Friday, October 14, 2016

My Hillary Button, Pissing Off the Elderly

MY HILLARY CLINTON campaign button isn't going over very well at the senior center. The first day I wore it, I got a couple of cold glances. The second day, they had turned to icy stares, and dismissive greetings. Obviously, I can't empirically, definitively prove that the Hillary button has any influence on anybody's behavior at all. But I swear it does. From the first time I wore it, the right wingers among the ancient ones started treating me a bit differently, even colder and ruder than usual. My plan right now is to keep going back every day for lunch, wearing the Hillary sign of course, and to say nothing, to start no conversations,just eat. that way, I can keep out of trouble, unless somebody else starts some, in which case, I'll be glad to finish it. I'll ask if they plan to voter for their republican party sex offender. These right wing Christians are the worst. Rude, sanctimonious, unfriendly. Being conservative, they hate Hillary,naturally, and are probably going to vote for Trump because Trump is such a good Christian conservative man with great family values, if perhaps a bit of a penchant to chase tail. But that's another story. most of these people are eighty five years old, and can barely get out of their chairs, much less run, so I should be safe. I must keep in mind, however, that these redneck dumb ass country bumpkins tend to carry weapons, and to conceal them. A "red neck country bumpkin" is defined as anyone who denies evolution by natural selection, and climate change, because they aren't in the Bible. These country bumpkins are good people; hard working, honest, and all that .You can be a perfectly wonderful person, and be a fool, refusing to accept reality. All these people would need to do to gain my approval is to be a wee bit more friendly, and to make an intelligent comment now and then, and to accept reality, including climate change, for instance, but, oh no, that would require too much effort, or pride loss, or something. The Hillary button, stays, no matter what. If any of these ancient fools smarts off to me, bring it. We're talking about who don't believe in evolution or climate change, but believe that the Bible is the Word of God, instead of an ancient manuscript written and rewritten countless times by hundreds of primitive people, proving that the are fools. They seem angry right now, as if they can sense that Hillary is going to win, and as much at they hate Obama, and I do mean hate, the thought of President Hillary, to them, is pure poison. As far as I'm concerned, they are free to drink it...................PLEASE SHARE THIS AMUSING STORY WITH OTHERS. THANKS!

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