Monday, October 17, 2016

Still Chasing Hillary, Still Coming Up Short

THE AMERICAN CONSERVATIVE COMMUNITY, both in and out of congress, gets crazier...and crazier. It seems we shall soon have yet another investigation of Hillary Clinton, this time by a republican led House sub committee, investigating alleged improper communication between, believe it or not, the FBI, and the State Dept when Hillary was Secretary of State. The FBI has already responded by describing the investigation and allegations as "baseless", pointing out that the alleged time line does not match up to reality. Can you believe this? The FBI? So, it finally happened. American conservative-nation has been grumbling for some time about the FBI being politicized, corrupted by Hillary Clinton influence and money. So far, the grumblings have sounded so fatuous and insane that they have warranted only ridicule and laughter, but congress has taken the bait, and is once again poised to make itself look foolish, just it has all the other times it has investigated Hillary, and come up way short. Congress people listen to their constituents, or don't at their own risk. This nonsense is the same impulse by which Obama was, and still is, accused of having been born in Africa, and Michelle Obama was accused of being transgender. Hillary Clinton, after a quarter century of right wing witch hunting, has a perfectly clean legal and criminal record. You could look it up, as Casey Stengel used to say. She will go to her grave with the same clean record, and a long list of conservative McCarthy style witch hunts trailing along behind her, making her witch hunters look stupid, just like Senator Joseph P. McCarthy looks evil and stupid today, because in his own day, he was. You could look that up too. That poor right wing religious sap running with Trump, Governor Pence, is going to look back on all this twenty years from now, and shake his head in disbelief, wondering just how in the hell he got caught up in all this craziness. He'll wonder how on earth he ever got tangled up with a complete nut case and sex pervert like Trump, and how in hell his sacred mission to bring Christian virtue to America ever got so very sidetracked by his own political party of criminals and hate mongers.....he'll probably get a good book out of it, and a bit part playing himself in the movie "Trump". But until then, might as well sit back, refill the popcorn popper, and enjoy the sight of the american conservative republican community going off the deep end and self destroying along with its leader, Donald J. "octopus" Trump..........PLEASE SHARE THIS ARTICLE WITH FRIENDS.THANKS!

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