Saturday, November 26, 2016

Finding Out The Truth, With No Help From Trump

ACCORDING TO DONALD TRUMP, the election is over. Apparently Mr. Trump is not conversant with the electoral college, which convenes on December 19, and votes to determine the winner of the election, only after which is the election over. Trump's degree is in business finance, from which he seemingly learned the "art" of high risk dice rolling gambler capitalism, not political science. The president elect is among the most hypocritical human beings to ever disgrace the stage of human history by strutting and fretting his insufferable way back and forth across it for a few brief decades late in the twentieth century and early in the twenty first. His eventual inevitable fortunate exit will be a great boon for the rest of us. What, precisely, did Trump have to say, before election day, about the likelihood of the election being rigged, or fixed? That it was not only likely, but inevitable, but only in the event of his losing it. A person with even a modicum of integrity wold be applauding the forthcoming recount in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania as a reasonable protection of democracy, not calling it a "scam", and accusing its instigator, Jill Stein, of initiating it only for personal profit. The president elect is actually accusing the person arranging for and financing a perfectly appropriate and legitimate recount of soliciting donations for her own enrichment, not to for to pay for the expense of the recount, totaling several million dollars. Our president elect, who after the election of Obama eight years ago immediately began a campaign to prove that Obama was born a foreigner, recently urged the nation to unite, and now describes his democratic opponents as badly defeated, demoralized, and poor losers. Not exactly the best way to lead a national unification effort. Trump is a scam artist con man, accusing a good American of planning to pocket most of the recount money for herself. What an incredible display of low morality by Trump. The president elect clearly reveals himself to be a person of low integrity who seems to be projecting onto other people his own lack of decency, a lack of basic decency he has consistently shown throughout his time in public life. With regard to engaging in public affairs for personal profit only, Donald J. Trump is the expert and master. Make a cabinet appointment, do a little business, make another appointment, being sure to appoint a fellow racist reprobate. Roll the dice, lose a few million, declare bankruptcy, let the general public pay for cleaning up the mess, and use your own disastrous business practices as a means of avoiding paying federal income tax, thereby contributing nothing to the financing of the country for which he so piously and patriotically declares his love. But that doesn't mean that anybody other than himself is of low enough moral quality to participate in politics for personal gain only. Then, run for president,feeding off a pervasive anger raging throughout the right wing Obama-hating racist community of deplorables, and claim that his business experience is somehow a positive attribute. Trump should welcome the recount, as a way to get to the truth. It would be surprising if he takes the oath of office and becomes a decent president, but it would be no surprise to discover that the election was indeed rigged, in favor of Trump, and that he was the person who arranged its rigging. The answer to both questions will be revealed soon enough.

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