Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Conservatives Slowly Sinking Beneath the Climate Change Ocean

HILLARY WENT TO FLORIDA with Al Gore, and talked about climate change. Gore started the conversation, long ago, about the same time he invented the internet. Gore has a history with Florida, those of you over a certain age might recall. Trump has said, on camera, that climate change is a hoax perpetuated by the Chinese. You'd have to give Hillary the edge on that issue. Every day at high tide part of the city of Miami, Florida floods. It used to happen several times a year, then once a week, now, every day. The problem is getting worse fast, and will keep getting worse, while the current governor of Florida claims that man made climate change does not exist, period. Therefore, the state of Florida is doing absolutely nothing about saving themselves from certain doom, because of a conservative governor. Meanwhile, everybody who lives next to the ocean knows that sea level rise is real, and has seen it. Anybody who claims that human made climate change is not real is not qualified to hold office, such as most republicans and nearly all conservatives. If Hillary keeps hammering on climate change, the working class, racism, all three of which Donald denies, and all the important issues, and let's Trump run the smear campaign, she'll be good to go, right into the white House with a full head of steam. When Trump's vulgar comments were revealed, Trump immediately promised to "become a better man". Then he dismissed his vulgarity as spontaneous, harmless locker room banter. Nobody needs to "become a better man" for harmless, spontaneous locker banter. Being a predatory sexual criminal and bragging about it on camera is another matter entirely. For that, you needs to become better, for sure. Our best hope is that Trump will take all the climate change denying republicans with him on his sinking ship, and let the rest of us get about the business of fighting global warming, creating equality, and respecting, rather than insulting, everyone. Maybe that's too much to ask.....THANKS FOR VISITING!

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