Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Electing the Best President

DONALD TRUMP, in his own very special way, has made a remarkable run for the U.S. presidency, and though it will soon come to an end, will long be remembered, for its craziness, if nothing else. Donald Trump has reaffirmed our deeply held belief that in our great nation, damned near anyone can become president, with enough money. Money, it seems, is the only absolute requirement. Not intelligence, honestly, integrity, nor even decent treatment of women is required to have a shot at the nation's top office, but money is indispensable. The only thing necessary to even out the financial playing field is to eliminate all money from politics, by prohibiting spending money on political advertising. Then, politics can become a poor person's game, and all citizens will have a chance to gain political power and to serve the country in public office. The best way to give everyone a chance to participate and serve their country would be to pass a law requiring every citizen of the United States to run for the presidency every four years. Uh huh,That's right. Every citizen in the country would, under this new system, automatically be a candidate for president, every four years. You say you're only eighteen, have two kids, and their father is a deadbeat? And just because of that you don't have time, and you're not qualified anyway? Bullshit! No excuses! You are hereby a candidate, at least initially, for president of these United States, just like everyone else. No matter who you are, if you're an American citizen, you're running. The first round of voting, the prime primary, could eliminate about half or more of the candidates, half or more of the population. From there, through a series of primaries and a final election, in theory, the best person for the job, out of the entire American population, gets the job, and must take it. The winner could be an obscure but brilliant political science professor, or a particularly astute and street smart grandmother. Because at each stage along the way, the obvious riff raff are eliminated, the obviously unqualified lose out first, then the less than idea candidates are gone, until we reach the top of the mountain, with the best available person in the country to take the oath of office. With computers, anything's possible. No more of this constant complaining about the candidates, can't we do any better than this? how can I vote for either candidate? Out of all the people in this country, you'd think we could do better, all the whining you've heard before, over and over, blah blah blah. No more whining, because everybody starts out as a presidential candidate, and we eliminate the unqualified, one step at t time, until finally, we have the perfect person, the only candidate left. At least that way we'll know we did the best we could, and that everybody had a fair chance. If you think this is a crazy idea, OK, fine. Do you have any better ideas?......PLEASE SHARE THIS IDEA. THANKS!

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