Friday, October 7, 2016

Being Reasonable, Becoming Better

HERE'S A QUICK COUPLE OF FACTS: Hillary has been investigated, constantly, repeatedly, for over twenty five years, every nook and cranny of her life, by people who want terribly to find criminal activity in her life. To date, none has been found, period. Ergo, she's not a criminal, at least, not yet, a point of fact for all you law and order republicans. If law breaking had been found on Hillary, the vultures would have swooped in for the kill, or a judge would have fined her, or placed her on probation and community service, cleaning up roadkill, or locked her up, like right wing red neck Jesus guns and money deplorables keep chanting at Trump rallies. A High profile offender like Hillary would get harsh treatment of some kind in court. But none of that has happened, so far, to Hillary. No indictments, no convictions. She has a clean record, in point of fact, say what you will. Please don't try to argue otherwise. Accusing her of being a "crook" to satisfy your emotional needs, the need to spew hatred, is not good enough, in court, where she has never been, as a defendant. She may have robbed a bank here and there, but until convicted, with due process, she is not a crook. Calling her one now is not honest, because its an opinion based on wishful thinking and hatred, and nothing more. At least have the decency to say that she might be a crook later, but as of now, she isn't. Another fact is that walls do not stop human migration. Human beings are, believe it no not, clever enough and mobile enough to get past walls, given sufficient motivation. Donald Trump is crude, rude, and crass, and has crazy ideas. Keep all Muslims out of the country? Really? Religion is a mental thing, and not a style of dress, or the way you look. Muslims, like Christians, come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. Ergo, you cannot tell a Muslim by looking at him, and any Muslim wanting to enter the U.S. can just check the "Non-Muslim" box, and swear on a Bible to have found Christ. Religious based immigrational exclusion period. Google Professor Doug Mathews of Princeton, the world's leading authority on human migration. He points out that migration from Mexico has nearly ceased anyway. We must all accept verifiable facts, as many as possible, and prioritize them, and derive truth therefrom, and toss out our made up emotion based facts, in order to make progress. Everyone with strong opinions claims to "have the facts". You've heard that before, a few times. Yeah, you have the facts. I have the facts. Everybody has the facts. THE facts! Truth be told, nobody has them, because the number of facts in the universe, in the world, is infinitely greater than the number of humans or human brain cells. Everybody has a few facts, their own personal collection, but not many, not enough. The trick is interpreting the facts intelligently, reasonably, in a way which is thoroughly consistent with observed reality, demonstrably, verifiably. When people make up their minds, using their own facts, including invented ones, minds are hard to change, even when presented with proof that a mind change is needed, when better facts and reasoning are available. This should be sufficient to change the mind for the better. But, alas, most of us are too proud and too frightened to evolve.But we need to learn to self correct, to become better. Isn't becoming better what its all about?.........THANKS FOR READING AND SHARING THIS SITE WITH OTHERS!a

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