Friday, November 18, 2016

Going In A Circle

THE POPULATION OF THE UNITED STATES has declined drastically during the past few days, as millions of liberals leave the country, dissatisfied with the outcome of the recent election. The question is not whether this is actually happening (it isn't), whether conservatives really want this to happen (some don't, many do), or whether it is in fact a right winger's dream come true (for some, it would be), but whether indeed it matters one way or the other. It doesn't. Wasn't it Supreme Court justice Ruth Ginsburg who indicated before the election that were Donald Trump to emerge victorious, she would leave the country, and perhaps resettle in New Zealand? Didn't she later apologize for her remark? Why is it that Americans, upon expressing negative but perfectly sensible opinions, always feel compelled to apologize afterward? Peer pressure? Media scrutiny? Weakness of the backbone or soul? Stick to your guns, man! Suppose, for the sake of diversionary intellectual amusement, that every liberal in America left the country, or were suddenly raptured into heaven, after a hard fought but losing election effort, a scenario which seems rather unlikely, but remotely possible, from a Christian perspective. There would remain, quite obviously, only conservatives scattered across the lowered population density land of freedom, and a sort of traditionalist bliss would ensue, initially. All would be well, quiet, all arguments having ceased. Then, someone would raise a point, and someone else would disagree with it, if only slightly. Discussions would take place. Topics would range and vary. Small differences of opinion would begin to emerge on every topic of discussion. At length, people would begin to notice that differences of viewpoint would be falling into patterns, amenable to categorization. The conservative viewpoint, say, and the ultra conservative viewpoint. Political parties would reform and reorganize, predicated upon the patterns of differences. Each party would choose a name for itself. Each one would want to have a distinctive name for itself, to distinguish itself from the other party, whose views would simply be....wrong. Those who more strongly favored retaining traditional values and modes of societal operation would perhaps call themselves the "traditionalists", and those who advocated the blending of a bit of change into a traditional framework might consider themselves advocates for progress, and call themselves "progressive traditionalists", then later shorten their moniker to "progressives", and some fine day someone would notice, that we are right back where we started, needing to have another election, just like it was before all the libs left the country, and went to heaven..

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