Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Leading The Way, As Only He Can

WHERE I LIVE, which means my land and my house in lower Midwestern United States, the growing season now starts in late February, and extends into early November. Fall and winter together take no longer than four months, sometimes less, and you have the felling the trend is going to continue. We continue to have more frequent and severe droughts, as if hotter drier climate is imposing itself on us. I sometimes wonder if my area is trying to turn into a grassland, instead of a forest. Meanwhile, it floods every day in Miami Beach, a recent development, yet it seems destined to get worse before it gets better. We need and must have a president in the United States who believes in climate change, and is determined to fight it and win. That is why we the people must collectively work together, and work fast, to turn incoming President Donald J. Trump into such a president, a firm believer in climate change ready to push the panic button, before its too late. The plan would be for Mr. Trump to appear on global television a few days after his inauguration and give a speech in which he suddenly announces that climate change is real, and that he, Donald J. Trump, intends to fight it and beat it, as only he can. Admittedly, doing that would turn a few heads, maybe anger some conservatives and pleasantly shock some liberals, but he could pull it off. And he would love to, just for the enhanced popularity. The plan would be to subsidize solar energy, and assist people invested in fossil fuel in divesting and reinvesting in solar, at, say, half price. A solar panel on every American rooftop! Then, President Trump could boldly announce his trillion tree plan, in which he literally orders the world to get a trillion new trees in the ground pronto. Desalination could be another growth industry, but we must allow the price of water to reach its full market value, which apparently we never have, at least not lately.If we need a business man as president right now, let's at least have one who can and will lead the way in saving the planet.

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