Saturday, November 19, 2016

The Vice President Elect Gets A Lecture From A Dead Secretary of the Treasury

WITHOUT FEAR OF SEEMING SILLY or anachronistic, hip hop Hamilton raps on to sell out Broadway audiences. The vice president elect might wish he had stayed away. Or, he can embrace the distinction of being the highest elected official in American history to have been upbraided by a Broadway cast mere moments after the bows and applause died away... On what other occasion did Arron Burr and Alexander Hamilton agree and get along? One other time: they both had it in for Thomas Jefferson. Enter Donald Trump, tweeting his way onstage, the most despised surprise participant in a theatrical drama since john Wilkes Booth or Wild Bill Hickok. The president elect thinks the cast owes his next in line an apology. You know how Donald J Trump, always the perfect gentleman, simply cannot abide rudeness of any sort. There's only one small detail. In this country, a president elect does not have the power to enforce admonitions against rudeness. Not even a president can do that. At least this once, Trump will not get what he wants. That's a feeling he'll have to get accustomed to. But he has options. He could buy the theater, tear it down, and replace it with an art gallery featuring images of himself. Or, he could berate the cast as liars and crooks. He'll do something, because like all competent carnival barkers, our soon to be president knows how to draw a crowd, and cannot resist the urge to keep that spotlight properly aimed.

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