Monday, November 21, 2016

Reforming Obamacare, The Stupid Conservative Way

THERE ARE CURRENTLY five major health insurance providers in America, far too few to generate competition, about the right number to replace competition with collusion and price fixing. If the billionaires have their way there will soon be but three, with two mergers pending. Hell,why not go whole hog, and make it one. Monopolistic privately owned health insurance for the masses, no competition, all premiums, deductibles, and co-pays determined at the whim of a single board of directors, headed by a mega billionaire, say, someone like , oh, Donald J. Trump. The Obama justice department is riding to the rescue, trying to save the America people from utter and complete submission to corporate tyranny. Rumor has it the at least one of the two proposed mergers is already falling apart of its own volition, so the justice department may have its work reduced by half. Either way, it amounts to the same thing, and that same thing is plutocracy, oligopoly, not free market capitalism. The problem with privately provided insurance of any sort is that if you have enough providers to produce true competition, you have automatically too many to provide the large risk pools which distribute risk and reduce prices. There are, after all, only so many folks needing insurance, and the larger the number of providers, the smaller the clientele for each company, hence the smaller the risk pool, and higher the prices. But if you have few enough providers to produce large risk pools, you have every opportunity in the world for cor[orate conspiracy, and we're right back where we started, with health insurance prices determined not by the free market but rather, by the profit seeking billionaires. The only solution is to have a single huge risk pool to distribute the risk as widely as possible, a requirement that everyone contribute to the health insurance system by participating in it, and by paying something in it, from each according to his or her ability, that sort of thing, and that the system be operated not for profit, but for efficiency and effectiveness. that's the way they do it in Europe, with only the United States, surprisingly, not seeing the socialistic light. enter Obamacare, a watered down version of socialism, its only mistake leaving the insurance companies mart of the plan, instead of going ahead and doing it right, with a single payer system. that's the reform Obamacare needs. It needs to become a universal single payer system, and its name needs to be changed to either Reagan-care, or Trump-care, to appease our right wing angry white men. instead, the republican hordes who will shortly come to the nation's capital with their Bibles, guns, and money will bow to the alter of the free market, then ruin Obamacare by reforming it unrecognizably, involving personal health care savings accounts, vouchers, or some other such right wing bullshit. They'll end up destroying instead of repairing a good idea, and fail to provide any free market benefits in so doing. Welcome to the era of conservative inanity.

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