Monday, November 28, 2016

A Realistic Plan For Saving The Planet

THE EXTRA CARBON in the atmosphere is, to a certain extent, being absorbed by the photosynthesis process inherent in botanical lifeforms. Problem is, it isn't enough. Plant sequestration of carbon mitigates climate change a wee bit, but, again, not near enough. We need more action, of the human made variety, to reverse climate change so we can enjoy our great great grand children. Two hundred years ago, the atmospheric carbon content was two hundred parts per million. A hundred years ago it was over three hundred, and now is surging past four hundred, and rising fast. We know this because its easy to measure it. Everyone agrees on the numbers, and everyone with a basic knowledge of chemistry understands who put it there; we. But we can remove it, and we can stop adding to it. At the dawn of neolithic civilization, there were, it is estimated, seven trillion trees, give or take a few dozen, on Earth. Now, that number has been deforested in half. A worldwide tree planting project could make up the difference in a short period of time. Say, a one trillion global tree planting initiative, for starters. Every military organization, every civic organization, and every community on the planet could participate, every last one of us. Make every day Arbor Day! Already in cities like New York the number of trees has been more than doubled, and that's just in one small city. Phase two could consist of massive solar energy infrastructure construction, to augment an already burgeoning industry. Huge solar arrays could be built to provide energy for desalination plants around the world, and sea water could be cleansed, pumped and piped into deserts and areas stricken by drought. The new trees would greatly slow the carbon buildup, the desalination would not only assist in creating new green land, but would also slow sea level rise, more than you might think, with enough pumping and piping. Pipelines for brand new fresh water, rather than fossil fuel transport. So let's get started! You handle the solar energy and desalination facilities, I'll start planting trees, one by one. Either that, or we can vigorously encourage the incoming president, whoever that might be, to invest federal funds in all the above. It happens all the time, this business of government investing in private enterprise, the government picking winners. Its called "mercantilism", an often productive variation/distortion of free market capitalism, and it often works like a charm. Maybe we'll hook up on the death valley or Saharan solar energy farm and and stroll casually together through the surrounding verdant forest.

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