Friday, October 28, 2016

Locking Up Crooked Donald and His Cohorts

IN JULY, THE FBI announced that after conducting an exhaustive investigation of Hillary Clinton concerning her use of a private email account while serving as Secretary of State, it would recommend that the Department of Justice refrain from issuing an indictment, and that no reasonable prosecutor would offer any other recommendation, due to lack of evidence. The conservative community went ballistic. Obviously, the entire justice system was rigged, bought and paid for by the Clintons or operatives working on their behalf. Since Hillary was obviously a common criminal, and the FBI had abrogated its responsibility to conduct a proper investigation, and to reach a proper conclusion. The system is rigged, because crooked Hillary is not charged with wrong doing, lock her up. Now, in the middle of the election, as millions of Americans vote every day, the Feds have reversed course, and have reopened the investigation into Hillary's email activity, based on what they say is new information, and Donald Trump and his legion of angry judge and jury followers are giddy with joy. Justice at last.... maybe. In the event that this investigation yields nothing more than the first one, and for that matter all the other examinations of Hillary Clinton's behavior over the past twenty five years, prepare for an outcry such as never been heard across freedom's land. Donald Trump is now considering the possibility, so he says, that the system isn't quite a rigged as he may have previously thought. Of course not. Another possibility is that perhaps the system is indeed rigged, and the FBI has indeed been bought and paid for, only not by the Clinton faction, but rather, by the Trump people. Why not? What's good for the goose is good for the gander, as the saying goes. The system is rigged, rigged by a gang of conservative operatives working diligently behind the scene to corrupt the justice system, and destroy Hillary Clinton. Crooked Donald. Lock him up. Hell,lock 'em all up.

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