Thursday, October 13, 2016

People Solving Problems Like Putin

OBAMA FINALLY, FORMALLY ACCUSED THE RUSSIANS of computer hacking into America, because there is a great deal of evidence to support the accusation. The fact that every country in the world and every corporation with a computer hacks into everybody else's computer constantly does not justify Russian cyber aggression, and America might consider responding by challenging the people of Russia to an Olympic mass video game contest, winner writes the new internet rules. Millions of Russian gamers, hunched over their devices, fighting desperately against some unknown pimply faced teen aged American who knows which cyber weapon to use. Their best ten million versus ten million of America's best video gamers, namely, its children. The Russians seem to be paying particular hacking attention to the Democratic party, probably working directly with Donald J. Trump to ruin Hillary and the democrats, most likely because Vladimir Putin the Great wants Trump to win, confident that Trump would be far easier to manipulate and control and outsmart than Hillary. Trump is constantly praising Putin, kissing Vladimir's butt, admiring his strength, control, and brutality. Putin is doubtless humorously flattered by this, and is thinking how easy it will be to deceive and control the fool, and plans to stand next to Trump like a pair of glorious conquering heroes, then take Trump for all he's worth. Maybe the FBI will find proof that Trump and Putin are conspiring to steal the election, indict Trump, convict him, and put him in prison, on death row. If that happens, America's conservatives will doubtless scream bloody murder that Hillary Clinton owns and is pulling all the strings at the FBI, and throughout the federal court system, including the U.S. Supreme Court, owned by Hillary. Stealing is prevented by having nothing to steal, ancient saying goes. The less America relies on secrets and stealth, the better. Same for everybody. A world bursting at the seams with cyber secrets we must avoid, alt delete escape, and reboot. Meanwhile, how to deal with the Russian government. This government once used cyber hacking to shut down the power grid in the Ukraine. Shame shame. Perhaps Putin should be shamed by standing him up in front of the United Nations, for questioning and explaining. Then, a global referendum on Russia under Putin, and what to do about it, would be nice, after a lively discussion at the U.N. and on the internet. The Russian people, like the American people, deserve a better government than they now have. May the world soon rid itself of the Russian dictatorial corporate oligarchy, and the American plutocratic corporate oligarchy.......NEW ARTICLES ARE PUBLISHED EVERY FEW HOURS.THANKS!

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