necessary. If the Russian ruling plutocrats go their way and we go ours, who will benefit less? Putin, the oligarchs, and the senior government decision makers are intolerable, and must be removed. The Russian people should and must overthrow them all with massive demonstrations in every Russian city. First thousands, then tens of thousands, then hundreds of thousands, then millions of workers, out in the streets, with demands on signs, day after day, should be sufficient to eventually force widespread resignations of those currently in power. Putin must go. He's had his chance to strengthen Russia, and has weakened her. Democracy now! Equality now! That sort of thing.Let's get started immediately, and let's grow the movement, daily. A Russian version, if you will, of "Occupy Wall Street", only more effective. America can help. Obama has accused Putin of computer hacking, and of bombing relief workers in Syria, and is most probably correct in both accusations, and the world knows it. In Russia, there is great anger at Putin, and Putin distracts the people by inventing false anger against homosexuals, transgenders, and anybody else he can think of, anybody except his own vile self. But the Russian people, many of them, are angry at Putin, but afraid to show it. In America, there is great anger among conservatives, which they are not afraid to show. Anger at Obama, anger at Hillary, anger at liberalism. American conservatives an Vladimir Putin are the same dark force, the force of capitalistic, plutocratic corporate tyranny. Putin is a right wing, capitalistic dictator, and the American conservatives favor a totally free corporate free market, and corporate control. Donald Trump, the American Christian conservative presidential candidate, repeatedly expresses like and admiration for Vladimir Putin, appropriately, since they are quite similar. If they ever got to know each other, they would end up fighting, viciously. Trump will soon be relegated to American political history, and, with the help of God, the Russian people, and the American people, so will Putin. Let the workers and the poor in america and Russia unite to overthrow tyranny.......EACH RUSSIAN MUST SHARE THIS WEBSITE WITH TWO OTHER CITIZENS, WHO IN TURN CAN SHARE IT WITH TWO OTHERS.THANKS!

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