Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Why Doesn't Trump Want A Recount?

THE GREAT THREE STATE RECOUNT is beginning, and why would anybody be against it? If somebody is willing to pay for it out of personal funds, why not? It won't cost the taxpayers a dime, and it will give a lot of people extra work, and an extra paycheck, just in time for Christmas. Good economic stimulus, this recount. Almost certainly the results won't change, and that's fine; at least we'll know for sure. Nothing wrong with knowing for sure. The fact that several computer science professors recommended a recount because they thought something looks fishy justifies a recount. Maybe these scientists can find out whether there was any computer hacking and altering of the vote count. Its possible. In fact, according to the experts, hacking into the election in a precinct or county here and there in certain pre-selected locations is not only possible, it could be done by a knowledgeable hacker, of which there are thousands, and it wouldn't take a large number of people, a conspiracy, or a huge amount of money. It could be done without ever being noticed, unless somebody sat down, looked at the vote count in every county in all three of these states, and noticed something funny, something wrong. And that's exactly what happened. Computer professors who specialize in election study noticed that in every county which had certain voting methods, like computer balloting with no paper trail, Hillary did much worse than she should have, worse than she did in counties which use a paper trail. The pattern was consistent, and it happened everywhere. In paper free voting precincts, much lower vote totals for Hillary. Makes you wonder, right? The paper free part makes it much harder to trace, but it can be traced, electronically, by computer experts. And now, we can find out: one) whether there has been hacking, and 2) who did it, how it was done, and how much it changed the true vote count. All that should be fairly easy to find out, if it happened, now that we're looking for it. Notice how hard Trump is trying to distract us from the recount, trying to sabotage the recount; ridiculing it, accusing its initiators of being crooks, calling it ridiculous, claiming that he really won the popular vote but Hillary appears to have won it only because millions of illegals voted for her. If Trump believes that, wouldn't he want a recount too? No, he wouldn't, because it would make him look even more like a fool, and because he doesn't really believe he won the popular vote. But he may know something about hacking and stealing the election, it it really happened. We'll find out.

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