Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Keeping America Great By Helping Immigrants instead of Keeping Them Out

EVEN AS WE SPEAK, there are thousands of Haitian refugees hanging out just across the border from San Diego, evidently hoping to get into the United States, but let's not be presumptuous. Haiti is the world's poorest nation, or close enough, and the hurricane didn't help. These refugees apparently first went to South America, mostly Brazil, and many of them worked temp jobs at the Olympics, before getting laid off and heading north. They've come a long way, to say the least, and it would, one might think, behoove the United States to do something about them. Surely, Mr. Obama soon shall, and most likely he won't give a rat's ass about conservative-republican reaction to whatever action he takes, because he already knows one thing for damned sure: whatever the conservative-republican reaction to his actions turns out to be,, it will be utterly insane, no matter what. Try naming the last time an American conservative attitude about anything made any sense at all, or even hinted of sanity, and you're stumped, utterly. For example, immigration. The American conservative viewpoint is that we need to stop all illegal immigration, and keep out Muslims. The dirty little secret is we already have virtually stopped all illegal immigration, and that there is no way in hell to keep out Muslims, or any other religion. Argue the point with Doug Mathews at Princeton, the world's leading authority on immigration. We all need to realize that the United Stats of America needs immigrants, its just a question of how many. Probably many, because the birth rate among Americans is so low, and soon enough so many Americans will be dropping dead for obesity, diabetes, and heart failure that, without immigrants, who tend to be young and eager to work at jobs most Americans will not do - without immigrants, America's population, productivity, and prosperity will start to decrease, doubtless resulting in great wailing, gnashing, and violent pandemonium.........KEEP AMERICA GREAT. TELL OTHERS ABOUT THIS WEBSITE! THANKS!

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