Tuesday, November 29, 2016

To Be, Or Not To Be Fair

IT IS NOT UNFAIR to remind people that Secretaries of State Rice and Powell both used private email servers during their tenure, but that no republican has ever so much as even hinted that they be investigated, described them as "crooked", or chanted "lock 'em up" in their faces. What about all those classified documents they possibly and undoubtedly transferred into the wrong hands? Isn't that automatically what happens when Secs of State use their own email addies? If they do that, they are suspect, and must be investigated, to find our exactly how the government server and the private server were both used, to make sure nothing inappropriate was done, right? If one didn't know better, which indeed one does not, one might suspect that what we have had for the past seeming millennia is what might be termed a "Hillary witch hunt". Get 'er, by any and all means necessary. Let Rice and Powell, who set the precedent for private email servers in government jobs, off the hook, ignore their potential criminal activity, but, by all means, get Hillary, she's a crook. Excuse me? That old right wing the ends justify the means thing. A classic case of double standard if ever there were one. Nor is it unfair to remind folks that Hillary aint never had so much as a parking ticket, let alone a felony rap for treason, here in the land of the innocent till proven guilty, is it? Nor is it unfair to say that between the two candidates, Hillary and Trump, the self described criminal is the latter. One should never accuse anyone of being a sexual predator, unless the person of the first part self proclaims as much. Or, at least, so common sense would seem to dictate. But let's face it, when society is confronted with an attack machine as lethal as the great right wing media and political conspiracy we now have, and when it is augmented and fully supported by the conservative community at large, common sense and fairness vanish beneath a heaping avalanche of lies, deception, and hatred. The conservative media, always on the attack, while we are led to believe, falsely, that the media is liberal, and therefore, somehow, unworthy. Welcome to the fun house that is America, where everything is grotesquely distorted, and nothing is as it seems.

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