Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Watching The Millennials Moving Up

MILLENNIALS ARE HUMAN BEINGS BORN between the years 1982 and 2000. The oldest millennials are now thirty four, middle aged, incredibly. The youngest are now in high school, and will start voting and living their adult lives in a couple of years, as the millennial generation, which numbers over seventy five million in America, begins to take over the country, like house cats. We baby boomers, who run the country now, are on our way out, and will be all gone by the time the millennials assume the comm, so we'll never live to see the amazing achievements of the millennials as they save the planet. Even more horrible is the realization that the greatest generation, the people who were young adults and went off to fight world War two, my parents generation, are almost all gone now, with only a few very old remaining members. So flows the river of time. The millennials are very liberal, so far. Liberal, idealistic, and also cynical. They're having a hard time getting started financially, through no fault of their own, and they are getting married and having children later and less often, but they do not like the world the way it is, and want to change it. They don't exactly go rushing headlong to support traditional institutions or ways of doing business, including the two party system and our plutocratic oligarchy of corporate capitalism here in the land of wealthy ruling elite. To millennials, the very idea of being against gay rights, or racist, or sexist, is utterly unthinkable; they have no concept of it, which one hopes means that those dreadful modes of human thought will die out along our evolutionary way. If current millennials attitudes are any indication of America's future, which they are, we are looking at a kinder, gentler future America, with more community, support systems for the disabled, more sharing, and environmentally healthy lifestyles. I can't wait! The only problem is, I won't be around to see it.

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