Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Counting Trump's Conquests

HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON is one mean S.O.B., just what we need to deal with the Islamic State, Vladimir Putin, and negro unrest in urban areas (the term "negro" is a traditional, conservative word for "African-American"), according to most conservative thinkers, of whom there are few, in contrast to conservative non thinkers. She's a hawk, who likes to prove that she has more down below than mere femininity. The anger and aggressive nature of the American electorate is reflected in early voting, for verily, in swing states, as in jazz states, Hillbilly has the jump on Trump, as she similarly seems to in rock n roll states, blue grass states, and country n western states, where the ladies wear denim and the boys drink their beer straight up. Any first lady who can strut right on past a secret service agent protecting her life outside the oval office and respond to a good morning greeting with a fuck off asshole has got to be the kind of little gal we the American hard assed people most need and want. Oh dear god, what a nasty woman. Trump is a more pleasant sort, more of a little girl type, a man who is not afraid to hide behind a sniffling runny nose in a televised debate, and whip out another line of prime cocaine immediately after displaying a complete lack of knowledge on every issue of substance. Had he but carried a Kleenex onto the debate stage, his sinuses would have been kept silent, but his cerebrum would have thanked his lucky hair piece for the urbane renewal of nostril congealment. With regard to the little girl thingie, the election is rigged, every ballot cast for Hillary in every ballot box across the fruited plain was cast by a liberal media, with assistance from the same Chinese hoaxers who gave us climate change, by pumping a half billion tons of carbon into the atmosphere when we weren't looking. Millions of Islamic terrorists lined the Jersey shore and cheered while the World Trade Center came a tumblin' down, said Donald, and the more early votes we cast, the more they cheer. Grab your last bag of popcorn, the show is almost over, and hope Donald wins, because the White House is the perfect venue from which to sexually molest women and brag about it in front of a large television audience. Is there a website to which a concerned citizen can turn to track the daily molestations of only the very best looking women by the Trumpster?

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