Monday, November 14, 2016

Making America Great, Again, and Again

HATE CRIME is drastically on the rise in America since the election, six months worth of it in the few days since November 8, alarming, as if Trump's election is seen by the ultra alt right as an invitation to strike. Harassment of women and minorities. White kids at school chanting slogans about the fantasy Mexican wall and the greatness of white America. Welcome to the Trump era. Trump himself needs to and must squelch it, if he can, lickity split. So far, he has merely encouraged them to stop, which might not be quite sufficient. Let's give' em some of their own medicine! Lock 'em up! String 'em up! Or at least press charges. Aryan supremacy is trying to be reborn, and reclaim America, at long last. Make America great again, make America hate again. Return to the pre civil rights era, when America was great! Perhaps the new white racist hatred will be accompanied by a healthy dose of Christianity, as usual, to make it more palatable, just like the christian faith was used to justify pre-Civil War American slavery, since the Bible clearly condones slavery. Like the Klan, for instance. Right wing Christian terrorist organizations, stepping out, thinking Trump is their leader. Sure didn't take long. Right wing radio talk show hosts, who are part of the problem, not the solution, like to point out that the KKK began as an arm of the democratic party. More relevantly, it began as a direct manifestation of political and social christian conservatism, which it has always been, and still is now. The problem is Christian conservatism, or the conservative Christian movement, take your pick. (What's in a name?) Blue collar gun and Bible totin' working class conservatives, the Jesus, Guns, and Money crowd, supported by the conservative super wealthy elite ruling class, folks like the Koch Brothers, otherwise known as Trump and his supporters, Hillary's basket of deplorables. Hitler was a hard core right winger, and his enemies were the German left wing socialists and communists. Now its the hard right against the rest of us in America, as we seek peace, harmony, and unity. We the people must get out in the streets, and support the incoming president by strongly encouraging him to accept climate change, lock up or silence all the white supremacists, instead of Hillary, since racial hatred is illegal in America (as you might recall), and address institutional racism in the American economic and criminal justice system. Like Mr.Trump said, its time to unite the country.

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