Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Purchasing Our Public Offices

THE CAMPAIGN FOR GOVERNOR in the state of Missouri has inspired the spending of fifty million dollars by both candidates so far, and it is expected that as much as another fifty million will be spent on advertising before election day. These two guys want it bad. It always seems amazing how badly politicians want to get elected, beyond simply applying for a job. It becomes matter of personal pride, or a personal crusade, or something. If I don't get elected, the republic will perish. A democracy requires a majority of citizens able to make informed decisions. Political advertising serves the purpose of informing the public, sort of. All the advertising is propaganda, with little or no objective informative facts. Advertising works. Hence the sheer size of the advertising industry, and the amount of money spent on political advertising. Obama purchased the presidency, twice, for about one billion per term. The price of office, like everything else, keeps going up. For pbjectivity, its National Public Radio or bust. In America, public political offices are purchased. Usually, the more money spent, the greater the chances of getting elected by an electorate conditioned by propaganda. She who out spends her opponent wins the election, and has effectively purchased the office. Hillary Clinton, when all has mercifully been said and done, will have greatly out spent Donald Trump, and appears even now to be on her way to victory. Surprising, considering Trump's billions and the lurking shadow of the Koch Brothers. But Trump is frugal with his money, and the republicans are divided, with no help from the Koch Brothers, and that might be exactly what makes the difference. A huge national ad campaign explaining that Donald really is more intelligent and less abrasive than he seems might have been just what the doctor ordered for Trump's "out of left field" campaign, but it never happened. As the campaign ends, Hillary is spending all her left over money in states where she had earlier appeared to have no chance to win, but does now. That means that she is convinced that she has already won the election, and is just picking up the pieces, dotting "I's" and crossing "T's". It doesn't have to be like this, our thoroughly corrupted political system, but this appears to be the way we like it..........THANKS FOR VISITING!

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