Sunday, November 13, 2016

Controlling Trump

WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME a presidential election inspired protests in the streets? Lincoln? A part of me hopes the anti-Trump protest grow and grow, and end up having a profound impact on America, in a positive way, of course. Its being led in large part by millennials, bless them. The millennials may eventually be seen as America's greatest generation. May the millennial generation conquer America! Its a very liberal group. They seem to somehow have gotten the idea that Trump is a homophobic racist anti-female sexual predator, if you can possible imagine such a thing. Where could America's millennial generation have possibly gotten such an idea? From Donald Trump? From his words? The best thing to do would be to keep the street demonstrations going as long as possible, and organize online, a new movement to take over the country and the world, by creating a common set of facts. With seventy five million millennials in America, it can be done. First, declare unconditional love of and loyalty to Donald J. Trump. Then insist that he acknowledge the reality of human made climate change, melodramatically admitting his earlier mistake in not doing so, and praising his own open mindedness. Then, he vows to fix it, as only he can.Call the organization "Trump Acknowledges Changing Klimate Immediately (TACKI) Next, we the people demand to see a comprehensive, detailed health care plan to replace Obamacare, before you try to replace Obamacare, sir .We might end up merely repairing Obamacare, instead of trashing it, because most of it works. The important thing is to keep getting out into the streets, peacefully, informatively, to convince the multitudes that climate change is real, and we need a president who fights it and wins, now. Trump would be the perfect candidate.

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