Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Rising Above the Fray, Judgmentally

AS A LEFT WING RADICAL LIBERAL, I don't really care if President Trump puts conservatives on the Supreme Court. That people on both ends of the political spectrum are so concerned about this only reveals their own pettiness. To conservatives, the mere thought of a liberal judge is horrifying, which is unreasonable. Whenever there is a case to be decided in which the correct decision reflects liberal attitudes, a good honest conservative justice will make the correct decision without concern that liberal values are being upheld. Take gay marriage, for example. The Supreme Court legalized it by a vote of five to four, on a court with only four liberal justices. Conservative Chief Justice John Roberts made the difference by voting in favor of legalization, for all the right reasons. Allowing gay marriage is in keeping with the spirit and intent of the constitution in the America I think I know, even though the constitution says nothing about gay marriage. If Madison and Jefferson were alive today I think they would agree. I also think they would both agree that the spirit as well as the letter of the founding document must be interpreted, and would advise us to interpret it according to our reading of it, instead of trying to read the minds of the framers, and untangle their "original intent". Gay marriage was legalized by an intelligent, open minded conservative who didn't mind that the the liberal viewpoint prevailed in this one instance. He rose above petty ideological concern, and reached for a higher level by interpreting what he saw as the spirit of the constitution as it applies to us today. It would make more sense to appoint the most politically moderate people to the bench, instead of all of us trying to mold the judiciary in our own image.

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