Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Rigging The Election For Trump

THROUGHOUT THE ELECTION CAMPAIGN, you'll recall, unless you're still in denial, Donald J. Trump insisted, over, and over, and over again, that the election process was "rigged" against him. Interesting, since he seemed to be making the accusation before the election had even taken place. How could he possibly have known in advance, unless he was involved in it? Equally inexplicable was his oft repeated assertion before election day that the outcome would indeed be rigged, but only if he lost. He suggested a wide range of bizarre ways in which the process was fixed; the bias in the mainstream media was infecting voters and turning them against him. The FBI, by failing to detect any criminal activity on the part of Hillary Clinton, was obviously showing itself to be acting in her best interests, probably due to its being in her pocket, or some such. Trump even went so far to encourage his supporters to hang around polling places, just to make sure nothing funny was going on. He suggested many mechanisms for possible election rigging on Hillary Clinton's behalf, but he never clearly stated which of them, if any, or all, were actually being implemented. Now that the election is over, perhaps Trump still thinks it was rigged against him, but that he overcame it. More likely, if it was rigged, it was rigged by him and for his benefit. Did we ever find out why Wikileaks was focused only on Hillary Clinton? Or if the Russians and Vladimir Putin, so much admired by Trump, were actually hacking into Clinton's and democratic party communications? Isn't it interesting that the FBI decided to reopen its investigation into Hillary's never ending email controversy just days before the election, and decided to close it again a mere two days before election day? If this election was rigged, it was rigged by Trump, for Trump, and all the rigging accusations made by Trump were nothing but a diversion. Anything's possible.

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