Monday, October 17, 2016

Fantasizing With Rush and The Limbaugh Listeners

I STARTED LISTENING TO RUSH Limbaugh over twenty years ago, and still do. listening to Limbaugh is beneficial in getting to know the hearts and minds of millions of American conservatives, his loyal listeners. Its always worthwhile to get to know somebody, or many somebodies better. One of Rush's main themes is that conservatism is the correct political ideology, conservatism is the truth, and that liberalism is not only dead wrong, but it is a fraud, a lie, an evil destructive force, a false ideology. Anyone who has ever listened to Rush has heard him say that. What if, just for the sake of argument, the opposite is true? What if, in some hypothetical science fiction short story, Rush Limbaugh is dead-assed, diametrically wrong, about everything, and his brain dead sycophantic followers are being misled and duped? For instance, Rush in the real world says often that there is no naturally occurring climate change, or human made climate change. Climate change, says Rush, is a liberal hoax, a liberal lie, and that there is absolutely no way in hell that the human race, weak and small that it is, could, now or ever, cause global warming and climate change. Again, any of the millions of Rush Limbaugh listeners have heard this. Rush pronounces that climate change is a liberal hoax, and his listeners believe and accept that fact, apparently without further thought. But what, in some fictional, science fiction world, Rush also says that climate change is a liberal hoax, but there really is human made climate change, with humanity pouring millions of tons of carbon into the atmosphere, and the atmosphere is getting hotter, the sea levels are rising, and violent storms becoming more frequent, and the world deteriorates, and nature dies all around them as "the listeners" do nothing to fight climate change, and listen to Limbaugh deny it all? Wouldn't that be a great science fiction story? In this scenario, the liberals would be the ones telling the truth, and Rush Limbaugh would be an evil pied piper, leading the gullible and the stupid, and the rest of the world, to doom, as the liberal voices of truth and sanity are snuffed out by a vast right wing Rush Limbaugh conspiracy. In paperback, "The Limbaugh Listeners" could sell millions. Back here in the real world Rush Limbaugh lives in Florida, where the streets and sewers of Miami flood every day at high tide, so some of Rush's neighbors might mention this to Mr. Limbaugh, and suggest that maybe there is something to this sea level business, but Rush can dismiss it as more liberal nonsense..........THANKS FOR READING!

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