Monday, October 10, 2016

Dumping Trump

DONALD J. TRUMP denies man made climate change, like most of his supporters, but that could change in a heartbeat, without Donald ever admitting prior error. He opposes the Paris climate change agreement, and is equally wrong on nearly every other issue, including the wall, keeping Muslims out, and all the rest of his crazy, but modestly, surprisingly, popular ideas. The crazy ideas, the foul mouth, the tax evasion, and the sexual harassment should be more than enough to prevent his election, as many republican leaders continue to drop him like a bad habit. He'll barely make it to election day defeat, thanks to the right wing media and his ability to get away with telling outrageous lies while looking the electorate straight in the face. His smearing of Hillary Clinton is all lies, rehashed repeatedly by the right wing attack machine, underwritten by evil monsters like the Koch brothers, who have a long history of buying their way of out wrongful death convictions, environmental disasters, and corporate corruption and crime. After the election Trump will most likely spend massively trying to rebuild his image, and will probably be successful, in this culture of shockingly low standards, but it would be nice to see we the American people dump Trump into the dumpster of ex celebrities. Hillary Clinton has a clean criminal record, and has always been very careful to abide by the law, due to her obsession with becoming president. White water, bimbo eruptions, Benghazi, emails, her secret speeches, all of it bogus attacks by bogus people. When Donald Trump mentions bill Clinton's love life, Hillary should question his (Trump's) emotional and mental stability, and so should we all. The "town hall" debate was nothing other than a Trump smear campaign against the Clintons, a desperate try to deflect attention from his own sexual harassment of women. Few issues of any importance were discussed, and the moderators, though aggressive, were unable or unwilling to stop Trump from behaving barbarously. Donald should drop out of the race, and give his party a chance with Pence and somebody else. Instead, he'll fight to the finish, dividing his party and the nation. BUT won't be president, which if fortunate for us all.........THANKS FOR READING!

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